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Gresh and family


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I've been amazed at these guys strength through all this, I can't imagine how the last few months have been for them.

The fact that they are taking time out to raise money for the air ambulance just goes to show what wonderfull people they are.

I hope life is beginning to make a bit of sense now for them... and their other kids are getting through it.

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Hello folks,

Thanks for your concern.

We are doing ok I guess. The kids have an amount of normality at school. Home is hell to be honest, it's great to be around the memories, but equally that's what hurts, if you know what I mean.

April has been a bad month, Angel's birthday would have been the 10th and Thor's the 21st. It's hard to describe exactly how we feel, most of the time we aren't too sure ourselves. What we do know is that there are a lot of great people out there in LandyLand, who have been a great source of comfort. For that we will always be grateful.

We spend quite a bit of time away, visiting friends, and show season has started, so we are likely to be at as many of those as possible. If you see me (maybe wearing a tee or sweat shirt with RIP Keavy, Thor, Angel & Willow on it), stop me and say hello.

Anyhow, thanks for asking after us.

Catch ya soon.



If you know any companies who can donate to the auction, please send them the link Luke posted.

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Pardon my ignorance, and I dont want to be insensitive, but what has happened to Gresh & his family?

I gather from Gresh's reply, that he has recently lost his children?

Then all I can say, is that (rather belatedly) I can only offer my most sincere and heartfelt condolences to the whole family & hope that everyone is coping as well as is possible.

I recently lost my Mum unexpectedly & I think about her every single day, and the pain in my heart is almost unbearable.

I wish Gresh & family nothing but best wishes.


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Hi Gresh,

I haven't met you mate but the hearts of my family are still breaking for you.

It isnt possible to comprehend your feelings but being a dad myself is enough to begin to feel the depth of your pain.

There are an enormous amount of people out here who feel for you so much but in all honesty it would be really awkward to even speak about it or express our sympathy.

So please know that our sincerest wishes and hopes go to you and your family and we hope you all find peace in your heart.

Sincerest regards

Grant & family

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It is really good to hear from you Gresh. I often think about you and your family.

Best wishes,


I second that, was wondering just the other day how the family are doing, this answered my question. Thoughts are with you and your family Gresh.

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  • 2 months later...
just seen on the news that gresh has been charged with dangerous driving and has been remanded in custody

as if he didnt have enough to cope with

Latest news

This is outrageous but just goes to show the sorry state that this country has become IMHO.

My thoughts are with Gresh and his family at this time and hope that sense and sensibility will prevail in this tradgic case so he can be with those that need him most!

Good Luck Gresh

Dougie & family

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Truly a tragedy of note. My sincere sympathy and condolences ..... as part of this forum and as a parent ...... may your tragedy come to rest sooner than later. May the lessons to be learnt from this be understood by all who are touched by it. God's love and peace into the future man.


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Good to see tax payers money being put to good use again then. Why put the bloke through it, when we all know the result will be to let him off as he's already been punished enough and it was an accident.

Suppose it easier than going after real criminals though, as they all carry knives and guns these days.

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