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Post counts

Les Henson

Post count  

82 members have voted

  1. 1. Do we want it

    • Yes
    • No

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It's been mentioned a few times, so here it is. Do we need a post count?

Does it matter that much.

The sort of website this is kind-of negates the need for a post count as some might think that the person with the highest post count is the most likely one to answer your question. If you think about it, this may not necessarily be true, as a newbie may well be more knowledgeable in a certain field.

Replies are simple - Yes or No.

Depending on response, this thread will be sticky for up to two weeks.

Please just vote and nothing else.

Les. :)

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I think it is virtually essential to know generally on the classifieds, plus as you say Rob, useful in other areas too.

perhaps the forum could be programmed to give a general, although a bit detailed, idea of how many posts, such as groups from 0-20, 20-50, 50-150, 150-500, 500+.

On a different point, I know I've occasionally posted a new post when editing a post would have been neater, for the simple reason that people who have already read the post wouldn't notice the edit [even an edit comment would normally be unnoticed as the 'next unread' feature skips all the read posts]

A way of tidying up could be to make an edited post show up as unread, it needn't necessarily put the thread to the top of the list, unless it's a hassle to prevent that while showing as unread?

I hope whoever changes the programming understands what I'm trying to say :blink:

oops not supposed to post here, still, comments are necessary.

I'm quite fond of my Member number, I think 45 is a good number, Victory year.

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hey, if you stop posting counts b4 I get to three figures then teddies over the side :lol::lol::P

Actually, is it really even important enough to worry about at all, I'd have thought not.

Cheers, Steve.

Sorry for the posting Les, sometimes a Yes/No doesn't quite cover it.

Edited by Steve H
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Ok Steve.

Funny how so many people view this thread. Out of all the forum members on here, only 50 can be bothered to vote.

Les. :(

Maybe that implied the vast majority are actually ok with it as is or don't really mind either way?

Initially I thought remove them for all the reasons others have given but now you've got us thinking about it I've been considering it while looking at other fori and would now vote to keep them. If I'm on a forum I'm unfamiliar with or visit infrequently it does help to give you a feel for who you are posting amongst. Consider the Charlie Wenzel thread on P4x4 (gosh funny but what a time waster) looks at the masses of first time posts. You'd never have worked out who was a regular or a newbie if that had been on Outerlimits. It would be very easy for a post from a relative newbie to disproportioatly color my impression of such a forum.

Conversely on here I hope we all treat new members gently and friendly. Seeing the post count and knowing someone is new helps us to do that until they have settled in and is I think another important reason for keeping them.

Just my 2p

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Maybe that implied the vast majority are actually ok with it as is or don't really mind either way?

Initially I thought remove them for all the reasons others have given but now you've got us thinking about it I've been considering it while looking at other fori and would now vote to keep them. If I'm on a forum I'm unfamiliar with or visit infrequently it does help to give you a feel for who you are posting amongst. Consider the Charlie Wenzel thread on P4x4 (gosh funny but what a time waster) looks at the masses of first time posts. You'd never have worked out who was a regular or a newbie if that had been on Outerlimits. It would be very easy for a post from a relative newbie to disproportioatly color my impression of such a forum.

Conversely on here I hope we all treat new members gently and friendly. Seeing the post count and knowing someone is new helps us to do that until they have settled in and is I think another important reason for keeping them.

Just my 2p

Trev has put very eloquently much of what I was thinking, personally I guess that if abuse of the forum by people trying to up their post count is a problem then perhaps the mods can freeze their post count.( if mine gets froze at 99 then teddie gets it OK :lol::P ) Sorry if this is dropping it back on the mods, but a degree of inconsequential nonsense posting is part of what makes this forum light & fun. Just my halfpennies worth , again.

Cheers, Steve.

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