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serious off-roader also their everyday car


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I guess luck has played a part

the worst I've had was a bust rear caliper and tyre off the rim

I had previously broken standard CV's but I just removed them to drive home.

recent 2 dayer at slindon saw the Crown wheel bolts coming loose on the trip home

but it made it and drove around for another week before I investigated it.

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If you are expected to be in an office smartly dressed at 9am on Monday morning - it doesn't really work at all.

If you get home at 5pm on Sunday night, and the vehicle is filthy inside and out - its a PITA. Especially when everything is cold/dark/wet.

People driving home from site days with windows they can't see out of and with broken lights/mirrors is a pet hate of mine, doing it on the way to work on a Monday morning is in-excusable IMHO

If you go green-laning on a Saturday - then that'd work.

Think laterally - take the train, buy a motorbike, date a fat burd with a nice car, get a job where you don't have to work Mondays

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Car 46 in the AWDC Challenge series is the driver's (Graham Fuller) daily transport.

And up to the beginning of this season he was driving it to and from each round as well.

They deserve a special kind of respect in my mind for giving the car a beating that I would have dished out to a 53 plate Defender 90 XS


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tangoman used to drive to and back from all the AWDC events last year as well although it wasnt his daily driver.

If you go green-laning on a Saturday - then that'd work.

Or go to events that are run on Sats!!!

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We recently moved back and I now drive 22 miles each way to work. I did a calculation and discovered that spending about £500 on a hatchback that returned 45ish miles to the gallon would pay for itself in between 18 months and two years - servicing and MOTs and fuel included.

Similar sums here. I worked out it was cheaper for me to have a cheap run around for every day use commuting etc, and that was working with Tdi figures, not the V8 I have now. The saving in fuel was about a grand a year (and that's without considering any savings from less wear/tear on the LR) which is plenty to tax/insure/service/etc a little runner.

I had the one LR and no 'back up' car before and was mainly doing laning then. Only got stuck for transport on a monday morning once, and that was down to water pump exploding on the M6 so not even an off roading issue.

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The Nas is my main 4 wheeler for doing everything!

Takes me to work and back home again in the evenings about 20 mile round trip. It's used for towing my Ifor Williams 1500kg payload trailer for work and pleasure. I go to see customers and visit the Bank to pay-in customer cheques (best part of my day :rolleyes: ), I marshall for John Morgan at Slindon, Boxgrove and The Cement Works (now closed), go to the Belgium National, going to Seven Sisters very soon for a weekend of fun, greenlaning in Sussex, France, Somerset and Wales, done 3 or 4 winch comps in Sussex / Kent and although not trying to win at all costs didn't finish last. The Nas has lockers strengthened half shafts and uprated 110 CV's and generally the only breakages are due to red mist off-road.

However, I do have a Connect van at work to get me out of transport problems and I use my VFR750 during the fair weather, (too old and fragile to bike in 4 inches of snow, as for example when I was a youth :P ) to do the home to work and visit customers without need for lots of carrying space.

The Nas is in good condition like Tony's 90 and it is kept that way, if you have an old dog of a Disco then do not expect the vehicle to do all that you want, you will need that back-up diesel Pug. :lol:

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I gave up thinking of my land rover as a car/road vehicle. It is now classified as a hobby or pastime (in my mind anyway!) and I have convinced SWMBO that this is a hobby like hers of collecting shoes.

If you were a member of a golf club you could easily spend £2k per year - why not spend that on your LR? I am sure she spends more than £2k on shoes per year anyway.

I am now free to go out and get the car I want without that nagging doubt that I should be using my LR as everyday transport.

Works for me.

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my 90 is my daily drive & ONLY mode of transport

did the TFC & went to work the next day after driving to pitlochry, doing the event & driving back home & then off out the next morning to work

so far in 3 1/2-4 years of driving & playing offroad have only broken 1 cv joint & a front shaft.........................:ph34r:

Means either 2 things:

Must try harder or i am really good with mechanical sympathy.... then again some members on here have seen me drive/ bitched for me :lol:

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i use my tomcat every day but i am a little nutty also i work in a boat yard so suits are not really an issue for me

having said that i'm also a biker so as a back up i've got a bike but i'll fix the truck if i can because bike gear is a PITA just to go to work


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I got a phone call from my director this morningI have been moved to a site that I can walk to from home so I have gone from 50,000 miles a year to walking to work :D its only for a 9 months but it means the disco will no longer be complained about by my colleagues.

