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Forum makeover...


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OK, in A&M we have been thinking that now the forums been running over a year and completed another significant upgrade it might be time to make better use of all that blue top right of every forum page.

It could be filled very nicely with a std 468x60 pixel banner but what should the banner represent? Well the forum of course but what is that.

So to help provide a brief for the image we'd first like to get some member feedback.

Please tell us what three things make this forum stand out for you?


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without trying to sound negative towards changes i like the lack of graphics, adverts & gimmicks on this forum. the simpleness & speed at which it runs is good im my opinion. i used to difflock a lot but left for a while. took a look the other week & they've gone all gimmickly & it looks soooo much worse i wont even consider going back there now.

not saying improvements are bad just that they need to do something.

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i'm a fan of the 'less is more' approach, one of the things people requested when this forum was set up is that it should be low-key so we can browse at work without it looking too obvious... if it went all brightly coloured and animated i reckon you might put off a few of the 'office browsers'....

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I have to say, lots of forums and websites you browse are all flashing, lots and lots of graphics and over the top, i agree with above i like the way this one looks, its nice and easy on the eyes and i am able to browse it at work we we dont have broadbean connections yet.

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Well you've well and truely pi55ed on my fire :D

But it's great to know plain as it is it is what is wanted. Bit like a land rover really, form follows function.

Must admit i find those adwords that are starting to appear on the likes of P4x4 very irritating so can appreciate the sentiments.

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I agree - work-safe is a prime concern.

If there is any way to make it black and white, or more like a word / excel document then I'm all for it! :D


Here too, perhpas if you could fill the blue space with my employers logo so it looks like our home page, no worries then when sneeking a quick look at work........

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i'm a fan of the 'less is more' approach, one of the things people requested when this forum was set up is that it should be low-key so we can browse at work without it looking too obvious... if it went all brightly coloured and animated i reckon you might put off a few of the 'office browsers'....


The only thing here that is "brightly coloured and animated" is your Avatar :D

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I'm all for subtelty too.

It's one thing having a car that sticks out a mile on the road, but quite another advertising your obsession to those at work.

Those who know will always come to LR4x4. If the banner is a way or promotion, spend time on improving the metatags.

If looks are the criteria, I'd say you've got it pretty damn good as it is. A cloaking device would be good whilst at work though...

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It's a bit worrying that this website is helping to promote at-work skiving. There's an incredibly faint possibility that there's a goverment swot somewhere noticing a sudden rise in industry production and thinking to himself "hmm, LR4x4 must be down this morning". :lol:

Les. :ph34r:

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