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OT: The inevitable Top Gear thread

Guest diesel_jim

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Was it really necessary to keep mentioning "murdering prostitutes"

Or use use porno mags as a prop, and a gag line.

Its before the watershed, and its a program my 8 year old son looks forward too.

Does Ann Robinson still do Points of View - or whatever - I want a word :angry:

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I have to say, I wasn't that impressed with the "we've got trucks and we've seen Jackass" stunts at the end - although I didn't mind the constant references to dead prostitutes as much as the wilful destruction of a drumkit for no reason... They did work towards showing the hard work that goes into driving a manual heavy vehicle on the road in traffic though.

There were some laugh-out-loud moments but I'm hoping the series is yet to get underway.

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Was it really necessary to keep mentioning "murdering prostitutes"

Or use use porno mags as a prop, and a gag line.

Its before the watershed, and its a program my 8 year old son looks forward too.

Does Ann Robinson still do Points of View - or whatever - I want a word :angry:

Agreed, clarkson gets a little exited now and again. The BBC will clamp down on this now after the woss & bwand debarkle. Shame as it's unique and the 5 gear lot don't hold a candle to top gear.

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Agreed, clarkson gets a little exited now and again. The BBC will clamp down on this now after the woss & bwand debarkle. Shame as it's unique and the 5 gear lot don't hold a candle to top gear.

maybe - it was recorded on wednesday - post woss and bwand... yet they still went ahead with the comments.

I thought it was quite funny as you say a couple of laugh out loud moments! - the porn bit I wasnt so worried about - it wasnt playboy/girl after all ! BUT, the dead prostitutes bit was a bit OTT

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Its not something you watch if you want any real info, its become very much a comic , and is so contrived , and trying to be modern (in the worst sense of the word) .

The only real motoring part was the porche/ lambo comparison. It only got interesting for me when they decided that the third thing to hit was a brick wall, they obviously did not do their homework, and the shock on clarksons face , showed it. But is definately becoming more childish , shame as it was a really good show but another case of believing their own publicity. JMHO

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I did like the fact that Clarkson's review of the Porsche GT2 was simply "WAAAAAAAAAH AAAAAAAAAAARRRRRGH AAAAAAAAAAHHHH NOOOOOOOO WAAAAAAHH". It's a good strap line for any company to quote, I think...

Plato on 5th gear loved it! 500 hp rwd, whats not to like, clarksons porschist! and i laughed when they told him his DB9 had devalued by 60K :lol:

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Plato on 5th gear loved it! 500 hp rwd, whats not to like, clarksons porschist! and i laughed when they told him his DB9 had devalued by 60K :lol:

I thought it was the AMV8 that he had?

Its nothing new - theres a RR 4.4 vogue on a forecourt near me 52 plate - 10k and they cant sell that either !

its interesting how all the aspirational wannabes who borrowed up to the hilt to have a flash motor are now having to go back to be focus or equivalent drivers.... perhaps disposing of all the heavy iron work was not such a bad thing for ford in the long run.... (and its gonna get worse from next year when the road tax rates go up even more !)

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perhaps a little tastless, hardly worth making a big fuss over. You know what the score is with Clarkson, I cant imagine anyone watching it not knowing what they were in for. As with the Brand/Ross debacle, the only people who might feel justifyably (is that a word?!) offended are those in direct connection with the inferred comments.

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Guest diesel_jim

I'll stick up for him too. It was hardly slander, as there has been lorry drivers who murdered prostitutes, just as there has been 4x4 drivers who do the school run....


4x4 drivers who churn up the countryside

rambliars who wear bobble hats

Honda Jazz drivers who are over 85 years old sat in the middle lane

etc etc etc

It's just a fact.

Like has been said, if anyone takes TG seriously then they're mistaken.

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Volkswagen......peoples car.......largest car manafacturer in the world.........now owned by Porsche!

I thought Toyota had that title these days

And that surprised me as the last time i heard Porsche we not in the best of fincal heath anyway

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I thought Toyota had that title these days

And that surprised me as the last time i heard Porsche we not in the best of fincal heath anyway

IIRC Porsche have a 75% majority of the shares in VAG

But i was laughing alot at the lorry challenge

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  • 1 year later...

IIRC Porsche have a 75% majority of the shares in VAG

But i was laughing alot at the lorry challenge

Watch out...VAG have subsequently bought Porche.... How things can change eh....

Sky set to record Chris.. Thanks for the reminder.


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This topic just may veer horribly ON Topic :lol: on 27th Dec.

KAM Diffs had to supply a load of 'special parts' for Top Gear For filming somewhere abroad

(don't ask we might have to kill you when told :lol:) and this was for some 4x4

jolly / nuttery event filmed in a Jungle, Its going out on 27th dec, much more

than that I don't know, but it is the "Christams Special" so should be suitably 'Un PC' :D


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