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land rover must have.........not!


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What is this "BEDLOUC" is is designed from....does he mean Beadlock??

Also they arent round, if you look at the pic of the ring laid out with the fixings its clealy nothing like round, and £400 for a bit of 5mm ali.......you're having a giraffe!!!

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Hang on don't knock it.........

On a similar vein I have just invented a new 'must have' product to got with these,


Here especially for LR4x4 is the launch blurb, ...........you heard it here 1st

Kittyturd promotions is proud to announce the new KittyTurd 'Turdweights' all rights reserved esp aginst anyone with 50,000 litres of Orange Paint.

Ever said to a mate in the passenger seat - "my steering is sh*te - it wobbles and shakes like a good un ?..."

then you need KittyTurd Turdweights.

Those Lead weights are so "last year" and no-one can see the efforts you have go to to get those wheels balanced,

here at Kittyturd International Brothers Ltd PLC Inc we select only the choisest dryest Turds left by doggies - selected by weight

we mount them on a clip fixing system, sort em, bake em and box em,

then dependant on weight required you just clip em on just like Lead weight .....but with that exttra added "WTF" special attraction

Clip on n Job done, your wheels are balanced and you clean up the environment too,

they have a low carbon footprint and on hot days your 4x4 will hum so badly not even a pikey will nick your LR.

A selection of Turdweights are avaiable in various sizes shades widths and lengths

this gaurantees 'individualisim' as well as a stunned response from your friends

(as in WTF have you done to your LR now you knuckle dragging moron ?"),

and are available from the sole distributors Kittyturd promotions

for the bargain sum of just £99 for a LR pack selction, also avaialble in Orange for £1200.

If you own a dog then send in your tescos bag with your doggies donation and get a 10% discount

You heard it here 1st

Colon Ripoofaidea

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