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Everything posted by mike4444244

  1. Perhaps the best plan would be for you to drop into your local dvla office and ask the inspector BEFORE you start doing any work. The man who inspected my 110 after its chassis swap was very helpful, knew landys inside out, was very pleasant and took approx 10mins to check it over, word of warning though, he did check every component in detail and the corresponding serial numbers etc etc Mike
  2. erm, without wishing to open a can of worms, if you change the chassis thats fine (I have a Richards one - very happy with it) but if you start changing engines and gearboxes as well you are skating very close to Q plates and SVA/IVA tests etc Just something to bear in mind... Mike
  3. 110 salisbury axles are readily available and far stronger than the rover, also there's the dodgy legal side...
  4. I found brake/clutch cleaner worked extremely well, I had a very hirstute series 3! Mike
  5. My brownchurch rack happily coped with my hammock, roughly the same weight so enjoy! NB i did use a corner as above though... Mike
  6. I think you allowed a certain amount of cubic metres for a garage, more than this I think you need permission, I think also that if it has electrics etc these need to comply with building regs, best bet is to ring you local council as they are all a bit different Mike
  7. HD springs do make it a bit skippy when its empty, if you dont spend much time loaded its a quick and cheap swap back to standard Mike
  8. Bribe a forumeer with a trailer to do it for you?
  9. As a biker I'd always ask that you drop as little oil/diesel on the road as possible! Catch tank is the way forward, as above just make sure you think about wading etc Mike
  10. I just got a class 7 for my 110, the tester said that was what it needed, it cost less than £5 more and took exactly the same amount of time, TBH even if my V5 was wrong (it isn't!) its probably less hassle to get a class 7 than deal with the dvla! Mike
  11. when i took my beacon off i just siliconed a piece of aluminium over the holes
  12. you can buy the ISO connectors with a tail of wire on for pence on ebay, if you look the wires are usually labelled, you just need a permanent live feed, an ignition switched live, an earth and then your speaker wires. I have both male and female connectors in mine just to future proof it! Mike
  13. I'd fit a bigger V8, AFAIK the 3.5s fitted to defenders were so horrendously detuned you may as well get out and push! Find a 4.6 that hasn't popped its block and just bolt it in Mike
  14. If you know someone with a costco card I got one from there, it was less than that for a sip one, I have the bigger one which has seen several years regular use with no probs Mike
  15. Like Si said, now your axle is in bits would be a good time to clock the swivels, or you could buy some from Paddocks if you don't feel your machining skills are up to it
  16. I assume post #2 was comparing genuine LR shafts with aftermarket replacement shafts such as Sh*tpart, rather than upgraded shafts... Mike
  17. Erm just thinking aloud but you have checked all the linkages and bushes for play, and tried the lever etc with the tunnel off? My difflock wouldn't engage when I got my 110 becaue the soundproofing was jamming the linkage Mike
  18. Hi This is what is used on scene http://www.medipost.co.uk/portable-iv-fluid-warmer-p-4435.html ideal for you but a bit pricey!
  19. a local engine recon place charged me £10 to put a V8 and all the bits through their washer, no brainer really when it did a far better job and saved me hours of work!
  20. in fact while you were at it would be the ideal time to fit a decent clutch, rakeway bearing and a reinforced arm... if you post up your symptoms we may be able to help Mike
  21. Why not just get a recon box, its not hard to fit and if you're off round the world you'd be wise to learn how to wield a spanner Mike
  22. errr I should point out that mine is a hard top and has a bulkhead and dog guard which obviously reduces the room available, I imagine they fit better in a csw Mike
  23. I have them fitted, I'm 5'11 and struggle with very upright position and not much legroom, also your legs end up close to the wheel... I will probably go back to standard at some point Mike
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