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My disco is my only vehicle, i do a 4o mile round trip to work every day and use it for off roading/ holidays/ everything else.

My wife has a decent, new car (sensible Skoda roomster) but as she drives 20 miles in the oposite direction to me every morning it won't help if my car is not running.

Ideally I'd like a second car, not really to save money on fuel because i can live with 200 miles a week in a tdi, but just as a safety net.

If I had a second vehicle i would mod the disco a bit more, and off-road it a lot harder...

i've only had it about 18 months and it hasn't let me down yet, but I have done silly amounts of preventative maintenance (mostly as prep for trip to Morocco last summer) so I think i've built in a lot of reliability..

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I 'used' to have a very good reason for using the Landy on the road as I was required to travel over the Snake Pass between Manchester and Sheffield for my day release course from work. However that has long since evaporated. I started more and more modifications to make it as bullet-proof as it could be.

After about 8 years or so I was beginning to get fed up with 'always' having to tinker with the Landy, so I decided to spend a few years 'tinkering' with a sports car... then I got bored wondering which bit was going to fall off that next, so decided to learn how to ride a motorbike... I sold the Roadster and bought a 1200cc Adventure bike (7 weeks after doing the CBT) but that's had to go as I've finally had to grow up and buy a house :(

Any how, at the moment the Landy is used only for shopping and the occasional trip to the tip... I wouldn't even consider commuting in a 2.25 petrol... I'm trying to figure out if I really want to sell her on and get a little runabout... I can't keep cycling to work forever...

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Started off with one LR (110 CSW), got a second one(RR hybrid) then just HAD to buy a D2. My partner also has a [shudder]SMART[/shudder] although she prefers driving the D2 but prefers parking the Smart.

It all depends on your lifestyle whether you need a second/third/fourth LR

I could not survive with just the hybrid as it is just too tempermental, BUT is getting more reliable as slowly sort out the problems that I inherited with it when I bought it!

The 110 is very reliable but is not used in heavy/hard competitions as it is now an overland vehicle.

The D2? Well was forced :o to buy it when I had to recover the 110. It was only a 3,000 mile round trip to recover the 110. :lol:

To compete HARD in challenge events and only have one vehicle you will have to make it bomb proof, have good mechanical skills and live close to work/not be a suit or get a second vehicle.

There again I dont compete hard in events but just love having our LRs



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Landrover 110 V8 for playing with / events / weekends and daily run around is a Rover 100 which cost me £250 and at 20 quid to fill the tank which lasts nearly a month it is cheaper than reunning it all day everydy

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I've had the 110 as my sole transport for about 6 years. It got me to the south of France, up and down the Alps for 2 years with a knackered rad, VC and injection pump, as well as commuting to work, 2 trips to the Pyrenees, and then round the East coast of France back up to Ireland. It was laid up a few times for a few days waiting on parts etc but never left me stranded.

After that I was faced with a 140 mile round trip to my new job and the truck having been slightly neglected, needed a service, timing belt, seals etc. and me not having the time to do the work, I bought a cheap van for the commute.

Over the next 3 months, I worked on the truck and commuted in the van. I hated every minute in the van.

Three months later, the truck was back on the road and that week, the van blew up (and still isn't running). I've never been so happy to get back into the truck as my daily transport, even for long commutes.

Yes, I've occasionally had to borrow a car to get to work, mainly because of muppet suppliers ordering the wrong parts , but I won't go back to running a carp car as my daily transport - ever. I'd just miss the 110 too much :wub:

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I drive what is probably the least practical vehicle as a DD and in spite of heavy fuel consumption and relatively rapid tyre wear, the sums add up in favor of the LandRover vs purchasing,registering, insuring and running a cheap buzzbox. We don't have a system over here whereby old vehicles dont pay annual roadtax, otherwise I'd run an older vehicle as a second car. The missus needs our Trooper every day so that is not counted. In rare emergencies when the Landrover requires urgent attention we have cheap old car rentals such as Rent a Bomb that won't break the bank in order to remain mobile for a week or so.


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