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Bizarre? I don't think so!

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Next they'll do 'Top 10 bizarre Transit Vans' and each one will have completely different sign writing (But they will all of course still be white) :P

They may have left the factory painted white, but will no doubt, be in various colours as door / bonnet panels are replaced to create a multi-coloured contraption that defies logic. :D

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Some perfectly normal trucks I thought!! Some lovely examples they've found to photograph....the tracked 109 looks like the one from gaydon...could be others though

The Series 2 Fire Engine is a bit weird thought, I mean who would have one of those!!rolleyes.gif

A friend volunteers at the Weedon fire museum (yet to open)...they have a prototype 6-wheel fire-engine (cant remember if its 6x6 or 6x4)..now thats weird...it failed its brake test when laden so never went to production...it would have passed if disks were around...

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Some perfectly normal trucks I thought!! Some lovely examples they've found to photograph....the tracked 109 looks like the one from gaydon...could be others though

A friend volunteers at the Weedon fire museum (yet to open)...they have a prototype 6-wheel fire-engine (cant remember if its 6x6 or 6x4)..now thats weird...it failed its brake test when laden so never went to production...it would have passed if disks were around...

Sorry I was being flippant, as Martin has a fire engine!!

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This 'snow blade' attachment on a 1954 Series 1 could come in handy during the winter

Hidden meaning :P

The snow blade could have come in handy during the winter, but as anybody who has ever tried driving on ice with 6.00x16 Avon crossplies will remember quite clearly, it would in reality be completely useless due to being upside down in the ditch :D

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Hi guys

I see the press over there is as bad as they are here, sombody was desperate for a "story" to fill space. Loved the forward control. Went to buy a 2b many years ago but what with the girlfriend moaning, the series landies eating me out of house and home and the sad state the 2b was in I had to forgo the pleasure. :( Gee, now I'm feeling all nostalgic. Where's the rum

Cheers, James NZ

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