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Land Rovers future!!


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What total B------s!!!!!

The new owner of Landrover is a god damn Billionaire!!!!! He should be the one forking out the hundred or so million!!!!

When was the last time we heard a company say, Oh, we earned so much this year, we will share it with the taxpayers???

What a con!!!!! now I have seen it all, some foreign Billionaire owned company buys an ailing company in this England, it has more problems (there is a surprise :blink: )

and the new owner says "well, if your government can lend me some money at silly low interest rates, and very little security, all will be OK" F *** is what I say!

They are just milking the situation!!!!!!!



Can Gordon please lend me a couple of Mill?

Please, I need some nice machines to help me wipe my a**e!!!

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Lets hope they are investing to build 200TDi engined Defenders in India and ship them back here at a sensible selling price :ph34r:

And building D3s with windy windows, minimal electrickery, no carpets, steel wheels and vinyl seats ;)

I might actually buy a new one then. Unlikely, but I might.

Will :)

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Didn't BMW get a huge kickback from the UK government when they bought Landrover from Rover?

If so, and with all the banking goings on it's not that unusual nowadays! :rolleyes:

Cheaper for the taxpayer to chuck money in the pot than pay all those long term DSS claims, rents etc...

(so they think anyway)

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Lets hope they are investing to build 200TDi engined Defenders in India and ship them back here at a sensible selling price :ph34r:

And building D3s with windy windows, minimal electrickery, no carpets, steel wheels and vinyl seats ;)

I might actually buy a new one then. Unlikely, but I might.

Will :)


While we at it. Lets get some cart springs under it, put a nice 2 1/4 petrol back in. Oh and some of those points things. I like my D3 as it is. Comes with everything that I need. Even a nice LR Assist card for when I need the windows cleaning or tyre pressures checking.

Move with the times. Everything has to progress or it becomes stale and inefficient for what it was designed for. You see it everywhere in life. In fact lets get rid of our duel core PC's and dig out the ZX Spectrum. Everyones a winner now

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Stay calm!

Tata is investing tens of millions into the company:

BBC Story

And so they should!!

The thing that gets my goat is that unless they are total morons (and clearly they are not as they have built up a very good company in Tata) then they had some pretty good accountants and business lawyers in on the deal when they bought LR / Jag, now this was only a few months ago! and "suddenly" they have problems? well so do loads of other companies etc who ain't got Billions behind them! If I had problems with one of my companies then I personally would have to bail them out! and if I couldn't then I would be looking for a job Allin with my employees! When do these big companies ever give out free handouts to taxpayers? Mr Tata could finance it himself and probably not even have to skip a holiday, Tough but true! Unless the government wants to buy shares and then give it back to the taxpayer when profitable???

And no it does not affect me one bit but I believe in fairness and this tinkles me off!!!

Same with banks being bailed out! They are responsible for gross neglect! the men at the top who have been walking away with big fat bonuses should have to give that back first! as the bonus was obviously gained through miss management rather than good management!!! The situation that the banks have got them selves in was waiting to happen just as any "Pyramid scheme" ask Jean-Pierre Van Rossem (Wiki him)

We need more accountability and more responsibility from these people.


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Hi there,

Sorry to said that, but the market conditions between the day were Tata aquires LR and today has been changed dramatically and almost all of the companies (Tata included) are run out of credit due the financial crisis. Given that, a bailout will be possible. The 10s millions of pounds only gives LR more time to run without government help but Im afraid that is not too much money. Current problems are in the short term cashflow (2009) so an extra cash should be injected by Tata or by the government. Tata is not a charity institution and if the bailout money are less expensive than its own, they will go for it if the conditions are acceptable.

I saw an interwiev to Bob Grace (intl. Operations Director) in a local newspaper during his visit to Chile (in spanish I regret). He said that the european automovile industry rescue it is a must to keep the GDP in a good shape.

But anyway Im confident that finally LR will be OK.

If somebody like to read the article , there it is



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totally agree with you Eduardo,

But as you say Tata are not a charity!

Nor is the Taxpayer!

Tata does not share it's profit with the taxpayer so therefore it should not get a preferential loan! Full loan terms secured by collateral at full interest and someone held liable, OK, but not a prefferential "handout!"

And why should the taxpayer loan money to someone who could easily finance themselves but obviously do not have enough faith to do so?

I do agree there are special situations to do so and people loosing there jobs cost money and are unfortunate, But I do not believe this is "actually" the case with LR / Tata.

