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Novel woodburner design - May The Warmth Be With You


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People like crappy welding, makes it look more rustic & crafty. Mate of mine used to sell stuff like that (well, not as cool as that) at craft fairs, said the worse you made it the more "authentic" it is and the better it sells. Will could make a fortune :ph34r:

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I got a patio heater which i made from a calor. named Fred the Pig. has been seen on tour at a couple of shows keeping us warm, will be also on tour in the future. cost me about a day to make, Brings in a smile and a conversation. even cooked breakfast on him and boils a big kettle in about 3 mins. i'll get a picture and put it on.


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2 ways


Open the valve to let any gas out, then shove a lighter next to it and see it it lights

If it doesn't then all gas has gone. If it does, then when you get out of hospital you can go around

all your neighbours and see if you can find where it landed.


The other way is to unscrew the valve block assembly off the top of the tank, and leave for a while

If you decide to go Option 1 please let the A&M Team know so we can sell tickets to raise forum funds :D


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Or fill it with water, that should displace all the boom-gas :)

I fell foul of this. Took the valve out, filled and emptied with water - twice. Cut into it with the grinder....


Roasted my fingers really badly, blistered the stickers on the grinder. Luckily I had a full face shield on - otherwise I'd have lost eyebrows.

It seems that the valve boss protruded internally allowing a little pocket of gas to remain. After filling/emptying, it was nicely in the flammable zone. Now I fill, then drill a 5mm hole next to the boss to ensure the bottle is completely full of water.

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Gas sinks, as in propane/butane.

As on boats there is a risk of it all sinking into the bilges and then when you start her up... BOOOOOM!

Which is why all boats are supposed to have their gas lockers vented to outside only, meaning they are often high up in the bows, with slots cut in the hulls level with the bottom of the locker.

Last time I did one I left the valve open and the bottle upside down in the corner of the garden for a while months......it was fine, upsidedown mind!!

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Last time I did one I left the valve open and the bottle upside down in the corner of the garden for a while months......it was fine, upsidedown mind!!

thats what i did for my air receiver, but it was against the house and in the sun, best bit was winding mum up saying theses a 4ft bomb strapped to the house! :hysterical::hysterical:

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thats what i did for my air receiver, but it was against the house and in the sun, best bit was winding mum up saying theses a 4ft bomb strapped to the house! :hysterical::hysterical:

Not funny-and definitely not clever!

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