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Defender front brake pads.

Les Henson

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I don't use an axle stand for that job or any other unless I am putting myself in harms way. "Putting yourself in harms way" seems like a good place to draw the line - otherwise you end up using an axle stand to change a puncture which is getting a bit daft :rolleyes:

Changing a spring on the other hand - 2 trolley jacks, a high lift jack, axle stand AND a spare wheel wedged under the vehicle for good measure...

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I know that the axle stand is just out of shot here; isn't it Les? :o


be reasonable, like you've neeeever done something like that before.

in any case you'd be doing something pretty odd to be underneath that lot and in harms way if changing the pads.

i think we're all grown ups and can make our own safety decisions and i dont see that it is in any way relevent the task being demonstrated.

you get squished by your jack failing whilst you're under the car, tough ****, should have known better. doens't make it les's responsibility.

far too much health and safety whinging in this world, take some responsibility.

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I read the initail post and it was a good one

Please reinstate and have it in the Tech Forum

Axle stand or not is up to the individual, I often use a Big F Off 3T jack and shove the wheel under the front axle and not use a stand, the choice is mine, maybe I should but hey thats the freedom of choice.

As for the How to there nothing wrong with the content at all


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Why did you remove this post Les? I have this job coming up soon, and it would have been good to see. I find your photos and guidence far easier to follow compared to Haynes.

Because he didn't have an axle stand hence the vehicle will come crashing down, puncture a hole in the earth's crust causing molten lava to flood through Swindon (having been to Swindon actually that may not be a negative) then rolling on in a wave of thermal destruction, causing nuclear power stations and all the secret Trident submarines hidden in Scotland to detonate, submerging the whole of the UK except for that mountain Clarkson parked a Discovery on top of, causing a mile-high tidal wave to swamp France (another plus point then) and leading to a nuclear winter that will last a thousand years (which is a bit of a bummer I suppose, the summer's not been up to much so far without that) :D

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This is bluddy stupid and the reason this country is in the state it is now!

Ooh quick, there's someone doing something that doesn't quite fit in with the Nanny State Manifesto, let's poke holes in it until it gets taken away.

Does my head in, it really does!

Les, get it back on the board now, nil illegetum carborundum matey.

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That is a crying shame, if it was due to a lack of axle stands. Everyone is responsible for their own safety, and what Les does is his own business. If he drives off a cliff in his LR we are hardly likely to follow. What is happening with all this damn PC??

In my experience of this forum Les is a top shelf chap, and should be encouraged for all the time and effort he puts in with these threads. Please don't be put off Les, your posts get the thumbs up from this novice every time.



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Les, perhaps you could reinstate the thread, edited to add (clearly in bold at the top) that it is advisable to use axle stands whenever you are working on a vehicle with a wheel removed. It is a pity to lose a potentially useful thread otherwise.

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Oi Steven, my truck's not that heavy!!!! :angry::lol::D

Because he didn't have an axle stand hence the vehicle will come crashing down, puncture a hole in the earth's crust causing molten lava to flood through Swindon (having been to Swindon actually that may not be a negative) then rolling on in a wave of thermal destruction, causing nuclear power stations and all the secret Trident submarines hidden in Scotland to detonate, submerging the whole of the UK except for that mountain Clarkson parked a Discovery on top of, causing a mile-high tidal wave to swamp France (another plus point then) and leading to a nuclear winter that will last a thousand years (which is a bit of a bummer I suppose, the summer's not been up to much so far without that) :D
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Because he didn't have an axle stand hence the vehicle will come crashing down, puncture a hole in the earth's crust causing molten lava to flood through Swindon (having been to Swindon actually that may not be a negative) then rolling on in a wave of thermal destruction, causing nuclear power stations and all the secret Trident submarines hidden in Scotland to detonate, submerging the whole of the UK except for that mountain Clarkson parked a Discovery on top of, causing a mile-high tidal wave to swamp France (another plus point then) and leading to a nuclear winter that will last a thousand years (which is a bit of a bummer I suppose, the summer's not been up to much so far without that) :D

brilliant :lol: :lol: dunno what you've been taking but can i have some? that made me laugh as i read it.

as for the thread, axle stands are good if they are strong enough & the road is ok with it. ive got axle stands i never use, put the weight of the disco on them they bend & just put the weight of an axle on them & the legs sink into the tarmac. last time i used them they sunk so far i couldnt get the wheel back on with out jacking the car up 2 or 3 inches!

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ive got axle stands i never use, put the weight of the disco on them they bend & just put the weight of an axle on them & the legs sink into the tarmac. last time i used them they sunk so far i couldnt get the wheel back on with out jacking the car up 2 or 3 inches!

I don't think that's an reason for not using axle stands, more for using tools that are up to the job in hand.

I like many here may not always bother to use axle stands, probably wouldn't for brake pads but would for brake disc or wheel bearings as the car is up in the air a lot longer, that is my choice. However for anything that goes in the tech archive think there should be some responsibility on the mods to ensure that the info in there is what is reasonably considered best/safest practice as not everybody reading the articles may have the same extensive experience/knowledge that some here obviously do, and anyone trawling the tech archive for a thread about changing brake pads is probably not a very experinced mechanic (mind you having said that I think sometimes we can all pick up tips on the basic jobs from seeing how others do it). That's not saying I'm all for a nanny state, as that is far from the truth, people should be able to choose whether they use axle stands (or PPE when grinding or whatever) or not assuming they are making an informed choice based on knowledge/experience.

Having said all that I do hope Les continues with these informative step by step photo how to threads as I for one learn news things often making jobs can do / have done easier.

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yeah my comment was more of a 'i dont use axle stands cause mine are carp' rather than a 'you dont need to use axle stands' type comment.

i cant see whats wrong with just having a warning that its reccommended to use axle stands when doing this on the thread.

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put the piccys back up Les, if people don't want to use an axle stand its up to them, i personally tend to use one if i'm going to be undoing bolts once the vehicle is jacked up, as i can give it a bit of muscle without fear of it moving on the jack.

I also put the wheel i've just removed under a chassis rail.

if i had a better trolley jack, and was doing brake pads, i wouldn't bother with an axle stand, as you don't realy have to undo anything....

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