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Ladoga DVD


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This is going to make me really unpopular I'm sure, but I cant help wondering whether there are others out there quietly thinking the same thought as myself. . .

That the Lagoda DVD wasnt very entertaining

There, I've said it now and I await the inevitable flaming

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This is going to make me really unpopular I'm sure, but I cant help wondering whether there are others out there quietly thinking the same thought as myself. . .

That the Lagoda DVD wasnt very entertaining

There, I've said it now and I await the inevitable flaming

Hi Lewis.

I think you are right up to a certain point, if one do understand russian it might be different, I had hoped to have got a far better underststanding off what it is all about, what classes there are and so on.

That said it is great to see folks fight the elements in the way they do and even when it is at its worst keep up a good spirit.

And I am great full that the folks here on the forum have done so much work so we all can have a look at what them "spannerboys" do when they go there!!!



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Perhaps next year Jez could make his own video of his exploits. Following one vehicle would allow us to see all the trials and tribulations that they encounter on their way to the finish line and would give us a better idea of the course as we'd see more of it :)

We didn't see much of Jez in the dvd and I'd certainly like to have seen more film of petal in action.


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Found my copy in the letterbox on Sat morning!

Broken case but DVD was fine...!

I did manage to watch a little part of it,I guess there's a lot of Russian humour at its best,and less action than expected,

but I liked it anyway...


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its more fun to compete I have to say but.. figuring its a low budget dvd produced by an offroad club I dont think they do a bad job. it makes a heap more sense if you can understand Russian and its a laugh to see crews you know but that means you'd have to get out there in the first place to get to know them ;)

Taste is subjective - I cant understand why would you get flamed for your opinion?

Mo - we can try, unfortunately the video cams we took this year died when we went testing the day before the off (they dont seem to like vibration and sand munching :( ) so the only functioning kit was digital still cams taking itty bitty vids, we lumped as much of that together as possible and put it on youtube. We will try harder next year :)

The best way to see the event is firsthand. Just depends how much you want to do it :)

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Taste is subjective - I cant understand why would you get flamed for your opinion?

I agree, I watched the dvd and have to say its very well put together, I do not understand to dialogue, but the action gave an insight to whats going on. A mate of mine has a classic saying which sums it up " Its like sex no good unless you are taking part".................... :o

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Mo - we can try, unfortunately the video cams we took this year died when we went testing the day before the off (they don't seem to like vibration and sand munching :( ) so the only functioning kit was digital still cams taking itty bitty vids, we lumped as much of that together as possible and put it on youtube. We will try harder next year :)

I was not impressed :angry: All of them got shshshsaken to death :( poor things.

It is very hard to get to the stages if you want to take your own footage - We managed to get to some stages but it is more luck then judgment that we caught some of the cars in some exciting places. Logistically its a nightmare - you need a vehicle that is not needed that day for any of the other duties (getting to the next camp, shopping, cooking..... ), then you need to load up the course on the navigation computer you want to go and see, then you need to get there (and no - you cannot get into the proto stage - they are sheer madness),then you need to find a "suitable" track to get at least somewhere close to the race track and then walk for miles and miles to get to the track. (you never know what is the terrain going to be like on foot, as James was carrying expensive gear - swimming is not an option, so a long walk round beaver dams is required). All of that in the hope that it will be an interesting section and that the cars have not already gone past. Its purely luck. Add in hand held GPS failures because of the dense cover of the trees (now that is scary), Radios with BIG amplifiers failing because of the geology, moose flies, wasps, and every other flying and crawling creature that you can imagine thinking "yippee dinner has arrived".

But there is only so much our little cams can take :(

This is a Finnish photographer call Miko Nikkenen; I'm not this brave -


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The Russian humour was a bit lost on me too (perhaps I need more Vodka?). As has been said, the trouble with getting footage of protos in action is that unless you're in one of them, it's very difficult to get near them without a helicopter.

I'm hoping to be a bit more organised in 08 (as in have the truck built before leaving :ph34r: ) and get more video (and photos) from stage - need to work out what gadgets to take, got to buy a laptop/PC & GPS before I even look at toys though :(

I do have some as yet unseen video on VHS-C, mostly from camp and a bit of the beach race and Russian roads but it's not the most thrilling stuff. I'm trying to get it into the PC & edit it together but it's taken a back seat to more important things at the moment.

Edited to add: BTW Lewis, if you want the rather less "produced" 2004 DVD I can sort you out a copy, it's a bit more basic but I think you'd like it.

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Well the Russian passed me by but I still enjoyed it.

and to see an LR4x4.com sticker on the rear arch come out of the water on Jez's truck made the £11 worth every penny.

I've compiled a few off road videos and then when I watched them back thought they may be a bit boring unless you were there.

like everything it s easy to be a critic, in the same vein everyone is entitled to an opinion.

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I've watched it several times already and allowing for the logistic nightmares of being in the right place at the right time and that its produced by an offroad club Ithink it's great , and really the best way to get more of a feel for it is to go and do it at some level... :blink: ...gulp.

Several years back our local BBC TV made a 12min feature on our club - Breckland Land Rover Club showing some trials footage in and out of the vehicle and greenlaning , 12min play length meant 3 whole sundays , 3 camera men and a lot of faffing around.

