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Everything posted by Arjan

  1. Good !!!! Running engine is major step. Very nice vehicle
  2. Oh yes..... Cranes, trains and other toys.. Driver formal statement is not yet publicized...
  3. Oh yes - just what we needed !!!!!!! Looking forward to the videos. Thank you very, very much.
  4. Toys !!!!! Get to play with them every now and then...
  5. It happens...... In Holland, 2 cranes put the carriage on the ground without much drama - so that's good. Cranes are fun until it goes wrong.
  6. Nice..... Obviously it will not be cheap.. But very nice...
  7. Yes..... Some clever people will be busy doing since as they have to reach over the water about 20 mtrs - away from the crane - but also 10 mtrs. higher... And the ground is soft there... Going to be interesting.. Glad the driver is OK - rest is just money..
  8. Several things are going to be adressed : - The driver (why didn't he / she stop in time ? - the auto brake system (it was programmed to stop before the end of the line) - The stopblock (obviously not having done what it was expected to do) As this is in the centre of Spijkenisse, getting big cranes etc. there - and reaching over the water and hig up - will make for interesting operations.....
  9. Mondaymorning.... Somebody needs new underwear... Metro near Rotterdam didn't stop in time....
  10. You are a BRAVE man ! 2 doors are very nice vehicles. Bon Courage !
  11. Think they called them "revolver shackles" and were made by a UK company but not seen them for a long time. But the Grown ups will tell more..
  12. I hate to disappoint you EU lovers, but the EU does not rule everything. Each member state has the right to have national - additional - requirements for all kind of things so within the 27 members there are difference. And requirements for vehicles is one. And driving with foreign plates in your country of residence is more about taxes... Pity "cacq" never replied to my suggestion to talk with his CT man on having a cage..
  13. Ordered a long time ago the 4 "screws" that hold the rear lens in a RRC. € 0,12 a piece. Item location : Argentinia Delivery location : Holland Yes...... I paid € 0,48 when they arrived 4 days later. The original LR package had also stickers of LR Australia....
  14. That box looks fairly standard - the engine air intake from the side goes under the heaterbox towards the engine. The standard stuff - mirrored for LHD - part # 3 goes under the heaterbox and the inner wing. This is an example for a snorkel : This is the Safari type that does away with the LR pipes and replaces them with a better (more waterproof perhaps) set up. Hope this will give you an idea..
  15. IF you don't mind the HiJack.... We cheat.. Inside the engine bay and all the way up into the snorkel we have a flexible tube that we connect to the airfilterbox intake when we feel like doing stupid things.. Being waterproof is crucial for these things and I rather not doubt it "waterproofness"
  16. Very, very nice ! There is more to 4WD's than getting on unpaved roads ! Love to see a pop up roof in action and being used. Some places look familiar... Did a few years ago a short trip on the west coast of Scotland while visiting friends - all the way to the North.... Good trip, worked a few gun dogs and did some rather serious off roading on private estates... The night heaters are very, very useful... Please keep them coming.
  17. Hmm....... A lot depends on what snorkel you're planning on using as some require different routings, pipes and joints. This is the Safari-look-a-like we had on the 300 Tdi OneTen until the cage was fitted. As we do not have a standard heater the routing in the engine compartment is totally different but if you look at the part book you'll see a plastic pipe going under the heaterbox and then up to the side intake. These snorkels are bolted against the outside with a gasket in between - not the best way to do it IMHO.
  18. We're 80 mins away from LR dealer. Another reason not to go there again...
  19. I'll start looking for that power......😁
  20. A Snatch ? Hmm..... Hot air blower may help you here..
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