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Casting quality, need some expert advise.

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Well after waiting nearly half a year finally my Disc brake kit has arrived. But.. The quality of the castings is really poor IMO however I'm no expert, so hoping that someone who is could give me their opinion. Basically there are multiple holes in the castings, even some at bolt holes and at one of the caliper mounting 'ears' see pictures below:







Now the easy solution is to send it back to Paul and have my money refunded, and this he suggested himself, so should be no problem. The problem is however that I really wan't this kit, and really love the fact that it uses Defender parts, so I'm keen to keep it, but I will under no circumstances fit it if cracks will develop and stuff break and fall apart.

So am in dire need of advise.

Thanks chaps

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Reject, sorry, they should never have been machined, not on a component as critical as braking. A friend's had a calliper fail..that was scary enough.

That's obviously the Heystee kit, got me worried now, I was hoping to use one, although I can machine hubs myself, from solid steel billet preferably, if not a modified Series hub

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Likewise - I wouldn't be happy to use them and, because they've shipped in that state, wouldn't be happy with a replacement set. If you can see that many faults at the machined surface, what is there likely to be lurking beneath the surface?

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As AMB has pointed out...........what else CAN'T you see ? That and the fact that they would send them out like this would worry me.

Hoping you will say nothing and accept them, and saving themselves some money ?

I would just want a refund. Not replacement.

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I agree , it's not just voids , but with that poor level of cast there's every chance of inclusions and chilled (brittle) CI . I'd be inclined to measure it all and draw it up then send the parts back for a full refund - postage as well and find a foundry to cast your own and machine up .

I'm sure you could do a better job for yourself Soren



edit to add I've assumed that it is CI and not steel , if that is cast steel then that makes the quality even more dubious

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Thank you guys for your input, basically you all seem to come to the same conclusion as me. I would love to hand it over to some local specialist but I don't know any so an inspection would become way pricy. Really really sad not to be able to use this kit as I really like it, but such is life sadly.

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I agree these don't look good - send them back, and don't get stung for return shipping either!

It is worrying that the supplier even dispatched them without inspecting first. This does rather smack of the buy 'em in from a cheap source and punt 'em out quick approach.

I would ask for a replacement set to be supplied, after they've been unpacked and checked over first. Maybe even ask for photos of what you are going to receive. I know that last bit would be easy to cheat on but you can but try...

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As had been stated by others, if those are the visible defects what other voids/inclusions are there lurking unseen within?

The visible casting defects are likely to act as stress-raisers and if the 'blow holes' lead to significant voids these could fill with water/condensation and cause unseen further corrosion.

It'd be amusing to get the parts X-rayed to see what's inside.

Definitely reject!

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Well the end of it all will be that I get two new hubs and I've found a local specialist that can check and weld the swivelhousings. As I've only found one defect in those he said that they would most likely be just fine if he welded them. The casting looks much better on those. I want this setup, so this is the solution I've decided upon.

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