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Am I over sensative?


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So I am at home with the little lad and we have Children's BBC channel on for him.

On comes a show with an environmental super hero where it is night time but an evil alien is driving around with a ray gun to turn on all the lights to cause extra pollution.

So the 4x4 bit and my annoyance?

Evil baddie is driving a V8 truck cab 4x4 with 38+ mud tyres (dumpers). not really stereo type then?

When daughter was at junior school she would come home with all sorts of global warning biased carp from the teachers.


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The strange thing is that the stereo typical V8 4X4 with mud pluggers is probably creating less pollution when compared to a boy racer with his souped up Saxo.

I totally get your point though.

But, and this is a kind of weird issue where pollution is created by the want/need to use fossil fuel to provide electricity, provide transportation to basically carry out life in this current fashion, they like to "blame" 4x4s and use them to set an example of inefficient transportation, but they are deflectiong the issue of energy consumption in general.

The house I live in speaks volumes about how society was back in 1968 when it was built, there exactly 1 plug socket in each bedroom, the kitchen has three, the sitting room has 2 and the lounge has 2, note, these are 1 socket adjacent to the light switch and one other in the room not so far away, in the bedrooms the socket is at the light switch, I went into a new built house about a month ago and there was 6 sockets in the living, 4 in the lounge/dining, 6 in the kitchen(not including hard wire points for dish washer and fridge/freezer washing machine and tumble drier, the bedrooms have no less than 4 sockets.

Today we promote technology because it sells and creates big business but we chastise one man who wants to drive few lanes and see the great outdoors.

How random????

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I have a V8 truck cab on 33 Tyres and out of all the cars I have ever owned if I wanted to make sure I used the most fuel possible driving around turning lights with a ray gun it would be the one to pick. Would be the most fun too and would be the mostly likely to still be turning on lights if it snowed, but would definitely use most fuel.

Fortunately MPG is irreverent if you currently aren't doing any M or do small M. But as an image to convey an idea it's probably the right one to go for.

I think it would be far to say if everybody drove V8 truck cabs everywhere the carbon output would be a little worse.

I'd also be impressed if you could mod/tune a saxo to get anywhere near a V8s fuel consumption short of drilling a hole in the fuel tank or setting it on fire but I have never had a saxo so I don't really know.

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Well, my gas guzzling Landrover is now 32 years old and still a viable for of transport. In that time the saxo would have to have been replaced, say 4 times.

Economical, my arse.

PS when electic engines become viable I shall be ditching the current engine (recycled diesel) for a whizzy electric/hydrogen/fission/flux capacitor powerplant and driving it for another 33 years (anti-aging technology permitting).

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I can't remember when I read it, but I recall a test where four people were kitted out with monitoring equipment , and cycled into London. Then the same four people drove the same journey in a Freelander. The total CO emmisions from four panting cyclists was considerably more than the total from 4 relaxed people plus a Freelander.

So if you want to save the planet, just drive everywhere. :)

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It was the souped part that I was wondering about and while it's a complex topic with many aspects I still say monster v8 truck cab is a fair call by cbbc. I assume the good guy drives a Bio diesiel station wagon on sensible all terrains ? ;-)

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I can't remember when I read it, but I recall a test where four people were kitted out with monitoring equipment , and cycled into London. Then the same four people drove the same journey in a Freelander. The total CO emmisions from four panting cyclists was considerably more than the total from 4 relaxed people plus a Freelander.

So if you want to save the planet, just drive everywhere. :)

surely that's just very not true
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If you wrote to the BBC and pointed out that the depiction of evil environmentally unfriendly 4X4 driver as used in this program, is discriminating against a minority group (owners of V8's)and could result in the children of said drivers being bullied at school. The reaction would probably be some ponce seeking advice from JC (I don't mean Jesus Christ, only Clarkson who thinks he is).

Seriously, we are used to being slated in the media but wait and see how many friends we gain when the country grinds to a halt again in our annual 1" of snow

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I can't remember when I read it, but I recall a test where four people were kitted out with monitoring equipment , and cycled into London. Then the same four people drove the same journey in a Freelander. The total CO emmisions from four panting cyclists was considerably more than the total from 4 relaxed people plus a Freelander.

So if you want to save the planet, just drive everywhere. :)

That sounds to me a bit too much like the 'science' you find on Facebook pages rather than in, say, peer reviewed research articles for example.

Also, I assume you mean CO2 rather than CO?

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I used to get grief from the vegetablist's driving my diesel 90 about - but now I drive an Audi a6 2.7 twin turbo petrol, tuned to 320bhp and getting about 20mpg........not a whisper.

Its bigger, thirstier and utterly lunatic - but somehow I am now socially acceptable.

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The planet IS warming up, the climate IS changing, BUT there is no actual proof that it is based on vehicles, only theories and historical charts.

If it feels like it, I am sure the sun can attribute a few degrees of warming quite easily just by turning up the wick by 1%.

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True, however point being cars are demonised far more than the other things such as aircraft/industry/burning coal seams .... etc etc which may or may not be causing a problem that may or may not exist.

Anyway cars are targeted as the government gets to blame the voters, increase sales of new vehicles helping industry, and raise taxes, this can all then be claimed to be for the greater good.

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That assumes CO2 is a cause of climate change :)

It is. At least as far as the worlds most respected scientists can discern (that includes those funded by consortiums of big oil companies).

Boring. And a bit of a pis**r. But true.

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Heap of doubt there may be, but next door there is an ever growing mountain of statistical evidence.

There's 'no actual proof' that smoking causes cancer, but the statistics increasingly indicate this is the case. Same with the effect of CO2 on global warming.

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I'm not going to argue, waste of my time :)

I'm not saying its impossible, but there is also a mountain of evidence going the other way.

The thing that annoys me, is when supposed scientists start with a theory and then try and prove it (as they have with climate change), whereas the true scientific thing to do is to investigate and test and THEN drawn a theory based on results.

But I digress :)

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