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Impact of owning a Land Rover on EU referendum?

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Anyone else noticed that having a crusty Land Rover or two on their drive puts off people canvassing for votes? :P

Not like we're short of voting round here either. The canton of Bristolshire has votes for mayors, Police and crime commissioner, MPs, Councillors and now a referendum.

5 years we've lived here and not once has any politician of whatever colour attempted to set foot on my manor.

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I'd have thought that anyone who values the freedom to tinker with motor vehicles, as crusty Land Rover owners often are, wouldn't be too receptive to the Europhile point of view.

Could be just me though.

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Aww, you're missing out on all the fun.

Last one along those lines I remember was a family of Jehovah's Witnesses turning up on the farm. All dressed in Sunday best, I happened to get back from a dog walk as they arrived. Didn't look very comfortable when I met them with a shotgun over the shoulder and the dog with half a squirrel (other half was a red mist) in her mouth.

Cue Dad coming out of the workshop putting his jumper out after setting fire to it with the grinder. Mum arriving through from the second yard in an overall covered in blood where she'd been helping a eww deliver.

To their credit they stuck with it, up until the point Mum pointed out she was Portuguese and therefore "Roman Catholic".

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I find living a mile from the public road keeps most of the crazies away. Makes Halloween a nice peaceful evening too!

Although I was walking through Oban the other week and two Yanks stopped me and asked me about the glory of God and all that pish. To be fair they were nice guys, and you have to admire the ambition in flying thousands of miles to a largely non-religious country to try and convert folk!

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Knowing what the implications are of owning a land rover in Germany, France or Holland, I think there is only one possible answer to this question: get out at the earliest opportunity.

I shame I can't vote, but the fact that the UK is actually questioning the communistic EU system, makes people from other countries look green with envy.

I am an immigrant myself, so it is unfair to comment on the immigration subject. The EU needs the UK, not the other way round, so I reckon making a stand is needed.

I think a watered down version of the EU could work, whereby all countries work together on trade, but governments are free to rule their own country.

In the current situation, it is just not working.

My opinion, but I am just a Dutch refugee.....


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Agreed Daan, they have stored up lots of big changes in the EU until right after the referendum.... indicating that all they ever want is tighter integration.

Anyone fancy having the TUV system for car modifications over here...? Would kill the modification scene stone dead.

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The BBC with all its smear campaigning etc would have us believe it's too close to call, but in reality I haven't spoken to a SINGLE person who is in favour of us remaining within the EU.

Regarding its impact on LR fans, and indeed all motorists, surely the lack of ever-tightening emissions laws will surely make motoring cheaper? Binning of DPF's anyone..........

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Agreed, noone round here wants in, but a few I have spoken to up in London seem to think the other way, but then they are in business and seem to have fallen for the economic trap.

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We might get our mud tyres back if we leave, many of the big manufacturers no longer supply to Europe due to the regulations the EU imposed on us, the same regulations that saw remould prices double so they now cost almost as much as a "new" tyre. Anyone wanting to set up a new business near one of the major ports into Europe could make a killing selling tyres for "personal import" to people nipping over the channel or north sea for tyres that can no longer buy in the EU !

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Funny, pretty much all of the people I have spoken to are very firmly on the 'in' campaign!

As for us changing regs - for things like emissions I really don't think it will make much difference in or out - the UK will still be signed up to reduce emissions with us in or out as we want to be seen to be leading the 'clean' charge.

As for modifications, road worthiness etc I don't think it will make much difference either - France is firmly in the EU and from what I've heard about their equivalent of the MOT it's a joke!

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I am in a public facing role , and its at least 90% for out , and as for the younger ones , my daughter says nearly all the people she mixes with are outers ! It also seems to be that the majority of people on the swath of forums (which are pretty diverse) I frequent are also for out .

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Anyone fancy having the TUV system for car modifications over here...? Would kill the modification scene stone dead.

The TUV is not that bad, the constructor of for example a winchbumper seeks TUV approval and when obtained het gets an approval number.

As buyer you go to the TUV with your car and you show them the approval number and everything is fine.

In Belgium it depends from MOT station to MOT station and you are never shure if they will accept something next time.

For major modifications you need approval of LR Belgium ... :(

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The TUV is not that bad, the constructor of for example a winchbumper seeks TUV approval and when obtained het gets an approval number.

As buyer you go to the TUV with your car and you show them the approval number and everything is fine.

In Belgium it depends from MOT station to MOT station and you are never shure if they will accept something next time.

For major modifications you need approval of LR Belgium ... :(

Oh yes, Belgium and it's "auto keuring" I have been a victim of that system, seriously, they failed my Discovery for not having mud flaps for gods sakes

Vote out now while you still can, you'll never get another chance!!! Getting back in is easy, they force Norway to have a referendum every 10yrs or so, we could have a second referendum to get back in any time.

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