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Everything posted by Arjan

  1. Right..... As you guys know about everything Land Rover, what is this injection pump ? Also, there is a 2nd lever that moves a bit between the 2 springs Engine is Ex lateish Disco 1 No wire to any of the injectors
  2. Forward Control is very much in demand. The llama project really had potential, that cab was really, really good. So good, many "Defenders" have a "Tilting cab not locked in place" warning light in their cluster... I had a DAF45 for many years and once you're used to having something like that around, you really don't want to go back to trailers..
  3. Replacing the intercooler.. Rest of the hoses will be seriously cleaned.. thanks
  4. No. Cause it yet to be found. But, as it was also leaking, again, from the rear crankshaft seal I decided to take it out and fit what, according to a good friend, is said to be a good used engine. I may get this one rebuild - can 't do it myself - and put it back in when we swop the R380..
  5. Right..... After the last UK raid, the 300 Tdi in the 110 decided it wanted to committ suicide and tried to revv itself to death... Unfortunatly, I was able to stall it - eventually - using the cluth and some serious braking.. Now, it will sort of run, leak oil and produce more smoke than the Bismarck when it was about to go down.. Having no access to machineshop or the likes here, an engine swop it will be. Taking the Hybid out of the workshop - about80 % finished - the first challenga was to see if the 110 would still go in with the new roll cage on. It did, great sigh of relief as I otherwise would have had just this weekend when the Mrs isn't here to claim the horse ABRI and to it there.... Tonight, winchbumper and front panel came off. Tomorrownight it is further dismanteling time.... Getting the new-to- me engine into the workshop is going to be fun...
  6. Does it work on an iPad aswell ?
  7. Look for a company called T7 - they sell good stuff. We're about to update the heater but not there yet. Awaiting the arrival of parts...
  8. Again, I hope you guys can help me because I'm slightly frustrated.. This was sent to me as the "X eng Hand Brake" kit for a Series Land Rover. I get the feeling it is not complete - not for a Series Land Rover. So, I ask you : what is this ? Many Thanks !
  9. Please note that you're talking about the internal dimensions here - the outside will be higher etc. because of beams etc...
  10. Weighbridge should be accurate for your vehicle within a 20 kgs. Place it in the centre of the bridge and have a look... Chances are you'll be getting a somewhat different reading than you'd expect reading the manual - put the weight with the date / or the weight ticket - with your car paperwork so you can find it. We weigh all our vehicles & trailers to make sure we work with real world figures when loading them etc.. Makes talks with uniformed people so much more relaxed as at times we like to push it right to the max.
  11. Weigh the vehicle and take it from there. Chalk works very well.
  12. Make sure they're tagged. A lot of eBay stuff isn't and can cause some serious problems..
  13. If you don't tell them you're not impressed the way things were organized, you have very little to to say. I make a point in telling when I'm happy - or not too happy when using a service. Bon Courage !
  14. Well Done !! Sounds like do-able within the time given so a very, very well done !!!!
  15. LPG in the 2.25 engine is brilliant - had several back in Holland. I don't care about the Tunnel - use the ferry for some relax eating, coffee and rest. And find it from our side usu. cheaper.. Phasing out diesel is going to be a challenge....
  16. Interesting reading Daan. Thanks
  17. Set Up an account to order the BOOBS stickers I know a few people who want to buy them...
  18. The Tangi chassis are very, very HD..... I know that for 200 % However, I can't tell you why Thanks for the engine input. I'll have a think about it. 1st need to finish the Hybrid. MOT is June 8...
  19. I have been told that the army versions of the 300 Tdi are slightly stronger - as in more BHP - and have been build to a better quality than their civilian versions. Although I'm aware that they came usu. in 24 volt form, this claim is new to me. My questions are : 1 - is this extra power a myth ? 2 - 24 volt worth keeping ? 3 - Is there any way, apart from the rebuild plate, to trace the history of an engine ? Thanks.
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