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Forum greenlane trip to North Wales


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I am 'not' planning to organise another LR4x4 green lane trip this year, this time to the beautiful area of North Wales.

What dates will suit people? I originally said late October or early November but, although I cannot find it, I am sure that my diary is quite full for October already, so perhaps November? I would prefer to avoid a date clash with anything big.

..aha, found the diary. I can do the weekend of the 7/8th, 14/15th or 28/29th of November, ideally one of the earlier dates as the later weekend starts getting close to the Christmas party season. Does anyone who wants to go have any reason not to choose any of these dates? I am sorry but someone is likely to end up disappointed.

My disclaimers/rants:

As I pointed out in the previous thread about where to go, I am not taking any responsibility for organising this trip, the hotel, lanes, availability of petrol, anyone's social or personal life etc. I am planning to find a decent, reasonably priced hotel, check that they are OK for a group booking and then get everyone to book their own accommodation or camping or whatever suits. I will check out the local lane situation, ideally with cooperation from one or two guys on this very forum who know the area well, and will share that knowledge with anyone coming on the trip.

Ideally there will need to be some people willing to buy/borrow and read a map and lead a group round - it is not rocket science, needs no special kit (GPS, computer etc., just make sure your navigator remembers his reading glasses (Tim/Victor!)) and one would hope would result in the funding of a few beers by the rest of the group over dinner. We need to keep the groups down to 4 or 5 cars as a maximum.

This is first and foremost an LR4x4.com trip for LR4x4.com people. Non forum co-driver/navigators are fine of course, even wives/girlfriends, but I would prefer it if folk did not invite hoards of mates along in their 4x4s too. I am 'not arranging' this trip for free for the entertainment and enjoyment LR4x4.com members, it is not an open invite. I am quite happy to take groups of non members out for fully organised green lane weekends for a fee, PM me for details. ;)



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Chris, As long as I have a working vehicle I'll gladly lead a group (Although I have no knowledge of the area), If I don't have a working vehicle I'll be happy to act as a navigator for someone.

Zeb, you should be fine, we don't tend to do anything to extreme.


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I'd be interested in those dates for november

would it be suitable for newbie like myself who's done nothing offroad

and I mean nothing ! :unsure:

I would say so Zeb. If you need any help/advice I am sure someone would give you some tips if there were a tricky bit. For the most part I would seek out routes which are non damaging so you should be fine.


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I'm good for 7/8th or 14/15th.. No idea of co-pilot / navigator yet...

Assuming I have a passenger, I'm happy to lead a group if needed Chris.


Neil, If I don't have a suitable vehicle and you still don't have a co-driver, I would be willing to navigate for you. Although you will have to put up with Jeannette and possibly the dog as well.


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Neil, If I don't have a suitable vehicle and you still don't have a co-driver, I would be willing to navigate for you. Although you will have to put up with Jeannette and possibly the dog as well.


Waiting to see if Rupert is going to be free of farming toil.. If the weather is fine and such he may be available. Fingers crossed... He needs some down time.

That apart there is still Sir Les of Hensonshire or Mo Murphy who may be looking for a seat...

But, even if we have the front seat occupied, there is no reason why you Jeanette and woof can't still join us.. Take it in turns to navigate and drive if need be...


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Hi, I would be interested in joining in on this trip. I've done a fair few lanes in south Wales but not the north yet.

Either weekend looks do-able, but I'll express a preference for 7th/8th.

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Provisionally I am available either date, however I may have to do a yacht delivery in Greece that might clash, so I can't confirm until much nearer the date.

It would be good to identify a base from which to start/where to stay.

LLangollen has some sizeable hotels that might do good deals at that time of the year.

If it is possible to determine where most of the best off road routes are we can then try to suggest a base.

Perhaps those with local knowledge will be able to advise?


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Llangolen is a good base for starting, I've been there plenty of times on my bike. There used to be a pub with rooms on the road that runs parallel to the river (has a courtyard at the back for decent parking)

I'll try and find out what it was called...I forgot..old age.. :blink:

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