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Good service from Paddocks

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Since they usually get (quite deservedly in my experience) a bad rep for service I thought I'd mention that they have (almost) got it right at least once :rolleyes:

Ordered a set of brake pads for dad's RR, the woman on the phone obviously hit the wrong key or something and I recieved half a set of pads and one brake DISC :( aparrently the part numbers are close together on their system and it's easy done.

Anyway, phoned them up to complain, expecting the run around or having to pay for the right bits to be sent / wrong bits to be sent back, but NO! They said "Very sorry Sir, we'll send the correct parts out ASAP and you may as well keep the disc as it costs so much to post" ... the new pads arrived next day!

To say I was surprised is something of an understatement, seems they have at least one employee who understands customer service (I should've got his name so everyone could just phone him direct in future :lol:)

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Never had any problems with them via mail order to France and Ireland. Prompt replies to email enquiries too. Course, it only takes one bad experience to put you off, but I'll continue to use them.

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It's good to read about a company having good service as people are so very quick to slate service and very slow to praise any dealer.

and to see a large company that does care about its customers.

I have never had any problem with paddocks service but I have not needed to use them for many years.

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Never had any real problems with them either, but one thing they do that bugs me, is they dont tell you when something is out of stock, so you may receive a part delivery with another line saying back order on the invoice, if they had told me that at the time of ordering I could have sourced elsewhere and avoided a "double hit", i.e. could get the work done as planned in one go.

Sometimes, the quality of their budget range is really questionable, but I suppose it is budget!

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Hi FF, I hope that's not my brake disc you got :P Have just ordered new discs and pads for the back of the Discovery so I hope I get 2 discs and one set of pads not 1 disc and 3 sets of pads :P .


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I have had problems with their mail order stuff, usually when I ask (and pay) for next day delivery, but it gets sent on their normal 3-5 day service. To be fair though they have done thier best to sort the problem out for me, and I will probably continue to use them.


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They get my vote too though I'm less keen on their new online shop. Don't know what others think? The old one was showing its age but seemed much easier to navigate/use. The new one quite puts me off which is a shame.

That said I'm of to Brookies now as they have what I want on the shelf ready for collection.

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I've used them in the past. However their choice of carriers is appauling and I've had no end of problems with deliverys going astray, taking 2 weeks to arrive etc etc. I've also had poorly packed stuff turn up damaged. Their customer service has always been excellant however, i just wish they'd use a better carrier.

Some of their stuff is cr@p quality however, and their new website is trully appauling. As I tend to order parts on-line I no longer use them, but I've been using Craddocks lately and have found them alot better!


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Their mail order service is diabolical, their after sales support is diabolical and they will lie about bits being in stock when they aren't so that they keep the order.

I used to use them, suffered with the above, stopped using them. Gave them a chance and started using using them again after a couple of years, suffered with the above, stopped using them again. NEVER again.


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Funny how we have such different impressions of them I've always found the girls (ladies) on the phones to be very helpful and good for a bit of banter. Hmm, not been getting my premium rate numbers mixed up have I?

They do occasionally need to refer to someone else but always get back to me.

Though that said I've always gone there first cos the web site worked but now its pants and I only spoke with the girls for items not on the list. Wonder if they've noticed a decline on online sales?

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I've ordered from "ocks" of both the "Cradd" and "Padd" varieties and can't complain about either of them.

One item from Paddocks was damaged in transit, but they were very quick in replacing it.

After some cretin ripped my nearside door mirror off on Friday night and the 2nd hand, Sodbury bought replacement wouldn't tighten I ordered a new one from Paddocks Monday night (main stealer's prices being extortionate!). Paddocks sent me an e-mail with a a link to the carriers website and by entering the consignment number I could see the progress.

The mirror arrived today as scheduled. Only criticism being that instead of bubble wrap or polystyrene chips the box was padded out by what looked like the contents of a waste paper bin! The box was full of old oil seal boxes, backing paper off stickers and assorted crud!!! :huh:

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Hmmmmmm well I just clenched my buttocks and ordered some bits from paddocks.

Ordered via their website on monday. Within 12 hours I'd got an email saying that my order had been dispatched and with the tracking number for the parcel, and a link to anc's website. I typed the numbers in, the tracking works, and hey presto the parcels just turned up all present and correct!

This was their free service to boot!

Thumbs up from me for once! I might even be tempted to try them again at some point......


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My take on the Email side is that 90% of the time, when it involves writing more than 15 words not pre-prepared, neither of the *ocks bother writing back. Understandable in many ways, "Email is the thief of time" a quick telephone call usually meets with a friendly helpful voice.

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I use them a fair bit and have always found them good, although I'm not a huge fan of Britpart bits. I would prefer they offered more genuine options.

ANC are a pain, last delivery I had on next day for Friday and it came Monday despite Paddocks sending it Thursday. I pointed this out on yesterdays order and they did this order next day FOC.

FWIW I prefered the old website too.

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