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Caption Competition


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Thought we could do with a bit of fun for a Monday morning!

Having seen the new G12 winch in the flesh, it's HUGE, a real monster....

Best caption wins......well, nothing, other than pride and respect by fellow forum members!


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"The concourse rules clearly state that the engine must be under the bonnet!"


"It looks nice, but i can't use it. When i throw the switch, the lights go out in half of England"

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"ahh go on, be my winch biatch, I already have the comedy winch, I need a clown to go with it"


"you don't even need to connect it, it weighs so much that it distorts the gravity around it moving the world forward around you"


" would you move that winch, I'm trying to get a suntan over here and it's causing an eclipse"

now I know why that winch is not advertised on the front of a landy, it's huge, probably need to reinforce the chassis, not coz of the pull, but because it will droop otherwise.

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the funny thing is about that winch is that its slower than a standard 8274, noiser than a jumbo jet, and is way too big.

but its Free spool is brilliant.

Not sure about the disc break though for stopping it.. Looks like its come off a Mountain bike...

jims, from Gigglepin however - - WOW.. loved that one.

David Bowyer demonstrating the new G12 mounted on the front of a Rebel Replica.

Is David Bowyer really that small?

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I think what you are in danger of forgetting Will is that Davie Bowie is the "daddy of winching" and this time "the daddy of winching has done good" and to quote the man himself its "simply brilliant"

I think Jims a big enough lad to take that squarely on the chin and concede defeat :lol:

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think its pretty unlikely Ian :lol:

on the plus side though - he very kindly told me my engine will explode killing millions of people and then my winch wont work so there at which point his lower lip hung out and he stamped his feet..

when are you up this way for a beer?

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