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Scrap Iron racing.....Gone under!!


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Ive phoned before to buy something and spoke to 3 different people all of which gave me different prices for the same item :blink: one person was also very rude when i questioned them why the price changed each time I rang. After that I havent bought anything since. Customer service is everything as many people have already said, You need customers to keep coming back.


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I wonder what the knock on effect will be on all their suppliers, I feel really sorry for them!

What I heard about Scrapiron was that they did not pay the outstanding invoice from suppliers until they reordered.

Which I suspect means they have taken a lot of suppliers for a lot of money!

Lets hope there is no collateral damage to the good suppliers who for whatever reason continued to trade with them despite their reputation.

My last post on this subject, good to be able to move on I suppose, I wonder who will be next in the stocks!


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Trouble is when he goes down he'll drag a lot of people with him. Who have nothing to do with his ethics and that means bad news for a lot of people :(:(

As has been said, though, he isn't going down yet. Administration, although not good, does mean the business potentially has the ability to make some money. Whether its a case of tying up loose ends and disappearing gracefully or a restructure and resurgence. Its a totally different thing to Liquidation which is basically the company's assets being broken up and sold to pay as many of the bills as possible. Neither's nice or good but they are different.

As other's have said, this sort of thing is a sign of the times. This sort of business tends to have pretty small profit margins and they had some pretty huge overheads (lots of advertising, premises in London etc). I've heard all sorts of rumours (of unknown truth) in the past about SR's finances but they have been around for quite a while.

Like many others I have never been a fan of this company however something like this is very unpleasant and may well have knock on consequences for innocent suppliers and staff. Being out of a job in the run up to Christmas with every sign we are entering a recession wouldn't be high on many people's wish lists.

Les, I don't think this thread should cause too many issues with defamation - most of what has been written is pure insults which doesn't count :P

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Trouble is when he goes down he'll drag a lot of people with him. Who have nothing to do with his ethics and that means bad news for a lot of people :(:(


I would've thought the downfall of a company who basically cast a shadow over the scene would perhaps stimulate smaller companies to take up the slack and encourage people to explore beyond the one-stop orange shop. I'd hope that any employees with something useful to offer would find alternative employment, perhaps with a competitor or supplier-turned-retailer. Frankly I reckon it'd would stimulate the scene somewhat as the chequebook brigade wouldn't have the option of phoning up Scrapiron, writing a cheque and ending up with yet another "fully extreme" truck. Imagine the good it would do if everyone who bought a disc handbrake was contributing to X-Eng's tinkering fund rather than to a company who just copied it and flogged it. The same could be said for the company that developed the original beautifully engineered extreme suspension kit before that got ripped off... and so on and so forth.

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I'm not playing this game. In the recent psat you have taken my post and tried to start an argument with it :( . It is totaly antaonistic and rather childish. Seems ike it's open season from you. If you have nothing constructive to add to my posts then frankly don't bother. Take your petulant attitude and bugger off back to your group of friends who think that A, your funny B, like listening to your whining voice, C, Who live in your own little world of self importance.

I thought this post was all about the downfall of Scorpian. As they have gone under they will have debts and they won't be paid. If Si was a supplier to them and they owed him a lot of money I'm sure your attitude would be slightly different. Sorry to use your name Si but it was to illustrate a point.

It hurts me to say this but MODS time for the LOCK button. :o

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Guest diesel_jim
How can this topic add any value to this forum?

No more than the thread of "what's your rover called?" or "what sex is your rover?" which were both inane dribble.

At least this thread is causing some decent discussion. Or, becase some people don't like some of the statements in it, should the thread be locked and the keys melted down into orange shaped turds? :lol::lol:

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Exactly Jim. Or has been said in the past. The thread has run it's course so let's lock it. Rather than let it fall off the bottom of the page. 2 sets of rules me thinks :(:( .

Will now go and check my specialPM to see where I stand :P

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I'm not playing this game. In the recent psat you have taken my post and tried to start an argument with it :( . It is totaly antaonistic and rather childish. Seems ike it's open season from you. If you have nothing constructive to add to my posts then frankly don't bother. Take your petulant attitude and bugger off back to your group of friends who think that A, your funny B, like listening to your whining voice, C, Who live in your own little world of self importance.

I thought this post was all about the downfall of Scorpian. As they have gone under they will have debts and they won't be paid. If Si was a supplier to them and they owed him a lot of money I'm sure your attitude would be slightly different. Sorry to use your name Si but it was to illustrate a point.

It hurts me to say this but MODS time for the LOCK button. :o

No it's called discussion and debate.

If this thread degenerates into a slanging match then it's gone.

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one thing that hasn't been mentioned... is this months big prize giveaway in LRO...

£2000 to spend at Scorpion racing.... :blink::o

maybe I'll save myself the cost of a stamp and not bother entering.

