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Anyone missing a Defender in Surrey?


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Guest diesel_jim

From that above link:

Investigating officer Det Sgt Alex Boxall said no arrests had been made, but investigations were continuing.

how typical... i suspect the police are too chicken to go into the site and start throwing their weight around for fear of trouble.

i bet the scummy gippo pikies will say "oh, don;t know where they came from, we're law abiding tax paying pillars of the community we are sir...."

should shoot the lot of them. :angry::angry::angry::angry::angry:

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I think these are extenuating circumstances though, Al

true, thieving bar stewards should be shown no sympathy by the victims they leave behind. Let's open a new colleseum and chuck them in there, with a few very hungry large kitty cats to play with then.

the other version would have sounded like morse code if we had a swearing bleeper

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There were pikeys travellers set up camp in Horsham, lots of stuff going missing but the police seem totally unbothered until one of the pubs apparently got a petrol bomb into it, the police decided to move them on, apparently no intention of trying to arrest anyone they'd rather just move the problem on. :angry::angry:

Sorry, posted by roguevogue, not Paul. We use the same computer at work.

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I would say the Trackers are a good thing ,but We have had three diggers pinched over 2 years ,one had a tracker fitted and the theives took about five minites to remove it ,

There is not many places on a 1.5t digger you can hide a 5" box of electrickery and an antenna .

Luckily the digger was recovered in pikey haven WSM (Sorry Bish) By a very vigulant police officer ,


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Guest noggy
There was a big pikey support stand at Glastonbury in the vegetarians-and-hippies field - oh yes they just want to be able to live in peace and do an honest days work :hysterical:

arnt you a bit old for Glastonbury? :ph34r:

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true, thieving bar stewards should be shown no sympathy by the victims they leave behind. Let's open a new colleseum and chuck them in there, with a few very hungry large kitty cats to play with then.

the other version would have sounded like morse code if we had a swearing bleeper

Why not just have a pull? Two rovers, ropes, spinning tyres. Maybe you can see how many people is too many to pull apart at once? :lol:

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Nice honest people. :angry:

Got reversed into two days ago by two Irish acented guys in a flatbed Transit.

False plates, false name and address.

"Haven't got me insurance details with me mate "

That'll be me paying to fix my MR2 then.

Fortunately not major damage.

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Guest diesel_jim
Saw a great T shirt few years back! Picture of a caravan, with a NIKE tick through it. it read



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Nice honest people. :angry:

Got reversed into two days ago by two Irish acented guys in a flatbed Transit.

False plates, false name and address.

"Haven't got me insurance details with me mate "

That'll be me paying to fix my MR2 then.

Fortunately not major damage.

My mate had a pic of a camp in hampshire where there we three brand new transits parked next to each other and all three of them had the same number plate. He showed it to police when they were robbed (runs a tool Hire shop) the next time and the police said there was nothing they could do about it mmmm. :angry:

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Best story I have heard is when a bunch of them camped in a farmers field and where asked to move on stated no. The farmer sated that He did not think is was a good idea that they stayed in the field as he had work to do. They then told him to sod off.

Once he started spreading his muck they soon changed their minds.

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