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well i know alot of people on here don't know me but im abit shaken up at the moment and want some empathy from fellow landy lovers

just spent a year rebuilding my rangie and its looking really nice and it honesty is my absolute pride and joy, anyway thought id take it for a spin to keep the battery charged and just enjoy it and thought while i was out id have a look at the local river crossing as been told it was quite a nice run,

on my way there i start to get followed by a white long wheelbase sprinter with 3 blokes in it, at first i thought nothing of it but after a few minites this van pulls along side me telling me to pull over pointing and swerving at me, i got to the road the crossing was on so i turned down it thinking they were just being idiots and they swerve across and follow me down the road (just like to point out ive never been down this road before so i start to panic not knowing where it goes and if this river is even crossable) now they start flashing there lights and trying to force me over so i put my foot down and the road starts to narrow and i come across a width restriction so though ok they wont be able to get through here as i only just about could so i drive through wondering what the hell i was going to do and come across a t juntion sign which really got me panicking this van forces through the width restriction and is still coming after me so i get to the river crossing that didn't look crossable as it looked way to deep but without thinking i threw it in difflock and went down the slope into the river as the van grinds to a stop at the slope and the doors fly open, i was well and truly ****ting it and with the river getting deeper and deeper till it was eventually over my bonnet i was praying it didnt cut out being a v8 you know what they are like, all i can say is thank god for megajolt as it didn't miss a beat, anyway just about made it out the other side and figured out where the hell i was and got home as quick as possible

i never thought in a million years that anyone woud want to try and car jack my rangie im still in shock and fell lucky to have been able to get out of the situation as i would have probably been given a kick in as well as my car taken if they would have caught me

has anyone had a similar experience to me i was on my own in the car which made things worse

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Settle down and have a brew.... sounds like a nightmare

Have you got the van plate? and passed the info on to the police?

on a lighter note ...

Are you sure they weren't just trying to tell you your brake lights were out ?

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I think I'd report that one to plod anyway, it just may help someone else in the future.


I thought the police just handed out fines for driving whilst on a mobile phone , Shouldnt think they would have time for this , but then again they may send someone out next tuesday week .

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what has the country come too!!!!!!!

makes you think about weather the fixings in the wagon should be for a hi-lift or something for personal protection at least you out run them i wouldnt have risked stopping ethier

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We had a spate of this sort of thing in and around Bradford, told my Gf that if anybody tried to force her to stop, to just slow down (speeding causes mistakes) get to somewhere where lots of people are, if that fails to put them off, then ram the vehical and keep doing it until she could get away, we would deal with the consequences later.....

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We had a spate of this sort of thing in and around Bradford, told my Gf that if anybody tried to force her to stop, to just slow down (speeding causes mistakes) get to somewhere where lots of people are, if that fails to put them off, then ram the vehicle and keep doing it until she could get away, we would deal with the consequences later.....

A friend of mine did a personal protection driving course for his job and he told me one of the oldest tricks is that you pull up to a junction or other stop that's fairly quiet and bang you get rear ended!At this point most people get out of the vehicle to see whats happened and see what the hell the other driver was doing....big mistake that's when the assault and theft of the vehicle takes place...stay in the vehicle and if possible always keep the bottom of the wheels of the car in front visible as you pull up behind them as that's a good rule of thumb for being able to pull out without ramming the car in front ,if the idiots jump out of their vehicle behind you.

And most of all don't make eye contact if you can help it.

All this is fine if you can remember and you are not panicking as I and no doubt many others would be!

He also said "Better to be judged by twelve rather than carried by six"! <_<

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carry a can of deicer or brake and clutch cleaner in your cab thay will be in no fit state to play after a spray in the eyes /face works better than cs spray or there is some sprays on the market that cover your face in a red foam which gives you time to get away

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not many vehicles can ram the back of a Landrover (especially if it's got a towbar) and still keep going - tends to make a mess of the radiator on most cars/vans these days - all the plastic shatters.

sounds like a scary event, good job you had a vehicle equipped to go through the river, any normal car would have been trapped at that point - and god knows what would have happened to the driver in that case.

as has been said - report it to the fuzz, if necessary tell them you had a child in the car and you were concerned for their safety?

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Buy a good ant-theft device, mine works a treat 24 hours a day and is a great visual deterrent,

He's a 9 stone long haired German Sheperd Dog, with a HGV licence, he's very keen and never fails, just suffers from flatulance !!!!!

But on a serious note, I'm very glad all come good in the end and the pikeys had a lot of reversing to do,

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This sounds like a horrid situation and I am sorry to hear it happened.