I do have a question or two.. how do the numbers on the vehicles relate to classes? what I really mean is which no's are for tourist/ grand tourist :unsure:? , Also a bit of a summary of rules for each class ie tyre size/ winchs/lockers would be good for us dreamers :lol: . On the subject of tyres the ones running agri are all in proto I'm guessing , is it anything goes with tyres in proto?

Thanks again to all those involved in putting the DVD together B)

If there is a spare 2004 DVD copy I'd like one Fridge ta very much



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I do have a question or two.. how do the numbers on the vehicles relate to classes?

As I understand it:

4xx = TR4 / Proto - pretty much anything goes

3xx = TR3 - tyre size limit, no agri tyres IIRC

2xx = TR2 - sort of average UK challenge spec

1xx = TR1 - Standard vehicle plus a winch and slightly bigger tyres

6xx = Tourism (green laning, ha ha)

8xx = Support trucks

Not sure where Raid / GT fall, guessing the 5 numbers are one or the other. TR1,2,3,4 are racing, the others are just a fun kinda thing with less strict regs.

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it makes a heap more sense if you can understand Russian and its a laugh to see crews you know but that means you'd have to get out there in the first place to get to know them ;)

Taste is subjective - I cant understand why would you get flamed for your opinion?

Granted that comprehending the language would help, however I have tried watching it on mute with some heavy metal to help it along, but it made little improvement.

I appreciate the effort of all involved, and I dont begrudge the forum my £11 at all. I was just a bit dissapointed, and I wanted to know whether I was the only one.

Edited to add: BTW Lewis, if you want the rather less "produced" 2004 DVD I can sort you out a copy, it's a bit more basic but I think you'd like it.

That would be great, thanks B)

and to see an LR4x4.com sticker on the rear arch come out of the water on Jez's truck made the £11 worth every penny.

like everything it s easy to be a critic, in the same vein everyone is entitled to an opinion.

Dont forget the sticker on Dan & Charlotte's Range Rover on the top of the cage above the screen - its in most of the first 5 mins in the square.

I've never watched a (professional) offroading video before, but I have watched a good number of mountain biking video's and I imagine that the dificulties in makeing the two are very similar. I felt that it lacked flow, seemingly jumping at random to diffrent cars and diffrent sections, I expected 5-10min pieces on one section, or following a specific vehicle through a series of obstacles. But, like you say, its easy to be a critic :)

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Ive watched Sesame Street with a porno soundtrack and that didnt work either - was funny as ***k though :lol:

I expected 5-10min pieces on one section, or following a specific vehicle through a series of obstacles

in the DVDs defence I'd remind you of the races format, its point to point with a number of waypoints to keep you on course(ish) set through deep forest, mountains, rivers etc etc - we dont hang around for that long in any one area, when you get stuck its simple; get out as fast as possible and then make up the time pressing on the loud pedal until another car/tree/cliff/swamp slows you down, Dan will fill you in with how unbalanced you need to be to keep up with Russians so poor bloke on foot with a camera is always going to struggle. :lol:

Personally Im in awe of the St P club, this is just one (club produced) vid for just one of their races, Ive no idea how they plan for (and successfully) move over 1000 people without causing huge public upset let alone how the film chaps with a budget of sod all manage to give balanced footage to over 200 teams in so many different classes racing stages that can be spread over an area of several hundred KM's on the same day - I was told that this year they wanted to show the more accessible classes in place of concentrating on the big stupid stuff and I can see the logic; the film reflects the fact that Ladoga is as tough as you want it to be.....

you'll like the 2004.. its more protos and Tr3s in worlds of pain - the best movie is still in your head, book some holiday and see it for yourself.

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So now I know what happened to it! I shall mourn that camera. That old girl had been through everything and then you take it on one little off road foray...

Is yours in a blue bag? Because if it is, then it is safe and sound at home.

I thought it may not come back in one piece so strategically it got left behind ;)

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Well , I thought the DVD was excellent and felt that the UK entries certainly came across as ambassadors to the sport.

I personally felt immensely proud when Jez was shown caring for humanity ……………also I thought that the DVD featured the ugly ba$tard quite a bit……….

Flip the coin …………….. it would be extremely difficult to make an exciting DVD of any UK winch challenge comp…………………. however, I think the St P 4x4 club have done very well………….. when all said and done Lewis ………. there are not many trucks on the UK scene that would survive the punishment shown in the footage ;) ………….a few have tried and failed ……… but they get my respect for just trying.



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you'll like the 2004.. its more protos and Tr3s in worlds of pain - the best movie is still in your head, book some holiday and see it for yourself.

Excellent, I'm looking forward to it :)

Flip the coin …………….. it would be extremely difficult to make an exciting DVD of any UK winch challenge comp…………………. however, I think the St P 4x4 club have done very well………….. when all said and done Lewis ………. there are not many trucks on the UK scene that would survive the punishment shown in the footage ;) ………….a few have tried and failed ……… but they get my respect for just trying.

As I said, I have not seen another professional (by that I mean one that has to be paid for) offroading dvd from any country. Nor have I stated that you could make an exciting UK dvd.

I fail to see where uk truck ability (or otherwise) to survive abroad has any bearing on a thread about a DVD. Unless the dvd was entitled "Why UK cars/comps are better than the foreign rubbish". Which it isnt.

Please lets not have any of this "Russian cars/entrants/spectators are better/more worthy of praise than UK cars/entrants/spectators". Its starting to get like diesel/petrol debates or electric/hydro winches. Its all subjective

If I have missunderstood your point and gone off on one then please accept my humblest apologies in advance.

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