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Les Henson

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I'll get my act together over the next couple of days and pay pal a contribution.

When one posts here next to their avatar is their title, nick name etc etc - perhaps the Mods could add another line under the avatar such as "forum supporter" to flag those who pay their way thus making it obvious to all - those who do and those who don't. This "title" would have nothing to do with the sum but rather simply denote the fact that the poster helps support financialy too.

Apart from showing some sort of recognition for those who do pay it may also cause some who sit on the side lines to add their little bit rather than stick out as non contributors.

just an idea.


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perhaps the Mods could add another line under the avatar such as "forum supporter" to flag those who pay their way thus making it obvious to all - those who do and those who don't. This "title" would have nothing to do with the sum but rather simply denote the fact that the poster helps support financialy too.

Mods & Admin have conferred about this numerous times, & feel it doesn't matter who donates to the forum, we don't want members who do donate feeling superior to members who haven't dontated or to guest just dropping in via a search engine such as google/bing/yahoo.

yopu can just be content knowing that you have, personally I don't need or want to know who has donated.

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When I Googled "paypal standing order", one or two sites came up that seem to have put this facility in, however, I could find no way to do so from within Paypal.

So have sent some hard-drive tokens to keep my conscience clear for a few weeks.

In fact I am feeling disgracefully pleased with myself all round just now. I spent all day strutting about in my new LR4x4 rugby shirt, and even spoke to a Disco owner at the supermarket.

I'm sure it will wear off.



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Few Answers:

No money goes to My accounts

all monies go into the Forums Pay-pal Account or Direct to the LR4x4.com LTD account

nothing is taken by any moderator/admin for running costs/admin etc and I mean Nothing.

We can readily have an accounts status but the downside is people look and think oh they have £2K that is plenty.. it in real terms means around 9months

ideally it would be ideal to have 12months always in the kitty.

a small standing order for £2-3 per month from members would see the site in Rude Financial health.

The money Bomb idea is good but I see it on the SLK forum I use and it can be somewhat annoying IMHO.

I would hate to see Adverts on this forum in any guise.

Yes I am retiring as Treasurer but that doesn't mean I care Not about the site which I have been involved in from day 1 and only have its interests at heart.

Any ideas/suggestions are gratefully received and the mods/admins that will take the site forward I'm sure are glad of all help.

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Well lets have your version then.

I'll post mine including phone call records/pm activity including all discussions

then the members can decide who is telling the truth and decide if you should have access to the For sale section.

I personally would rather pay your subscription amount and decline your offer as I know mine would turn up.

this thread is about this website and not you.

Post up as above another thread if you like, post on this one again stuff not relevant

it will be removed, as it is not a sounding board for your gripes.

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Few Answers:

No money goes to My accounts

all monies go into the Forums Pay-pal Account or Direct to the LR4x4.com LTD account

nothing is taken by any moderator/admin for running costs/admin etc and I mean Nothing.


Just wanted to confirm that the account is the same as before that's all. Your name turned up when I payed. :)

Thanks for doing a great job guys. I rate this forum so highly I would gladly pay just to be a member.

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I think the "red star" thing they have on pirate is a good idea, And on pirate red star members actually do have priviliges over standard members. I think thats another incentive to pay, normal members can still ask questions etc but not post pictures directly to the board.

Paypalling some moneys right now :)

Ive learnt SO much off these forums which is totally invaluble to me now, I spend literally hours on here everyday reading everything i can to quench my thirst for LR knowledge!

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We can readily have an accounts status but the downside is people look and think oh they have £2K that is plenty.. it in real terms means around 9months

ideally it would be ideal to have 12months always in the kitty.

Perhaps have a time status rather than accounts status - it goes in the red if it goes below say 6 months remaining, amber if below 12 months and green above 12 months. (the times can be different, 6 and 12 months are just an example). Those not involved in the running of the forum dont need to know the actual amounts (unless they specifically request them for some reason), just the time for which funding remains. Perhaps when it goes in the red, it automatically causes a thread to appear at the top of each forum section for a week or so?

