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Forum Birthday Today


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This site is actually 1year old today

this is the day we purchased the domain name and signed up with Invision to provide the board services.

Thanks to all the Admins/mods and not least all the Users/information suppliers and all who've donatedtime/money to the board.

ups downs leavings and new members are all a part of any board.

this one is doing well and long may it do so IMHO

Cheers Tony (Treasurer)

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Yes pat on the back to all of those who have kept it running over the past year. I would say thanks to the moderators too, but I think they do a carp job, especially in the Getting out there forum! ;);):P

So how are the funds going Tony? Is there a need for a fresh round of donations over the next few months


Steve :)

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plenty in the kitty thanks

enough to cover the boards cost for a while yet.

anyone wishing to donate is more than welcome to

details at the top of this forum section.

if anyone needs a breakdown of the boards finances please PM me

as that information is restricted to board members only

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didnt realise it was that young. its got the feel of an established 'mature' (no not the members) board. well done all involved

The LR4x4 site itself is only a year old (just over if you count the temporary version I hosted until we got properly set up here), but it was set up as a home for the old LRE forum community when that site was shut down, so the 'community' is several years older than the site itself :)

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im aware of that Geoff, just doesnt feel like a 'new home', plus it all works wellwithout the agro of faults that several older boards i visit suffer. maybe im talking carp?

Most users ever online was 136 on Dec 28 2005, 12:23 PM

escaping the families you reckon?

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Must admit I tend to think ot 6th August as our proper birthday. That's when Les/Geoff opened the doors to our new home.

We done a lot more since then though, getting hosting on a better footing, numerous upgrades to keep it all in order (four so far this year + security patches) and we also managed to put up a gallery to host members photos that we didn't have in the old place.

Best thing though has to be the members. Really made all that effort worthwhile.

Perhaps we should have a mini forum awards type thing though. Best thread, funniest post (most embarrasing might be mine), best pic posted,..

How about some nominations?

I'll kick off with the Bl@@dy Scrapiron thread for the best independent forum spirit award. :)

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Think most have said what needs saying.

Only forum I botrher with as it tech without the normal muppetery that seems to be on the others.

best thread for me from Tools n Fab is this one, the "have a go at marshallay" thread, PMSL :D :

http://forums.lr4x4.com/index.php?showtopic=7575 :lol:


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