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Which gloves for winching?

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Depends what sort of winching you are talking about

For competitions lots of people use the Devon 4x4 gloves, I prefer motor x gloves as they are tighter fitting with good grip. I normally buy fox racing ones although they don't last forever during comp use

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They will be for use with synthetic (mainly, never know when I might be with someone with wire).

Winching will be non competitive, at least for now!

Ralph: I have got a pair like that I kept in the truck, but wondered if there was something better.

Simon: Something like this? http://www.amazon.co.uk/Mechanix-Impact-XL-Pro-Glove/dp/B000QXA0JM/ref=sr_1_13?s=diy&ie=UTF8&qid=1352168689&sr=1-13

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I use Rigger Gloves like these (Not Dewalt though) : http://www.screwfix.com/p/dewalt-specialist-handling-rigger-gloves/37738

They are ok but a frayed end can still stab you through them. I also find that when winching out of a gloopy pit of mud during a pay and play day they get totally covered in mud and soaking wet.

For the amount of winching I do (which is very little) they are fine. Westerns idea of Welding Gauntlets seems pretty good to me.


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I usually get decent soft leather gloves if I see a pair that fit me in a garden centre (most are too small), though they are similar to the Rigger Gloves pictured above with leather facings and cloth backs.

Synthetic rope means they aren't really needed anyway and the main reason I wear them is to avoid getting rusty carp on my hands from the ground anchor.

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I mostly wear them to keep my hands not covered in swampy gloop, likewise I also wear them when getting out and scouting, you never know when you'll have to move a tree or something.

And things can get stuck in synthetic rope. Sharp, pointy things. They can hurt :P

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These are the ones I use:


They have a leather palm, fingers & finger tips with a neoprene top. This gives a very flexible glove that is still warm. They are the only warm gloves I've found that give enough feeling in your fingers to fix stuff and at the same time tough enough to protect your skin. Maybe not enough for wire rope, but plenty for everything else. They make good cycling gloves too!


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Going to try and find somewhere which stocks those near me so I can try a pair on before I buy :).

The rubbery faced, with a cloth back, are the type I was using before, but no idea where I put them once they came out the truck to dry once. They were the the thinner type from work and didn't offer much protection. I have a new kevlar pair at work, but they are a bit new to 'loose'.

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