I smell a nasty smell from this deal. and it ain't curry!


Nuff said by me on this subject, leave it to others views now :rolleyes:

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Also agree with your comment Lara,

Business are business and if you or I made a bad deal we must to paid for it without any help from the government (In theory should work in this sense).

If the govermnemt put money must be profitable for UK. I don't know the Tata's finnacial situation but should not be quite well, and probably, the cost for the UK taxpayers to leave LR in the bankrupcy (paying unemployement insurances, lost of other business tied to LR, etc), will be higher than give some money to LR to run the business and recover this money in the future. But responsabilities should be prosecuted.


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If Toyota are recording their first ever loss then what hope for the rest? At least LR & Jaguar make half decent cars, the big three in the US seem to be totally shocked that all of a sudden poorly nailed together SUV's with massive engines aren't selling :rolleyes: it's a good job there's no precedent for that... except of course the last fuel crisis that gave the Japanese manufacturers such a boost over the gas-guzzling US junk :ph34r:

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While we at it. Lets get some cart springs under it, put a nice 2 1/4 petrol back in. Oh and some of those points things. I like my D3 as it is. Comes with everything that I need. Even a nice LR Assist card for when I need the windows cleaning or tyre pressures checking.

Move with the times. Everything has to progress or it becomes stale and inefficient for what it was designed for. You see it everywhere in life. In fact lets get rid of our duel core PC's and dig out the ZX Spectrum. Everyones a winner now

My point is that the 200TDi is widely regarded as the best engine for the job worldwide. If Land Rover had carried on building them would they have to comply with current eurocrap legislation? If not why bother, its all ballcocks anyway environmentally. The 200 is faultlessly reliable and does 30MPG in a 90, have we progressed from there?

I'm not knocking the D3, I love it but I am also sure theres a market for basic D3s. The whole idea behind the original Range Rover was it was a vehicle you could use on the land during the day, then hose out and drive to the hunt ball in the evening. Nothings changed in the countryside we still need cars that can do that.

I am all for progress, if it is progress.

Will :)

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If Land Rover had carried on building them would they have to comply with current eurocrap legislation? If not why bother, its all ballcocks anyway environmentally.

Yes, it would have to meet current emissions legislation and no, it would not meet that legislation - currently Euro4 IIRC.

I am all for progress, if it is progress.

Well Will, I am pretty sure that Tata Motors could show you something right up your street.

Landrover has moved on to selling cars that it's customers want to buy rather than cars that you want to own second or third hand. No offence, but till you are buying new, you do not get a say.


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I'm afraid when the mighty Toyota predict a loss we know we are all in the doogy doo's


The luxury market which LR major in is I'm afraid under much more pressure than mainstream like Toyota so highly likely to be in even bigger trouble. My personal view is I don't really care who or how LR get saved but I truly hope they do, losing Woollies I can cope with (Unless I had worked there!!!) losing the Green Oval is unthinkable..........

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I'm afraid when the mighty Toyota predict a loss we know we are all in the doogy doo's


The luxury market which LR major in is I'm afraid under much more pressure than mainstream like Toyota so highly likely to be in even bigger trouble. My personal view is I don't really care who or how LR get saved but I truly hope they do, losing Woollies I can cope with (Unless I had worked there!!!) losing the Green Oval is unthinkable..........

Original post 5.39pm, this one 9.12.pm

As I said ...... RIP Land Rover.....it was really good knowing you.... seems nobody cares....

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If I stand back and squint a lot, I see a Discovery.... No, Mercedes G-wagon, no.. Defender.....

Can't make up my mind. I would like to think the Tata boys are going to keep the Green Oval out there for a while yet. They are investing as well as lifting a few quid from our taxes...


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Tasteless graphics aside that Tata looks okay to me. No beauty, but not wildly different to a Toyota/Isuzu/Mitsubishi from a couple of generations back before they all got into acres of tasteless plastic and chrome. Sensible, practical sort of shape. Simple, basic interior about on a par with a series one Discovery (or probably the aforementioned jap trucks). Works for me!

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I'm afraid when the mighty Toyota predict a loss we know we are all in the doogy doo's

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

mmmmmm, last I read Toyota were the World's largest car maker.

Now given that car sales have dropped globally by about 30% in the last 12 months, if Toyota weren't affected I would have been more surprised.

As for them not making a loss in the previous downturns, they weren't the car company they are today in the previous downturns.

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