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Everything posted by Arjan

  1. I'd get the original one - with a receipt... These days, you need to be covered.
  2. Nice ! Many miles with the Disco I were made all over Europe. Not aware you can "chip" them though.. Please keep it coming..
  3. They're well known in Holland Let them know you found the loom short for RHD model - they love feedback
  4. Hmm..... 4.1 mtrs. is including the roof - so effectively we have about 3.6 mtrs....
  5. Thank you very much ! Means we need to re-think the workshop roof as we have about 4.1 mtrs. in height - incl. the roof beams etc... Back to the drawingboard..
  6. Looking very good !! So..... How was it to drive now on the road ?
  7. The system seems to keep the pressure once the brake is applied once. Drove the 109 this weekend. Having front disk and rear drum brakes and a very hard brake pedal without any travel worth mentioning, I think there is way too much back pressure in the system. I recall reading that sometimes you need to replace the Series master brake cylinder with a later Defender type one...
  8. Oh yes - that looks what I want to do in the new workshop Question if I may. Could you please measure the height you need under the roof of the workshop to the floor when you have the land rover like this in the ramp and want to work under it while standing ? Many, many thanks !
  9. Question is almost impossible to answer.. Like others said - anything from tenners for B&Q paint and a roller to several k's when done by the pro's.. Our 110 was done by us - about € 400 - but the Mrs. did the painting, me the sanding
  10. What he said. I removed the tub on my own and used 2 planks to slide it onto a trailer. More awkward than heavy. Make sure, if fitted, to remove the tow bar and store it secure - they are getting hard to find for normal money
  11. Oh YES !!!! I knew it was here somewhere. Thank You !!
  12. As per title. Must be on the forum - just can't find it..
  13. Riveting straps is usu. not a good idea. Get some straps and ask a local shoemaker / tentmaker / etc. to properly put either hooks or loops on.
  14. Bonjour - welcome to the madhouse. IF you decide to replace the 2.5 Diesel Turbo, an engine not as bad as many claim it to be, the 200 Tdi is an easy swop but are getting a bit hard to find. 300 Tdi is easier found but needs more work for the swop. Bon Courage !
  15. I seem to remember that my Soft Dash had heated nozzles for the windscreen washers. As I always use screenwash fluid we have no freezing problems.
  16. May I suggest you contact "Vehicle Wiring Product" as they were always very helpful to me when asking this sort of questions. I have rewired a few vehicles and build my own looms.
  17. Arjan

    6cyl SWB?

    I would think that the chassis people will have the positions for the mounts with any standard engine.. You could ask them
  18. Looking very, very nice ! I'm into wiring the Hybrid now - the 200 Tdi is in and works very well.. My chassis is also galvanized - an original '62 one - after we did some mods to it, as is the bulkhead. a used one we rebuild and dipped. 25 years later it is still perfect...
  19. Bluetooth FM transmitters are also an option - work the same
  20. Don't think so. Depends also on what model vehicle / year / radio
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