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Caption Competition


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So how do you suppose the conversation was going between our very own Les_B and Tangoman at this moment?


Nick!!! what do you mean.... go all the way round and get the front winch hooked up!!!! :lol::lol:

They only went down there because they saw a pie wrapper float by!!! ;)

Or now you've washed it, can we go home.

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Option one: Nick and Les together "B*ll*xs if luvvers was still my biatch this would never have happened!"

Option two: *Unprintable due to polictical overtones*

Dave, if you were still my Biatch this would never have happened because all we would do is drive around the access track and even turbocharger can't get stuck on those :lol:

Nice pic Neil

Another pic of Les doing nothing!


You know when you've been Tango'd!

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you have 3 seconds before I pee Nick, so you better hurry up and get out...


look Nick - theres a pie over there...


(Les) do I smell that much... come back.. please...

(Les) why do I have to walk... this is soooooo unfair...

OK I have got my gloves on what now?


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'Your the fu**king biatch you get it, and hurry up before my slippers get wet'

'I was built for driving not biatching, in you go'

typical welsh weather. When we started this punch the river bed was dry :)

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