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My first Car crash


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havn't yet, give it time :P

bike wise, first day riding, going around a sharp corner on my little 50cc Simson, found a pile of gravel in the road, both wheels lost it and I found myself in the verge with bent footpegs :unsure:

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My first crash was also driving in snow. I was giving a friend a lift back from Uni. I turned into his road to drop him off, car only made part of the turn before hitting a patch of ice. Slid across the junction into a fence post. Cracked the bumper, dented the front wing and bonnet, and broke the indicator and headlight. This was in a Maestro (remember those?) When the Maestro finally went to the scrappy, I replaced it with my first Land Rover, YAY! :D

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First day driving parked my LR in the college car park,

It was the end of the day and some prick decided to reverse in to my LR,

To make a long story short, the back of my LR had a few paint marks on the tow hitch, and the person who reversed into well lets say it made a mess of the rear of his car.

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I haven't had a proper crash - famous last words :ph34r:

One cracked wing mirror, and a gentle nudge onto a 110's tow hitch with my old winch bumper, the only effect of which was to straighten the guy's crossmember slightly!!

Several people have crashed into me while I have been stopped, the most recent was the other week when a Shogun Sport ran into the back of me, making a NATO sized hole in the plastic front bumper of the Sport and doing absolutely no damage whatsoever to the Discovery B)

Had quite a few "how the F did I get through that moments" however, the biggest of which was a few years ago in my old Discovery, howling along a road that I thought I knew well doing about 70 (bear in mind this was a single track gravel road....) in the dark, came up over a hill and arrived at a sharp 45 degree bend I forgot was there.... negotiated it on full opposite lock with the ABS in meltdown and slowed down a bit after that!!! one of the few occasions in my life when I really thought I was about to die (several foot drop off the side of the road meant that it would probably have rolled 10 or more times if I had left the road) and undoubtedly one of the experiences which defined the current limits I drive well inside.... especially as the vehicle was at that stage only about 3 months old!!

When I look at how I used to drive back then I really don't know how I didn't have a crash but I take some confidence from the fact that if I didn't crash back then, I'm probably not that likely to now - but as I said, famous last words :ph34r:

I believe that if I ever do have a crash the cause of the crash will be a woman in a short skirt :unsure:

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My first was when I lost control of an Audi 5S. The road bent sharp right, but I didn't :( .

I hit a raised bank and the drivers seat tore free and I nutted the windscreen/steering wheel hard enough to knock me out and break the screen. When I came round the Police had arrived along with the ambulance and the Police helicopter was hovering overhead with it's spotllight on. Needless to say the car was a write off - the roof was creased across the centre. I spent a short while in hospital, but went home the same night with a cut forehead and very sore ribs. Got done for careless driving and fined £140 as well. Mind you, I was a bit rude to the Police. When I went to look at the damaged car the next day, some bugger had stolen my entire tool kit out of the boot.


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mk 2 escort

30mins after passing driving test hit some one up the a**

youth and driving dont mix eh

first propper crash few months later thought i was colin mcrae and smashed head on into ford seira red in colour [red cars have always been unlucky for me ] end of the mk 2 escort


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It was three weeks after I had passed my test

In traffic on the Avenue into Southampton Astra GTE in front stopped dead My 79 RR didn't we both drove to a side road to swap details etc. when the driver got out he looked at the front of my RR and said it looks like there is not much damage as the rr had no signs of the impact at all , until he looked down at his cars rear end to see that it was rr shaped and had no rear lights etc he was horrified that his car was shagged and the rr didn't show any damage.

a few month later I has a issue with a boy racer that resulted in a rr being parked on a XR2 I got 5 pionts for that one.

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1960 3 speed side valve Ford pop (primrose yellow she was ... loverly!!)

Picked kids up from school going to a mates.

Kids aruging in back bout a school bag taking up all the room.

Told them to put it on the front passenger seat.... they threw it , it bounced off windscrean hit me in face.... i hit 100 year old flint wall ripped WHOLE of wing off!!!

Stringy came to the rescue( when i had stopped crying enough to tell him where i was) and walked back up the road folded the wing up and put it in the boot and drove home with me crying about my beautiful car!!!

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mine has to be on a wet windy night on a road in shefield. rolling my 90 after it sliding on a bend and hitting a dry stone wall. very expencive cost me 150 for a man to come and sprinkle sand on the road and another 150 to get my car turned over. all at the age of 18 was a bit of a addrenalin rush though :)


the damage

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In a (£250) mk1 fiesta on New Years Eve on the way home from work. The road at the back of my house was quite snowy. On approaching the tight right hander at the bottom, the car continued straight on. I went straight through a 6ft wall and into a garden.

