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new insurance fines:(

ste clark

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saw on the telly this morning and been on the radio all day that if you own an un-insured vehicle you will automatically be fined £100............

i have a number of vehicles on sorn at the moment with no insurance on them as they are off public highways on private property.....

does this mean i am facing a few £100 fines or what??

can anyone shed some light on this please??

thanks in advance ste.

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The fine is actually from 100, upto 1000.

It is only applicable to those who have not declared SORN and when questioned do not have a good reason why the car doesnt have insurance. They allegidly will allow enthusiasts to keep cars which are off the road and uninsured.

EDIT: Heres the link from the RAC

Edited by smo
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sounds like another "let's squeeze some more money out of the motorist" action to me, there are bound to be quite a few that accidentally get a fine due to a computer error

not that the government are desperate for cash or anything..........



exit stage left.......

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Task is right - in essence it will mean that those of us who are legit but forget or mislay paperwork will get done whereas those who really drive illegally will continue to get away with it.

Is that not the whole story of the police in the Uk. Fine the easy ones and let the real offenders get away with it as it is all too hard

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As has been said the uninsured drivers aren't known for registering their cars so it is pointless

Obviously in line with this they are updating the road tax system to enable me to sorn and unsorn my car instantly online so when I don't renew my insurance instantly I can be sorn for 4 days to comply with the law and also not pay tax for the 4 days I am in my garage...

...yeah right

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The Police don't make the Laws they try to enforce them.

If some so and so is driving uninsured I hope they do get fined/prosecuted

Why the hell should they avoid paying what is due!

I just insured 3 cars and 2 lots of road tax and one MOT, cheap it isn't but legal we are in all cars all drivers.

Anything to get uninsured/no mot no tax motors off the streets is fine by me.

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The Police don't make the Laws they try to enforce them.

If some so and so is driving uninsured I hope they do get fined/prosecuted

Why the hell should they avoid paying what is due!

I just insured 3 cars and 2 lots of road tax and one MOT, cheap it isn't but legal we are in all cars all drivers.

Anything to get uninsured/no mot no tax motors off the streets is fine by me.

Whilst I agree that it is the Government aholes who make the laws, and I am sympathetic to the Police who have to prove that they are good laws by saving the public from ourselves.


I think you missed the point? No one is supporting uninsured drivers just that it is the legal people who may get hit yet again with a SORN vehicle.


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See this link


It is likely that the police wont have anything to do with this as it takes them 10 minutes to answer the phone now. At present you have to be using a vehicle on a road or public place to have it insured. I've got two vehicles off road currently with valid excuses for both.

Anything that targets the uninsured driver is good if you've ever been hit by one!!!!

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Should be like Aus . Third party insurance is in the road tax and hence anyone with road tax has at least thrid party insurance (which is of some peace to other road users) . If you have no road tax then they come down on you like a ton of bricks.

Stops people getting insurnace for a week to get road tax and then canceling it

If you want fully comp you go and buy it .

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I think they should put third party insurance and road tax on fuel, that way nobody could get away with it. If you want fully comp then you take that out as an extra policy.

In Sicily you display your insurance details on the windscreen similar to a tax disc.

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No good reason not to add the road tax to the fuel the more you use the roads the more you pay, but we'd just end up paying even more.

3 cars 3 insurance/mot/tax is enough already.

a mate has 5 yes he is lucky to have so many but he has worked hard to buy/restore them

would be better to have like the old days with bikes and the Rider policy. until that was ruined by people insuring small bikes then riding GSXRs and

too many claims.

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I would guess it's to encourage people to correctly record the vehicles they've got, even if it's just SORNing them. I agree with the comments above, anything that gets uninsured/taxed/mot's scrotes off the roads is good as it may actually result in lower premiums for the rest of us who are legit. All the time it's cheaper to take the fine than pay the insurance, people will dodge it and cost the rest of us money.

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Should be like Aus . Third party insurance is in the road tax and hence anyone with road tax has at least thrid party insurance (which is of some peace to other road users) . If you have no road tax then they come down on you like a ton of bricks.

Stops people getting insurnace for a week to get road tax and then canceling it

If you want fully comp you go and buy it .

Is that different over your way? Here in SA the rego only provides third party personal injury. So run someone over or injure them in a crash and they get paid, but car damage isn't.

I know, I had a car park bump (my first accident in nearly 18 years :( )

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Should be like Aus . Third party insurance is in the road tax and hence anyone with road tax has at least thrid party insurance (which is of some peace to other road users) . If you have no road tax then they come down on you like a ton of bricks.

Stops people getting insurnace for a week to get road tax and then canceling it

If you want fully comp you go and buy it .

I think they should put third party insurance and road tax on fuel, that way nobody could get away with it. If you want fully comp then you take that out as an extra policy.

not too shore i want to be paying any more on fuel. but as much as i can bring myself to say it, is more ANPR camras out and about as if you driving and get got with out and get a bigger fine for driving without insurance or tax than, having it sat on the drive (with no engine but still insured).

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As others have said, it is unlikely to make any difference to the number of uninsured drivers on the road. It will make life more complicated for currently law abiding car owners. I have several cars that have been off the road for years, I don't currently have to worry about SORNing them because thay have been off the road since before SORN was introduced. I suspect I will now have to SORN them to avoid a fine (even though they don't send SORN reminders).

Those that think the police are too busy to enforce the new rules have overlooked the fact that it is the DVLA that will send the fines out to the registered owner - just like they do when you forget to renew a SORN. The police will not be involved.

Another problem I can forsee is when you buy a new car before selling your old one. Many people just transfer their insurance over from their old car which they then just keep on the drive, taxed, until it is sold. Selling the old car will be a pain because, unless it is kept it insured, the tax disc will have to be handed in and SORN declared. That means that that any prospective buyer will no longer be able to legally take it for a test drive - even if he has 'driving other cars' benefits included on his own insurance.

It's just more ill conceived legislation that makes criminals out of currently law abiding citizens. I agree with Lord Philips who said that the legal system is drowning under a ceaseless torrent of new legislation which is hard to justify. Linky

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RTFM and it's a fuss about nothing:

Exceptions for vehicles not used on a road or other public place

18. Section 144B(7)(a) of the Act authorises regulations for the purposes of prescribing documents to be furnished, or declarations to be made, by a keeper who is keeping the vehicle off road if s/he is to be excepted under Section 144B(5) from the Section 144A offence. Effectively, this Section deals with anyone claiming that s/he was not committing an offence because the vehicle was not being used or kept on a road or other public place at the relevant time.

The Department intends to make Regulations requiring anyone claiming this exception to have complied with the existing requirements for statutory off road notification (SORN) as specified in the Registration and Licensing Regulations.

The Department recognises that there are vehicles which do not currently fall within the requirements for SORN because they have not been used on the road and were last taxed before 31 January 1998, for example historic vehicles. We intend making provision for such vehicles to be excepted. They are not of course exempt from Section 143 of the Act which requires valid insurance to be in force if the vehicle is used on the road or other public place.

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That doesn't help though, as mentioned above, the people who have bought a vehicle and transferred the insurance prior to selling their existing car.

Nor with those that have vehicles who compete in events that require road tax and covered by MSA insurance but who do not drive on the road.

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