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Youtube and ads??


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1 hour ago, FridgeFreezer said:

Web page or mobile app or ???

Usually following an emailed or pop up link on the laptop, I can't follow that sort of thing on a phone app, as far as I can see I remain signed in all the time.

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Something's definitely changed. I put up a vid last night and while watching it back for quality control my jaw dropped at the three or four 'mid roll' ads Youtube deemed fit to throw in there. Before now it would never have been more than one mid roll ad in a ten to 15 minute video.

edit- as a creator I have the option of turning on video monetisation, or not. Just feel that's important to say. But then if you're following a creator and you value their content then being cool with [the odd] ad is the simplest form of support. I've no definitive on this but they say letting full ad play instead of skipping is also beneficial to a creators possibility of bringing in some revenue.

Edited by Shackleton
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Definitely more ads than there used to be. @Shackleton, do you get control over how many ads get placed on a monetised video? I've stopped watching a few channels because they seem to have far more ads on their videos than others. Mustie1's videos, for example, I found to be totally chocked full and I wasn't prepared to slog through them. Most other channels I follow don't seem so bad. 

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I think the creator controls the amount of ads but YouTube controls the revenue rules so if YouTube rules change creators need to respond to get revenue to make the channel viable. YouTube premium removes all the ads


Content and hosting takes money and that needs to come from somewhere.

which reminds me I should probably make a forum donation.....

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🤣 I'm in that situation too. I posted one monetised video four years ago, as a bit of a trial. It rapidly raised me about £66 which was paid. Then the goalposts moved to 1,000 subscribers I think. The video now has had about 190K views but no more income. Good job it's not my primary source of income - a bit of a stretch with just one video anyway!

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On 11/24/2019 at 8:46 AM, lo-fi said:

@Shackleton, do you get control over how many ads get placed on a monetised video?

Yep, you do. You can leave it to Youtube or manually do it. Generally their system that decides the opportune moment to place an ad, and how many to place, is fairly decent. Frankly I put too much time into my videos to have them messed up by a lot of ads, but being used to a short one like my last being a one mid roll ad deal, I just left it to Youtube. I got caught out.

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I've got sick of this using the YouTube app on my phone. I now only view YouTube via Firefox browser with the adblock plus pluggin installed. Problem solved. I can now watch YouTube in peace without interruption from ads for goods and services I have absolutely zero interest in 👍

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PS this is the blocker on Firefox I'm talking about in the screenshot below. When I googled options for blocking ads on YouTube the top suggestions were to either root your mobile or get something called blockada. When I looked into it I didn't like the idea of rooting my mobile and I tried blockada and I didn't find it effective on the YouTube app.



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