Similar thing has happened to me but it was not due to them wanting the vehicle I was in as it was a mini at the time... (sorry), Anyhow one of my lady passengers decide to give these three blokes the finger for some reason ( I have no clue why ), so then start chasing us, trying to pass, worst was they came along side and one of the guys reached out of the window and took a swing at my windshield with one of those 4 pronged tire changer things! Luckily I managed to swerve out of the way then they passed and stopped in front to try and road block I guess I but I just charged on through missing the opening door?

This went on for about 30 mins, but it was like a battle of old bangers as my mini could get to about 80/90 and there thing was slower, it ended with us hacking down a duel carriage way and they chucking a rock at us which again, hit the rear window support as opposed form the rear wind shield. After a another 30 mins of stress, we pulled over and were all shaken up.

It just weird sometimes where all the hate comes from, it is road rage, it's it boredom, it's desperation for cash?

Either way it no a good experience and I don't wish it on anyone.

Glad to hear that it worked out fine in the end and no one was hurt.

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Hi mate,

Its easy saying what to do after the event but it really is a case of fight. fright or flight.

We dont deal with this sort of thing of thing all the time and you cant really condition yourself to do something heroic or potentially fatal to someone else.

I had some dick last year (whilst driving my "old man" corolla) buzz me and stay up my arse on the Birmingham tollroad.

Being a bit paranoid I sped up and slowed down and pulled in closely in front of another car to see if I was imagining it and the whelk really was following us!

We were heading south on holiday and had my wife and son in the car so my driving certainly hadn't inflamed said driver or caused any issues.

I told the Mrs to take his number down and told her that if I was going to pull over I wasnt going to get out and ask the guy politely what was going on. If I was going to stop he was going to get the message but he luckily (for us both) pulled off at the following junction.

What was odd was that I never gave him any abuse at all and he never gestured to me at all just sat at about 2 feet off my bumper and sped up, slowed down and pulled in behind cars that I had pulled over in front of.

I am still a bit perplexed as to what that geezer was up to but it did unsettle my wife and left me wondering what it had all been about.

Unfortunately odd things like this do happen in life to "normal people" and it can shake you up.

Your situation cetainly had you in harms way and you did the right thing.

I personally think you were in the wrong place at the wrong time and some opportunistic low lifes took a shine to your motor.

I know it will take a while to forget about the incicident and will change your perspective on many things but take it in your stride and keep your chin up. Dont let this make you sell your motor, if anything get front and rear heavy duty winch bumpers!

Think about it from the tw*ts in the vans perspective, they didnt know you didnt know your way about and it looks as if you took them that route deliberately and lost them at the ford! Cool as Feck mate Cool as Feck!! :D

Dont let this ruin your life mate, every "normal" average Joe would feel the same way as you at the moment.

All the best and good luck with the heavy duty bumpers! :D

Sincerest regards

Grant :)

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I am still a bit perplexed as to what that geezer was up to but it did unsettle my wife and left me wondering what it had all been about.

Yeah, weird. I was driving along a deserted dual carraigeway at night when a guy came up fast from miles away, hung onto my bumper for about a mile and eventually sped off. I think he was after a bit of sport, but got bored when he realised he wasn't going to provoke me.

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I've had plenty of 'roadrage' from other motorists when I was a bus driver, but the strangest one recently was going through a set of roadworks in my MG. Single-lane roadworks at 50mph, so I was doing 50mph. A car came up behind me reasonably quickly and sat about 4ft from the back bumper. I covered the brake pedal with my left foot just to bring the lights on, no response and no better distance, so I brought my speed down to 45mph gently by backing off the throttle a little. Still 4ft from the back of my car. I came down to 40mph (trying to adjust the speed so that the gap they insisted on would be safer) but they were still so close that I couldn't see the headlights or numberplate in the rearview mirror.

At this point the roadworks ended and the road opened into three lanes so I went for the left lane and stayed at 40mph. The car behind took the left lane too, despite the right lanes being empty, and stayed close on my rear bumper. At this point I decided they were playing silly buggers, hit the hazard lights and coasted onto the hard shoulder to get out of the way. The car accelerated past me in lane 1, so I gave some well-intending visual advice on coffee bean selection out of the window as it came past. Glancing sideways I was treated to a view of Granny with her chair pushed right forward, hunched over the steering wheel and eyes fixed on the horizon.

It's not always as it seems from your driving seat.

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eek, thank god you got through the river, must have shook you up a bit.

and the worst thing is, if you get caught speeding to try and get away or trying evasive action on the road, you will get fined/bollo*ked for it when you have no other option :angry:


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