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I recently sent my v5 off to re-regestered my heavily modified G wagon to my new address,

After about 6 weeks the dvla sent me a letter saying, i had to declare all modifications (with pics to back up my statements) including new engine number and alterations to wheel plan and axles. before i could get a new v5.

I am quite interested to know how they know i've modified the car as i've never declared any of the mods.

I've checked everywhere i've posted, and our members vehicles forum is the only one that has a pic showing the reg number, A few pics have got into total off road but none showing the reg.

I've sent the form off and we'll see what they want next, i'm guessing a vic minimum.

As DVLA now have full access to the Motor Insurance Database, and you probably have detailed all your mods to the insurers over time to keep them happy, is it possible that your mods could come to DVLA's attention this way?

I'll have to stop thinking like this, it's worrying me!


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I'm not sure what the issue is here (or elsewhere that I've read)? If the vehicle has been modified to such an extent that the DVLA is interested, then surely you should declare such modifications anyway?

My G is not used on the road nor has it been since it's been modified, the only purpose of it's v5 to me is that it acts as a paper trail to link me to the car should it ever go missing.

Hmmmmm :huh:

What I really don't see is why if DVLA have all this "Info" on you, WHY would they / have they

wait until you go to reregister it :blink: they could just write to you anyhow ??

When you say 'reregister' - was this just simply moving house, or actaully writting to them with a V5 with some modifications

Purely a change of address.

Sorry to be a bit silly but is the address change letters arn't they a standard generic one across the board which covers everything like engine, axles, paint etc.. and you could be reading it wrong, Or is is refuring to your car's exact mods,although you have widened it lengthend and and changed the engine and basicly ticking all the boxes :(

transfered 6 other v5's at the same time, all the others came back inside 3 weeks

As DVLA now have full access to the Motor Insurance Database, and you probably have detailed all your mods to the insurers over time to keep them happy, is it possible that your mods could come to DVLA's attention this way?

I'll have to stop thinking like this, it's worrying me!

It's never been on it's own policy whilst i've had it.

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Amongst the DVLA's proposals are to instruct MOT testers to look out for potentially undeclared vehicle changes at the time of the MOT, and inform the appropriate people. That's yet another thing we have to worry about.

I haven't heard any more developments on that front, but it is definitely worth bearing in mind.

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Amongst the DVLA's proposals are to instruct MOT testers to look out for potentially undeclared vehicle changes at the time of the MOT, and inform the appropriate people. That's yet another thing we have to worry about.

My MOT man did that after the rebuild and nothing has appeared from the DVLA to acknowledge the changes <_<

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I think that the worst thing we can post on here is not photos but the "have you got an SVA for that" type posts etc, and the thread regarding Mr Gresham's accident, Mostly misinformed and in correct useful and unhelpful garbage!

Let's get away from telling each other what is or isn't legal or safe. I can't see any use in feeding the antis and the feds!


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I have to confess all the discussions about SVA/IVA were interesting to start with but got so crossed and confusing I've taken the advice of a member on here and started doing a lot of reading to try and build my own picture of what's happening for a project i'm working on....

It certainly doesn't help when someone posts up hearsay / rumour and it's wrong.... I know the experience on the board gets it corrected in the thread pretty quick, but we all need to be really careful that someone doesn't take what they read as gospel, go spend money and only then find out they cannot register their creation legally....


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Let's get away from telling each other what is or isn't legal or safe.

I can see where you're coming from, to a point, but the powers that be would not feel the need for new rules if everyone stuck to the ones we have already. The SVA test was introduced in response to hords of poorly designed and poorly assembled kit cars that appeared on the roads during the boom in the 80's and early 90's. I worked in the kit car industry in the 80's and some of the cars that customers had built themselves were potential death traps - and the worst part was that they had absolutely no idea that they had done anything wrong.

Surely, if someone posts up details of an unsafe motor on this list we owe it to the poster, his family, and other road users, to point out the error of his ways. At least that way he gets a chance to remedy the situation before there is another tragic incident and another coroner starts calling for tighter regulation on vehicle modifications.

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so how do you edit the reg number out on pics??

You will need a graphics program to edit your photographs. There are a number of free graphics programs that are available if you haven't got one already. I don't know which one is best as I use Photoshop. Maybe someone else reading this could suggest a good free alternative.

To edit out your registration numbers you simply 'paint' over the numbers using the tools in the graphics program. There are a number of ways to do it depending on how familiar you are with image editing, but simply painting over the digits in black would suffice.

Don't edit your original image files though. Always work on a copy so that you have your originals preserved!


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Did he say whether he did that according to any new instructions from VOSA? The last time I discussed this with any MOT testers, no one had any knowledge of it.

He didn't mention it, he just said he could update it since what was on his screen was not quite what was parked in front of him :lol: he did speak to VOSA about the lack of wheel arches and they made him pass it :blink:

The comments re: the SVA "police" are fair do's to a point, there are a lot of posts from people speculating about a modification (coiling a Series, building a hybrid, etc.) who are unaware of the issues and as has been said it seems reasonable to let them know the legal crack. They can either push ahead knowing what's in store, save themselves the time & money, or choose to ignore it.

I think apart from dodgy tax-exempt stuff the main angle from the DVLA and VOSA has always boiled down to getting rid of unsafe or poorly built vehicles, as HoggyN says a lot of enthusiasts are their own worst enemy. In that respect, a Land Rover "scene" that is a bit more aware of the issues and self-policing is a good thing as it could help encourage those who would fall into the trap to change their ways. Otherwise you'll end up with VOSA pulling anything with a green oval and a set of MT's just because the odds are they'll probably find something. That'll go down well with the anti-4x4 brigade and the evening news and we'll all be driving round on 205 AT's with cotton wool strapped to the front bumper.

