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Challenge Class Naming


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I know land rover produce cars made of tinfoil, but if they produced vehicles like yours all the time then they would have been out of business in days.

ha ha its running at the moment no water leaks no oil leaks ( be fore you say it yes there is oil in it)

got that stage one finished yet :ph34r:

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No one is going to fit No Winch but 40 inch tyres and lockers with megga suspension etc just to compete in only one series ???? are they?

I could be tempted Lara - just for fun, Ive got a spare set...... and an SJ... :lol:

Jim - all proto class cars abroad are road legal, its in our rules, but if there are no niceties to worry about in the UK then we can make some truly oddball stuff instead of the conventional gear we're doing now :)

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Class 1, No Winch

Class 2, 1 Winch

Class 3, 2 Winch

Easy to police,

Very few rules makes everything clear!

No one is going to fit No Winch but 40 inch tyres and lockers with megga suspension etc just to compete in only one series ???? are they?



44" boggers no winch & portals <_<

1 winch centre mounted ????????????????????????????? would that count as 1 or 2 ????

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So if I run a truck cab 90 with 35" simex, a tray back, an inboard single winch with the ability to pull forwards, or backwards via a snatch block, but have no lockers, is that still standard class. I would have thought that 9 times out of ten that truck will take you anywhere a lockered up vehicle will and in the 1 in ten times it doesnt a quick pull with the winch should get you through. In many cases lockers seem to take you only a couple of yards closer to a punch which you can winch to anyway. Perhaps the whole class thing needs to be a bit more well defined is all I am saying?

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It sounds like it should be in modified.. (like Adrians) however because it doesn't have lockers and only has 1 winch - and the drive train is all standard LR stuff - then that would be standard.

even if you put a 4 pin Lr diff in the front and rear - its still a standard part. ARB's aren't or detroits..

body work at the mo doesn't matter a jit it would seem. However chassis changes in length does.

if your gona go that route with all the other bits and bobs why mess about and not get ARB's or equivalent?

as it been said before - they are the classes/ with rough description of whats in them/allowed - so join the one you want to play in...

So if I run a truck cab 90 with 35" simex, a tray back, an inboard single winch with the ability to pull forwards, or backwards via a snatch block, but have no lockers, is that still standard class. I would have thought that 9 times out of ten that truck will take you anywhere a lockered up vehicle will and in the 1 in ten times it doesnt a quick pull with the winch should get you through. In many cases lockers seem to take you only a couple of yards closer to a punch which you can winch to anyway. Perhaps the whole class thing needs to be a bit more well defined is all I am saying?
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For reasons I won't go into here, I need to change the names of the classes for next years AWDC Scorpion Racing Challenge Trophy. We currently use the word Standard but I need to find something else instead.

The classes are as follows:

Class 1 - Unlimited = As the name suggests

Class 2 - Modified = Two winches + difflocks permitted, must be road taxed

Class 3 - ? = One Winch, no aftermarket traction aids, must be road taxed

Any bright ideas? I'll send a 2006 series T-Shirt to someone who comes up with a name that we choose.

(NB Production and Original are not options)

1. Your mad in that thing

2. Your going to be saw in the morning

3. Your going to need a respray

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How about:





P.S. If I win - please donate any T shirts with an orange tinge to somebody else!

Hmmm looks like you missed the opening post :(

No T-Shirt (Orange or otherwise) for you :P

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Camel - Think about it, Trophy trucks had standard-ish tyres, no extra traction aids and one winch

This was the same lines I was thinking along but I couldn't think of anything that really sumed it up. Both Camel and Trophy class don't really sum up what it was about.

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So if I run a truck cab 90 with 35" simex, a tray back, an inboard single winch with the ability to pull forwards, or backwards via a snatch block, but have no lockers, is that still standard class. I would have thought that 9 times out of ten that truck will take you anywhere a lockered up vehicle will and in the 1 in ten times it doesnt a quick pull with the winch should get you through. In many cases lockers seem to take you only a couple of yards closer to a punch which you can winch to anyway. Perhaps the whole class thing needs to be a bit more well defined is all I am saying?

You could even get away with fiddle brakes going by this years regs ;)

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