Damage to me - none except for pride (oh and the days of pain from scutching the old mortar off the bricks and labouring for the bricky)

Damage to car - front end quite bent and passenger door wouldn't open (still managed to sell the car on a month later)

Damage to wall - completely sh*gged, had to employ a bricky on a back hander to rebuild for me

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Mine was on ice (common theme it seems) while student in Citroen BX. Due to camber of road, ended up on wrong side and hit Honda Civic.

Insurance fixed his, winch, hammers, new headlight, plastic sheet and self tappers fixed mine! :D

Didn't look to pretty afterwards but then never the nicest motor before! Still found someone to buy it off me as well!

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When I was 17 and in my Mum's borrowed Mondeo, I drove some mates home from a house party (no, I hadn't been drinking) - Music up loud, everyone shouting and laughing and having a good time, I was showing off to them in the big , powerful car.... I attempted to do a sharp U-turn into a side street at a speed far too fast for the bend - car failed to make the turn and smacked into the kerb of a traffic island, jumped into the air and over the traffic island landing on the road the other side.

Damage to people - thankfully none

Damage to car - 2x blown tyres and wrecked wheels. Sump ripped off, steering damaged....

Parental response - unprintable, although relieved I was alive angry I had been so stupid... My insurance premiums soared for the following 3 years.

Needless to say it somewhat matured my attitude to driving.

It seems appropriate to be posting to this topic today:

I have just come back from visiting a close childhood friend in hospital. He had a serious motorbike accident last week where a car turned across his path as he was riding home from work. Yesterday he had his left leg amputated just below the knee - and he is only 22.

Another sobering reminder of how vulnerable motorbike riders are out on the roads.




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Must admit I can recall too many Bike accidents (the odd aerobatic stunt, sliding into walls, running up the backs of cars, etc..) but not many car ones (MGB owner tried to park his car under my 109 once).

Sorry about your mate.

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In my morning commute, I'm amazed how many times I see a bike nearly taken out as they ride between lanes and people change lanes without looking. (the M50 car park, for those of you who know it)

As for my first crash, had it this summer, in my driveway! :blink:

Was heading to the shop for something and after realising I'd forgotten my wallet I turned back to the house. Heading down the driveway at a bit of a lick, i put the already slick front wheel just off the driveway, while trying to go round a right hand bend. Lots of under-steer followed before a little sortie into the bushes and trees before coming to an abrupt stop against a slightly bigger tree.

I've since glued the indicator back on, but left the slightly mangled wing as it adds further character, plus matches the ding on the opposite wing from the previous owner.

My passenger wasn't too impressed at the amount of vegetation that came in the open window on her. B)

She did laugh a week later though, when I threw a screwdriver through the (now closed) passenger window. I had been aiming for the (open) driver's door :angry:

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The day I passed my driving test I went out in my dads series 2A A petrol engined fire engine broke down just down the road from where I was parked.

I did my good deed by offering to give them a tow, they hooked me up with a chain and I took off like a thing possesed.

I took the slack up in the chain and came to an abrupt stop.

The rear wheels jumped nearly 6" inches in the air ahd the 6month old replacement rear cross member was duly banana shaped by some 4".

My towing style has changed slightly now :)

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In my morning commute, I'm amazed how many times I see a bike nearly taken out as they ride between lanes and people change lanes without looking. (the M50 car park, for those of you who know it)

I have a bike here, so I am not an "anti" and even here you'd sometimes think that bikes are entirely invisible to anything with four wheels especially if its green.....

But I have to say the way some bikers ride in busy UK traffic it is hardly surprising that they sometimes come unstuck. I have never understood why some appear to think they have right of way over everybody and the right to barge any and every queue in existence to get right to the front. Bicycles are if anything even worse because they do the same and then hold everybody up :angry:

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Bicycles are if anything even worse because they do the same and then hold everybody up :angry:

The nearest I ever came to killing someone involved a cyclist - pulling out of a side road and turning left onto a one way street as the traffic stopped for the pelican crossing situated immediately to the right of the junction.

Cyclist (with occupied kiddy seat on the back) comes sailing through the red lights on the side of the road nearest me after I had checked it was all clear. Gawd knows what made me glance right again as he was only about 6 feet away at that point. He might have survived the collision, I doubt his child would have.

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Pretty poor shot!

Now listen, there was something sticky on the handle of the screwdriver that altered the trajectory as it left my hand. You weren't there so you weren't prove otherwise. :D

Funny, it didn't hit the window hard at all and I stood for a few seconds in disbelief that 1) I has missed so horribly and 2) that the window was actually shattered. The disbelief continued as the window fell into the seat. :blink:

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