The question I ask myself about anything on my truck is: IF, for some reason, I found myself in court after a serious accident, could I put my hand on my heart and say there is nothing on my truck that is dodgy or badly built.

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At least he could walk underneath it to have a look without putting it up on the ramp! :lol: (I think I'm thinking of the right car here)

Regarding the other topics in here, putting aside the dogdy tax-exempt vehicles that are out there, If anyone is currently planning any modifications, I think the most crucial part of the regulations that everyone should be paying attention to is the part that requires the car's chassis to remain 'original and unmodified'. That's a definite SVA and Q-plate if they catch anyone out on a modified chassis. No point even looking at what original components have been retained etc.

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I personally wouldn't do anything to my road going vehicle that a, wouldn't withstand the rigours of off roading or b, would jepordise the V5 status of the vehicle because my 90 has a relative high valvue as a road going land rover.

As the vehicle in question is not "on the road" you could ask them why it needs to declared and to what end. If you don't mind ruffling a few feathers :ph34r: then there would be a valid point to the line of questioning and would maybe shed some light on the subject.

The DVLA is a massive organisation and although do a job, good?, at keep up with it all they are not exempt from scutiny themselves.

From what i've seen of your creations they are well engineered and if you have no qualms changing the v5 and getting it mot'd / sva'd then go for it.

But by changing the form you have admitted to altering the vehicle without informing them, maybe thats an offense in itself?!

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MS Paint is good enough for painting over the reg plate -just do it in white/yellow and people will hardly notice :)

For a more powerful tool get GIMP, which is free and very clever :)

GIMP is excellent.

Also worth considering is Paint.net, which is Windows only (you'll need .Net installed, but you'll have that anyway if you're on a recent version of Windows). It's also fairly powerful, free, and not too hard to get to grips with.



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As the vehicle in question is not "on the road" you could ask them why it needs to declared and to what end. If you don't mind ruffling a few feathers :ph34r: then there would be a valid point to the line of questioning and would maybe shed some light on the subject.

(just my thoughts) I think the reponse would be that the V5 relates to vehicles that could be used on the road - I know my quad doesn't have one for example as it's not, and never has been, road legal. Therefore, whether or not a vehicle is used on the road, to have a valid V5 it should be correctly registered with the DVLA and any modifications declared.

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How easy is it to 'unregister' a vehicle that is never going to be used on the road again? Is the system so geared up to tracking vehicles that it's nigh on impossible, or do you just declare it scrapped* or something?

* - I'm not suggesting that as a dodge, I'm wondering what the official route would be.

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How easy is it to 'unregister' a vehicle that is never going to be used on the road again? Is the system so geared up to tracking vehicles that it's nigh on impossible, or do you just declare it scrapped* or something?

* - I'm not suggesting that as a dodge, I'm wondering what the official route would be.

Just declare it as scrapped Or get an elv center to do it for you.

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The question I ask myself about anything on my truck is: IF, for some reason, I found myself in court after a serious accident, could I put my hand on my heart and say there is nothing on my truck that is dodgy or badly built.

That is a sentiment I fully subscribe to.

Unfortunately there are far too many people out there who are convinced that they are never going to have an accident.... :blink:

I can't understand why people say they are "worried" about VOSA / DVLA. These bodies aren't there to spoil your fun. they are to keep everyone as safe as possible. To do that they have standards and a way of measuring against those standards so they have a set of rules too.

For those that don't know, I am writing this as someone who has first hand experience of the SVA / VOSA / DVLA process and came out of it minus a vehicle. However, it was my own ignorance that put me in that position, not VOSA or the DVLA.

If you are not sure what the rules are then ask the relevant body. Opinions on here may be valid / correct, but then again they might not. At the end of the day it is your ar$e in the sling if it goes pearshaped.

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whatever happens, it will get more and more difficult to "hide" any obvious changes to a vehicle, which has got to be agood thing in one way, in that it will stop all the little chavs in there 600bhp saxo's from adding all sorts of bolt on tat, making them unsafe.

on the other hand, it's just going to make it more expensive for the legitmate modders amongst us to make any preferred changes that relate to how we use our vehicles. for example, those of us that like to use our daily drivers at the weekend for laning, and need a 2" lift etc, or those that do a lot of towing and need HD springs etc...

Would the plate check also stop the


type 're - arranaged spaces' mucho sado type number plates too ?

those have been illegal to make for about 8 years now IIRC, since they changed the plate regs in 2001.

there is a company in Nottingham somwhere that is currently facing a fine in excess of £20 for supplying illegal *cough* show *cough* plates. the man from the DVLA told us this when he came and checked our no plate records.

one guy came in needing new plates as the police had stopped him for an illegally spaced rear plate, spotted the front was the same, and slapped him with a £60 fixed penalty notice for them (he was driving a BMW though, so explains a lot :) )

slightly o/t, my apologies to those concerned

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  • 4 weeks later...

Right, and this is really realy odd now.

I have got my v5 back from the dvla, they've changed the colour, but not the engine number, body style or anything else.

And it has no vic tag on it, i have had no notification of a vic or sva needed.

This is despite an 8 page report detailing every single mod and about 50 photos.

Weird or what?

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Weird or what?

It's all very strange.

I'm still struggling to see that they would target you from your posts on here, after all there are easier and more deserving targets on here, but if you can't think of any other source then I guess it must be.

It will be interesting to see if they are back in touch.

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