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Nice To See We Were Appreciated


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Basically theres lots you can do in life

But you "Can't Shine Sh*te"

What a complete and utter pratt.

He has mised such an opportunity, the LRE Forum could have made LRE the best technical mag in the UK, increse sales and be the best in its field, now as it is its just another LR mag, run by a complete and utter To55er aka Mr Green.



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you could but it doesn't seem to get much use and while the web site looks very slick those weekly digests look rather out of date.

Stick with us :)

Of course we could send in headhunter to see if he could get another forum shut down ;)

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Well given his post has been read over 100 times its about time someone gave him a useful response. Hope the moderator thanks you.

Though looking at some of the posts Dweb might be a better home for many of them.

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I have made my first post on the chronical place......

See here :lol:

I see the chronic(le) place has 7000 posts in six months while we have clocked up nearly 4000 posts in about 2 weeks, obvious which way most people jumped when the rug disappeared from under them :lol:

And 5500 of those seem to be about what shape the roof is on the Discovery 3 and whether or not a RR sport looks nice in white... :blink:

Oh well each to their own, not really my sort of thing though :unsure:

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Mr Green isn't very with it is he ? I mean in a one paragraph notice he starts by saying that the forum is being closed because it is being abused and does not fill it's original intended use and then sums up by saying that the closure is a purely commercial decision - so why did Mr Green close it ?!!

Every ACTIVE forum is bound to generate banter that is OT etc - that is in my opinion one of the great things about the old LRE and this place.

Commercial decision ?! Hosting is apparently relatively cheap and all the forum staff/mods were volunteers so how much was it costing them especially with Craddocks' sponsorship. Maybe they should have tried selling more advertizing instead of opting for shooting themselves in the head.

And not even a thank you to the voluntary mods and or loyal forum users al those years - Thanks guys for all you did there and even more thanks for doing it HERE !!!!.


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I did that a long time ago, Les, & just could not see the value in it for the cost. When postage/freight is added to get it to Oz it was quite expensive for a **** load of ads, for stuff you couldn't buy here anyway.

I felt vindicated when I read the recent post by ??? on lre re how many pages of rubbish were in each copy. Something more than 50% + if I recall correctly of self aggrandisment & adverising.

The articles for a long time have been repeats of repeats of repeats. We are not all into Xtreme stuff & they became quite boring.

A very shortsighted attitude by by Mr. Verdigris imho, & one he will regret. Whether we ever hear about it is another thing. Anyone got shares in LRe? :D Cest la vie. :rolleyes:

Onwards & upwards now, without the manacles. :rolleyes:

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It is a bit bland in there, rather like over-cooked spuds.

The colour scheme is a bit too much as well, orange and black!!

No doubt the site is closing for a while to prepare for the sudden influx of former lre members.

I wonder if they'll be disappointed?

Les. :)

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I'm surprised Mr Rover Discussion didn't tell him to get himself a subscription to LRe and turn to the tech pages!

Ahh, give Rover Discussion a break. He is a really nice guy and always seems to know Land Rover news before any of the magazines. Land Rover Chronicles is more of a news source than anything else. I do stop there daily but they need to update there D**N site. My tech stop is Discoweb (and LRaddict now)

My daily stops are:




LRE (no more forum obviously)


New www.landroveraddict.co.uk

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