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A month of fame- the LRO/Britpart Calendar

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I've just received an e-mail from ILRO, inviting me to:"Enter our competition and your Land Rover could feature in the 2014 LRO/BRITPART Calendar!" How can I possibly resist this tempting offer???

Trouble is, I don't have the confidence that they'll even get the calendar right, and I wouldn't want anybody to think that I'd actually endorse Britpart products. A month's fame for a lifetime of embarrassment and misery would be intolerable. No thank you.

I wonder if any brave souls on here will be tempted for a "month of glory".


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You should look at it this way, it is well stated here and on other forums that Britpart does supply some "brand name" parts. If your vehicle is selected, you will received a gift certificate for a few hundred £, choose those parts that are "brand name" as your winnings. :)

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Tell you what - you should print a big QR code (containing your selected message) and put that on the side of the truck. Guaranteed nobody at BP/LRO will scan the code - but I bet someone looking at the calendar will! It could go viral!


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If you enter the competition, the second you send your photos to them, they become the property of Britpart, who can use them however they want regardless of whether you get into the calendar or not, so your Land Rover may end up being the face of some below par product or other.

Just in case you're particularly possessive of your photos, it's basically a way for them to get a load of free images to use without having to ask permissions etc.

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Funny, I gave them an opportunity to get loads of publicity and tons of photo's of "selected" products being fitted and in action on a future project, they turned it down as the deal was to supply those selected parts at 50% retail price, seems Bearmach are very keen to get in on it due to project being internet based for the build up and then the vehicle will be running and competing in Europe.

Strange to me but hey ho.

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I had last years calendar, it only went up to JUNE!?!......

January.... Nice pristine Land Rover....... As Britparts were added month by month it deteriorated and come June it was resigned to the big scrap heap in the sky! :hysterical::hysterical::hysterical:

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I've just received an e-mail from ILRO, inviting me to:"Enter our competition and your Land Rover could feature in the 2014 LRO/BRITPART Calendar!" How can I possibly resist this tempting offer???

Trouble is, I don't have the confidence that they'll even get the calendar right, and I wouldn't want anybody to think that I'd actually endorse Britpart products. A month's fame for a lifetime of embarrassment and misery would be intolerable. No thank you.

I wonder if any brave souls on here will be tempted for a "month of glory".


Send them a picture of a LR with a Britpart sticker on the loadbed of an AA truck :glare:

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