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New Years Resolution! Must sort the workshop out.


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I have thoroughly enjoyed browsing on here over the holiday period, it is very encouraging to see what some (e.g. Dirty Diesel and Daan) can achieve, I think to myself, '.... I could do that' .... well I won't know till I try,... but I had a look in the workshop, inspired by DD's clear and clean work area, and I know where I need to start :lol:post-15560-0-98442700-1388829990_thumb.jpg

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It was our new years resolution too Blanco, we are having a much overdue clearout and tidy up.

This is about halfway through the major moving around of things.


lot's of things make a nice workshop to work in, top of which is good lighting and lots of sockets

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The clearing out and sorting through is coming in a big way tomorrow as I draw an ever closer end to my project :rolleyes:

Well sort of, all the major fab and welding repair stuff is done so that just leaves me some odds and sods like wiring and miscellaneous repairs to undertake, my work bench in the main shop has maybe a 12" square next the vice and the temporary table has next to nothing on the 10 foot square surface, so lots of stuff to put away but as much stuff to throw away too. A big space will be made when the winch is fitted in the bumper and the gearbox is re-homed on a pallet the rest is just an accumulation of bits and bobs where I have not always the time to actually dedicate to sorting it out.

I am envious of your workshop Dan, and especially the tooling you have at your disposal, makes life a lot easier when you have all the right gear to hand. Couldn't agree more on the need for good lighting and sockets too!!!

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Well Blanco, that was flattering to be mentioned in your post, especially since I appear to have given you the inspiration to clear out the garage. It made my wife laugh a lot. My garage is really cosy, and clearing out, well that hasn't happened much. Anyway, to counteract dirtydiesels show off picture which makes us all feel inadequate (Cheers, Dan!), I will show you where it all happens.

The reality:


Still impressed? I've had to cut the roof(from the landrover) by 60 mm to get it in on simex tyres. Don't worry about a messy workshop, after all some of the greatest inventors, such as einstein did have a workshop exactly like that.

Happy new year,


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Glad its not just me then. No room to move and cant seem to get anything done because of it. Fed up that every time I bend down to pick something up, I knock something else over.

Trouble is, I can never seem to chuck anything away, because I MIGHT need it, and besides it might be worth something.

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I that the biggest trailer yours can pull ? At least you can keep it indoors out of the way of the theiving g----y illigitimates !

It seems that way, because I dont have a trailer driving license, so 3.5 tons gross weight ain't get you much more!


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Hey, its really good to know that I am not the only one, I was going to wait until the morrow to post the pic of the 18 ins around my vice but Daan, I am embarrassed and very impressed, you do so much with your garage.. Even Discomikey has something (the ramp) that I can't quite squeeze in to my 270 sq. metre space :excl::hysterical: Tomorrow is the day when the new year starts in earnest :excl:

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Believe me when I say that yours is tidy compared to mine! Damn it you need to be a contortionist just to get in my garage at the mo.

A bit like mine then!! Haven't quite got around to sorting out various odds and sods in loads of boxes since moving here in May 2012!!

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A bit like mine then!! Haven't quite got around to sorting out various odds and sods in loads of boxes since moving here in May 2012!!

Amateur! Moved in to this house 2009/10, first time I'd ever had a garage thought "oooooh space", then the junk magically began to fill the available space, even when I was welding the Disco back together there was/is never enough space. there is stuff in the garage that I need, yet cannot find (some odds n sods have been repurchased 2/3 time cos I couldn't find the original , and now I can't find the bloody replacements. I really really really must get my finger out....

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i grew up in my dads workshop other than the odd time before he would start a new (major) project there was enough room to fit a car and work on it, space clear to the bench and about a foot surrounding the vice and that was is... some of you might be thinking this is good the catch was that his shed was 16 x 25m lol

When we stoped growing grain he moved into the silo so he would have more space 20 x 60m.... he used to open the doors at one end so he would have enough space to work as his work area was the last few meters in the middle at the end lol... it was a place of wonder to my mates, vintage tractor, boats, vintage cars from my old Mazda RX3 to mums fiats bambina, vintage bikes, microlight plane, kitset self take of glider, 8wd home made toy, the list just went on lol

But this is how bad it was... I went to build something for mum one day, after 45mins of turning the place upside down looking for a hammer I threw in the towel and went for lunch... after lunch dad walked in and in under a min he had 3 sitting on the bench

Me lol I have 175m2, my tools live in a display so I can see at a glance if one of my mates hasnt put it away lol I sweep up every week, the shed has enough space that mates come and work on there toys and I can still work on mine lol

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The last time I was at home I managed to clear my garage out and spray the walls/ceiling with white emulsion which has made a really big difference, This was done with a cheapo car spray gun from screwfix, the next phase is getting a few more florescent lights in there and more sockets as my future plans include a lathe at some point nothing too big just enough for me to use on small projects as I can If need be go and see someone to get bigger things that I won't be able to do myself.


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