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Cant see the dog guard..........................

Years ago I wasted a lot of money and time (not to this extent though) trying to make my Land Rover more like a car. It never really worked out because it is not what the vehicle is..................

Cant be doing with it at all now, I want mine to look older and more like a series inside now. And DEFINATELY no carpet

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Farmer spends £80,000 ie four times the original cost of vehicle added luxury modifications transforming interior of 4x4 with wi-fi, mood lighting...

Appropriate use of Single Farm Payment?

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Bit of a worry though, that the rough, tough Fender will forever be associated with Gayness ! not that there is anything wrong with being gay, mind.

Don't worry Bill, the J**p Wrangler is still #1 gayest car, a gay mate of mine actually refused to buy one because they were "too gay" :rofl:

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I this happened a while ago, I'm surprised that Portia is still speaking to Ellen, Lol.

Bit of a worry though, that the rough, tough Fender will forever be associated with Gayness ! not that there is anything wrong with being gay, mind.

Frankly, I'm still wondering what either Ellen or Portia's sexuality has to do with the car, and I'm pretty disappointed that this thread's title was a; posted, and b; not altered, and that the thread has continued in that vein - it's homophobic and pretty insulting to those who live that life. I quite like their work - Ellen did a good job of Dory, and Portia was brilliant in "Better Off Ted". I find them pretty entertaining, and just judge them on that.

Anyway, I'm curious about that farmer's 110. How did they get the rear floor so low for the seats and leg room? It suggests they straightened the chassis, and that would mean having very short-travel rear suspension, relegating it to smooth surface use.

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Frankly, I'm still wondering what either Ellen or Portia's sexuality has to do with the car, and I'm pretty disappointed that this thread's title was a; posted, and b; not altered, and that the thread has continued in that vein - it's homophobic and pretty insulting to those who live that life. I quite like their work - Ellen did a good job of Dory, and Portia was brilliant in "Better Off Ted". I find them pretty entertaining, and just judge them on that.

I was wondering how long it'd be before that came up ;)

On a serious note, there used to be a gay Land Rover club didn't there? Not the Marrying Kind I think it was called - bit out of date now I guess!

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Anyone interested in compiling a list of A-listers with basic Land Rovers?

We have Portia and Bryan Adams (D90 and '68 SIIA) already mentioned. The 109SW at the beginning of "Cliff Hanger" was Stallone's. I think Sean Bean has a Lightweight. On the B-list, I think the blue 90 that DImbleby drove around the UK for his series was his own. And, of course, HRH is reputed to like the LR and Defender, as was Churchill. Who else?

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Anyone interested in compiling a list of A-listers with basic Land Rovers?

We have Portia and Bryan Adams (D90 and '68 SIIA) already mentioned. The 109SW at the beginning of "Cliff Hanger" was Stallone's. I think Sean Bean has a Lightweight. On the B-list, I think the blue 90 that DImbleby drove around the UK for his series was his own. And, of course, HRH is reputed to like the LR and Defender, as was Churchill. Who else?

hugh fearnley tittingstall,

both Richard hammond and JC,

im sure there is more i just cant remember

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