As far as Colin Aldred goes.. The sun always shines on the righteous. ;) he upset me once, and that was enough.....

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i cant say i'll shed any tears over this.

its a good opportunity for certain mags to take stock of their advertisers, and possibly with such a large and significant drop in advertising revenue - it will open up the possibility of cheaper advertising space for some of the smaller aftermarket retailers to a)take up the slack in the market b)allow their business and reputation to grow.

when one company goes down (no matter if they are rude overpriced idiots or not) someone always fills the gap eventually.

Lets hope the smaller retailers like gaurdian etc can step up and fill scrapirons vacant space.

My heart does go out to those who may lose their jobs over this - my wife has just been made redundant so i am very concious of how it can impact individuals - but thats life at the moment.

First to fall? possibly.

Last to fall? definitely not.

There will be lots of victims before all this is over with. Hopefully those companies producing quality products at realistic prices with good business ethics will survive.

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companies house filing for scorpion racing UK ltd - look at the founding date (setup) - the other original scrapiron is further below - but not showing as dissolved

Name & Registered Office:





Company No. 06714725

Status: Active

Date of Incorporation: 03/10/2008

Previous scrapiron company:






N12 0SH

Company No. 03025391

Status: Active

Date of Incorporation: 22/02/1995


I think quite a few folk are "jumping the gun" assuming that the firm and products are gone. It is not unknown for "Firm x" to go into admin / bankrupt and the same folk with the same machines, premises and employees suddenly pop back up as "Firm x (UK)" or "Firm x (GB)" etc etc.

At first glance, you won't notice the company has subtely changed its name and the same practices / adverts etc will carry on, same as before. I would suggest that going by the info above, as provided by OilIT, that may be whats occuring.

FWIW, I don't think its very nice to stick the boot into a group of folk (Company employees) based on the alledged actions of one person that probably have not actually been experienced first hand by all participants. In the current economic climate, there but for the grace of god etc...

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I'm not playing this game. In the recent psat you have taken my post and tried to start an argument with it :( . It is totaly antaonistic and rather childish.

I'm sorry you think that but I'm not playing a game, trying to pick a fight, or antagonise you or anyone else. As has been pointed out (twice) this is a discussion forum so I'm discussing. I really believe that if Scrapiron were to disappear from the scene it would be more positive than negative for the scene and could well create more jobs than it loses.

If you think this whole thing is OT then why post at all? :rolleyes: Personally I think the potential downfall of one of the largest forces in the off-roading world is worthy of a quick chat on an off-roading forum.

Back to the topic at hand - if they do go down, does that mean it may become socially acceptable to paint one's vehicle orange again? :lol:

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I think quite a few folk are "jumping the gun" assuming that the firm and products are gone. It is not unknown for "Firm x" to go into admin / bankrupt and the same folk with the same machines, premises and employees suddenly pop back up as "Firm x (UK)" or "Firm x (GB)" etc etc.

At first glance, you won't notice the company has subtely changed its name and the same practices / adverts etc will carry on, same as before. I would suggest that going by the info above, as provided by OilIT, that may be whats occuring.

FWIW, I don't think its very nice to stick the boot into a group of folk (Company employees) based on the alledged actions of one person that probably have not actually been experienced first hand by all participants. In the current economic climate, there but for the grace of god etc...

Yes, it not that unusual for a new firm to be set up and buy the old assets from the reciever even, then use the same trading name or something very close. Not that I am saying that's what has happened.

Overall this thread is a good example of why I don't use this forum so much anymore. It's independant, but even ADMIN feel the need to stick the boot in early on.

I've never had any major problems with Scorpion. I won't jump on the bandwagon and stick the boot in, I feel sorry for all the employees and suppliers if they have financial problems.

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Isn't the internet a wonderful thing!

As for the speculation regarding the companies latest incarnation then it looks as if a classic out one day, in the next. Might do it myself yet!

My two penneth is that ETHICALLY there has been alledged borrowing of other companies intulectual property to make there own products. This has not gone unrecognised.

This is small world we live in now, the wrath and venom of unhappy shoppers is quickly brought online for all to see.

This has brought around, hopefully, a more customer satisfaction type era. Personally i'm fed up with being treated as a chump by a spotty teenager on the other end of a phone.

My business is based on our strong customer relations and the ability to do what we say for the money quoted, IF there is a problem ,that we try to resolve it ASAP.

PS lime greens in this season!

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I was always under the impression that, no matter what their ethics were, they were selling a lot of stuff and should therefore be making money hand over fist.

So either they were paying themselves too much, had too many staff, had expensive premises, had too low a profit margin or were spending too much money on advertising.

Judging by the multi-page ads in the LR magazines, it rather looks like the last.

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