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The dreaded SS Exhaust subject

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Ok as much as i would like a FULL Stainless  Steel exhaust system, there is no way i can afford one all at once!

Is it worth getting it section by section as and when i can, and get the sections from the same maker each time. Or is this not advisable?

Ideally i would like the original set up on the 300Tdi 90 ie mid box and rear box tail section, as i get the impression that straight through can be slightly noisier/more of a drone which i dont want.

Cheers Andy 

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I've had a Double S system on my 110 since Aug 1997 came with a lifetime warranty [provide I own/keep the vehicle] was just under 300 Quid then, not had any major problems, I replaced the centre box with a straight through pipe a few years ago, due to one of the clamps breaking. 

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@Anderzander, i could but as various sections of the exhaust rot and need replacing at different times just feel it would be easier to replace a section with SS as the old one fails?

Ralph not found one that cheap, where i having been looking a section is looking at about 200 notes or thereabouts and there are x3 of them, then stupid money to fit them??? Which i think i am quite capable of doing myself as i manage to fit all the cheap instant rot sections when needed.

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I put a double SS on about 2 years ago, not very impressed, poor materials used, mild steel flanges, which are now heavily corroded, also there was a horendous rattle from the back box, after they offered to fix it if I sent it back to them, at my cost, I just cut the box open and removed a heap of balls of what looked like glass, and the muffler material just looked like glass wool, pulled it all out and welded it up myself. admitedly its not fallen off, but once I get the chance I'll be buying a tig and I'll just make up my own.

But I wouldn't reccomend double SS full stop. 

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Duly noted Maverik

Any body heard anything about the company Power Flo? Seem to be a few outlets around the country, as always they sound like they do a good job and all that plus a local branch to me. Just dont want to be going to a bunch of cowboys that fob me off because i have no idea as to what is right, wrong, good or bad? Or does any one have any recommendations in the Notts area?

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Agreed, had a double s system on a V8 One_Ten and it was dreadful. The tubular manifolds were an appalling fit, the "Y" pipe only just engaged with the "Y" pipe, then there was a short section of straight pipe followed by the centre box which didn't line up with any mounting points. The tail pipe came out from beneath the truck at EXACTLY the same point where the mud flap fitted. The welds on the manifolds failed and the entire thing went rusty. Complete waste of money.

Had a bespoke system made by PD Gough near Nottingham and, by comparison, it was a thing of wonder.

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Custom exhaust do seem a bit of a mine field.

Someone I know of used poweflow and that was fine, and they do offer a guarantee ....

I have heard of some of these places using steel flanges as @Maverik said - also plain steel wire so the welds rust, I’ve even heard of 2nd hand parts being used with just a shiny new end pipe sticking out of the back.

I expect you need to see what’s around you and go and have a look - armed with some questions.

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I have a td5/puma rear section as these very rarely rot out and a custom mid section to join the 300 down pipe up. The 300 downpipe last very well in my experience so perhaps just get a custom place to make you the middle bit keeping the front and rear off the shelf?

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@neil110 yeyep phoned PD Gough for a quote and luckily i was sat down at the time, my eyes still water when i think about it!?!

Powerflow look like they could be worth a visit, as said the give a life time guarantee for the exhaust and bits ie gaskets, flanges...... Just depends on the amount of $$ they want.

@muddy tend to agree with you regards down pipe, sadly mine has just gone only slightly, so for now it's wearing a plaster.

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Our local powerflow (FastFit Basingstoke) have done several exhausts for us - Mouse, my 109 and the front section of the Ambulance (rear may follow later) and have always been fine.

Only issue I've ever had was with the ambulance where they rubber-mounted the section they made using a universal bobbin, where LR rigid-mount it to the transfer box bracket - so it wobbled itself loose, resulting in much farting about with manifold joints :glare: but honestly that's an easy one to miss if you're not completely familiar with LR's.

Also found their silencers are much less silent than a standard one, I asked for a big silencer on the 109 and it's still quite loud.

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Cheers for the info FridgeFreezer....

Managed to convince the Boss that a Stainless Steel exhaust was a hu hum the sensible way to go, saving hassle and money in the future..... Said she would start putting money aside for one and let me know when there is enough (didn't have the heart to tell her there will never be enough!?!).

Regards to the full system on a 300Tdi 90 am i better to stick with the mid box or have a straight through set up??? The only thing i dont want is boy racer load! As it is, is load enough, FridgeFreezer just stung me a bit when he said they aren't overly quiet.

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On 10/5/2018 at 9:13 AM, western said:

the amount I said was back in 1997, so the will have increased in price since. 

I bought the Double S system for my V8 90 is 1994. It was a mere £165, and a lot cheaper than a decent quality mild steel version.

That lasted for many years....in fact I think I may have sold some of the pipes to Miketomcat on here. ( I only removed it to fit bigger bore pipes for a 3.9)

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Anyone considered / tried building one themselves using the 'kits' off eBay? I.e. the ones where you can just buy a load of angles and straight bits and weld them together.

My exhaust is actually in pretty decent nick apart from the rear section on the 110 which I've had a number of different manufacturers on recently and they keep disappearing (to rust). Given I've got a TIG and a load of stainless filler rods I was thinking perhaps DIY stainless might be the way to go in the future.

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33 minutes ago, Ed Poore said:

Anyone considered / tried building one themselves using the 'kits' off eBay? I.e. the ones where you can just buy a load of angles and straight bits and weld them together.

My exhaust is actually in pretty decent nick apart from the rear section on the 110 which I've had a number of different manufacturers on recently and they keep disappearing (to rust). Given I've got a TIG and a load of stainless filler rods I was thinking perhaps DIY stainless might be the way to go in the future.

I built the twin side pipes from the manifold back on my Ultra4 jeep with off the shelf bends & straights welded together, wasn't too bad a job to do, can recommend the Lipped V band clamps for joining sections together so they are easy to remove & refit

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the way I see it (110)  is the down pipe is pretty heavy grade mild steel,  and cheap, and unlikely to rust any time soon, been on there over 8 years and still looks like new, centre section was £45 ish s/s straight thro, thats never going to rust,  so that leaves the tail pipe, and about £29 every 2 1/2 years,  its not breaking the bank.  Bearmach m/s pipes have 3 year warranty btw,  might try one of those next. 

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