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Perhaps have a time status rather than accounts status - it goes in the red if it goes below say 6 months remaining, amber if below 12 months and green above 12 months. (the times can be different, 6 and 12 months are just an example). Those not involved in the running of the forum dont need to know the actual amounts (unless they specifically request them for some reason), just the time for which funding remains. Perhaps when it goes in the red, it automatically causes a thread to appear at the top of each forum section for a week or so?

I like that Idea :)

takes away the thought of 'oh theres a grand or two, they'll be fine', just shows that money is needed :)

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On another car related forum I use, if you donate, you get a 'contributor' badge on the left next to your name.

It seems to sort of motivate (or perhaps shame) most of the people there into making a donation.

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I like the suggestion of some sort of measure of how forums funds are doing - being a LR forum perhaps a fuel gauge (measured in months) would be the thing to do? Quite simple to do in PHP with a decent photo of a LR fuel gauge and a bit of photoshoppery.

I also think the Pirate 4x4 version is quite good - contributors get a star which gains certain priviledges (if I could be allowed to search for terms less than 3/4 letters and not have to wait 20 seconds just 'cos I spelled it wrong that would be well worth some dosh!), and those pimping their wares on the for-sale section or in their signatures for commercial gain must buy a red star or face the boot. Seems pretty fair & even-handed to me.

I know banners/adverts are a big no-no round here, and long may it continue. However, given the points Les & BogMonster made about how many views their tech threads have had, perhaps when these sorts of threads are added to the tech archive the mods could put a note at the top of the post saying "If this saves you money, please consider donating" or similar. If people donated even 1% of the potential garage bill when they've managed to fix it themselves, the forum whould be doing pretty well.

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I like the suggestion of some sort of measure of how forums funds are doing - being a LR forum perhaps a fuel gauge (measured in months) would be the thing to do? Quite simple to do in PHP with a decent photo of a LR fuel gauge and a bit of photoshoppery.

I also think the Pirate 4x4 version is quite good - contributors get a star which gains certain priviledges (if I could be allowed to search for terms less than 3/4 letters and not have to wait 20 seconds just 'cos I spelled it wrong that would be well worth some dosh!), and those pimping their wares on the for-sale section or in their signatures for commercial gain must buy a red star or face the boot. Seems pretty fair & even-handed to me.

I know banners/adverts are a big no-no round here, and long may it continue. However, given the points Les & BogMonster made about how many views their tech threads have had, perhaps when these sorts of threads are added to the tech archive the mods could put a note at the top of the post saying "If this saves you money, please consider donating" or similar. If people donated even 1% of the potential garage bill when they've managed to fix it themselves, the forum whould be doing pretty well.

I have used a bit of this cheers John

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I have used a bit of this cheers John

After 10,000 posts I suppose eventually one was bound to prove useful :P

Also I haven't forgotten I owe a donation from the assorted tat from the shed I foisted onto various forumers a while back - maybe we should have an LR4x4 autojumble somewhere, or even just an LR4x4 yearly gathering?

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this site has been very useful to me and I would really like to set up a standing order to help. Been the computer idiot that i am I can't find a eay to PM a moderator. I was wondering if someone kindly would PM me there details so i can set up the SO ASAP.

I know it sounds silly, but I really am that backward with forums it takes all y understanding just to make this post.

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After 10,000 posts I suppose eventually one was bound to prove useful :P

Also I haven't forgotten I owe a donation from the assorted tat from the shed I foisted onto various forumers a while back - maybe we should have an LR4x4 autojumble somewhere, or even just an LR4x4 yearly gathering?

I defenitely like the idea of a yearly LR4x4 gathering! I'd certainly bung a few quid and some flagons of cider towards it. Would be a great opportunity to swap, sell and buy spare parts/odds and sods etc. Anyone else up for this?

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