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Better lights than now - ideas / options ? Please


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Have a read: http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/1989/1796/schedule/5/made

Basically, you don't need an E mark, and minimum wattage is 30W.

I think I have it right, but there's no wattage requirement post 1986, but the bulb must be E marked, which I guess means all E marked bulbs will be 55W ;)

Please check!

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i dont suppose you could find a link to that wiring upgrade - i had a search and couldnt find it. Just looking at upgrading my lights and that would be perfect in conjunction with better bulbs. I'm an electrical luddite, so a fit and forget product is the safest way of keeping the smoke in.


Some info here at Expedition Exchange but its a US site, scroll down the page for more info.

Devon 4x4 are one UK supplier

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Do NOt fit 100w bulbs 3 reasons 1/. illegal for on road use

2/. headlamps are not designed for filament position of 100 bulb so most light is wasted as stray 3/. as I said before will fry your dipswitch on column ,

If you want good lights just relay a standard 60/55w set up , and use good proprietry headlamp eg hella H4, wipac quadoptic, crystal etc . Silicone will waterproof to a reasonable level, if you want to be a submarine then get 75w sealed beams as fitted in RRC and jags and marina Hl etc . and relay feed . Simples!

Remember "power is nothing without control"

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Do NOt fit 100w bulbs 3 reasons 1/. illegal for on road use

2/. headlamps are not designed for filament position of 100 bulb so most light is wasted as stray 3/. as I said before will fry your dipswitch on column ,

If you want good lights just relay a standard 60/55w set up , and use good proprietry headlamp eg hella H4, wipac quadoptic, crystal etc . Silicone will waterproof to a reasonable level, if you want to be a submarine then get 75w sealed beams as fitted in RRC and jags and marina Hl etc . and relay feed . Simples!

Remember "power is nothing without control"

Fleabay link.


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I run just the standard halogen conversion bowls bought from Keith Gott's for not alot with 100w halogen bulbs siliconed into them so they dont fill up with mud. I find these more than adequate - in fact they're alot better than the lights on my car!

Been running them for years and the dipswitch on my column hasnt suffered any ill effects.

I suspect simply the purchase of new reflectors made a big overall difference!

You wont need to uprate your wiring and although technically illegal, what copper is going to take your headlight bulbs to check the wattage? I used to run 130w bulbs in my old red rover and never had a problem!


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Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Scrapyards

Another of my hobbies :D

Yesiree thats a strong possibily

Are ANY of the ideas above "Sealed Units" ??


I'm very happy with this conversion that I did. The light pattern in front of the landy is much better than it was with the Bosch headlights. The Bosch headlights always had a shadow/dark spot in the center on each lamp, but that is a thing of the past as these VW lights give a more even and wider spread of light. The VW lens are slightly bigger than Land Rover's, I have no idea if that plays any role or not but it is a point that may be used for bragging rights if the need arises. :lol:

But I did over the years rewire the lights with 12ga wire and have relays on both hi/low circuits. This coupled with clear lens headlamps have transformed the lighting. ;)

Plus I use Phillips +50% lamps........


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As I've read recently that the MOT will now included checks that HIDs are not retro fitted (instant fail) then they aren't really an option anymore. I've been running some for a couple of years and found they aren't as reliable as they claim anyway and again with the noddy car, the dip beam is a bit better but the main beam is way too high. Nothing is specifically wrong they just don't work.

High power bulbs are just as illegal as HID IIRC in anything built after the mid 80s, and as you say they can be a problem with older wiring, in an older car any gain in light output from the higher current draw is lost because of the voltage drops accross old switchgear and junctions.

There is currently no mot failure for retro fitted hid's or high power bulbs, i've not read anything in mot matters about it either.

Currently there isn't even a failure for headlights that do not have a beam pattern!

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Here is the Part No. VPLDV0012.

:o Ta for the anurizim :lol: £80 :o EACH :ph34r: <gasp>

Anyway, I have picked the bones from the above and have today ordered me chosen option, and its cheap :D

But as to bulbs, what are the options, again without selling my Body (mind you the 50p would be handy at the mo :P )


H4 Halogens, who reckons which and why ?


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