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I need some advice about wireless routers.

I've recently got into the online game world of tanks. The graphics (for a tablet) are stunning and it's quite bandwidth hungry. This isn't a problem when I'm home alone but when my daughter starts to watch Netflix I'm stuffed and my tank starts break dancing.

I have been informed that there is a router I can get that I can reserve (for lack of a better term) a certain amount of bandwidth for my device, and the rest can get used however..

I'm not sure what this is called, or even if my existing talktalk router can be setup for it - though I doubt it.

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it does to me, but then im a talktalk engineer so it should.

open you browser (chrome etc)


username is admin

password is admin

then as its a tablet your going to need to know its mac address. youll find that in advanced- lan setup in the dhcp tab down the bottom. copy the mac address (itll look something like.... 00:80:77:05:4D:B4)

go to advanced

then the advanced tab along the top

then hover over network tools then click qos.

click the check box next to activated

then look down about and click the next activated check box.

paste the mac address you copied into the destination mac box

and then ill have to let you google the rest of the settings because i dont have a hour to type out loads of complicated explanations of how Qos works.

honestly i really dont, im supposed to be working :-)

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I play WoT and WoWS and even with a 10Mb connection, if her indoors starts doing anything i'm in laggsville. Options are to shout loudly and risk sleeping on the balcony, or go and get a beer and wait till the internets return. However i'd most interested if the QoS thing works.

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QoS is queue jumping for important data. It works like being friends with the bouncer at the nightclub. To a degree if Netflix is consuming the downlink I don't think Qos on the router will help but might if your are fighting for uplink or wifi. No harm in trying. Tanks shouldn't use a lot of data so Netflix shouldn't really notice the queue jumping.

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I would've thought netflix would buffer an appropriate amount before it starts playing anyway as it will work with a much lower speed than 10Mb so I'm sure they would be ok if it didn't have priority. As the others have said you may be able to restrict bandwidth or set priorities in your router but you'd need to know what hardware you've got and google it.

I live in an area where until recently if I was getting 256kb I was doing well, however last year a scheme to roll out fttc finally came into fruition and I got an unlimited 80/20 connection (which runs at around 72/16 on the test pages), line rental, weekend calls & caller display for I think £36 a month with plusnet and wow! What a difference. General browsing not that noticeable but for transferring files and on-demand it makes an enormous difference. I can log into work and actually do stuff... so maybe it's not all good! I expected it to slow down once more people connected to my cabinet but so far I can't say that it has and it's been in for about 9 months I guess. I did look into talktalk as i'd love to get rid of sky and they are the only ones that do the channels that her in doors likes but after the initial phone call there was no way I was giving them any money!

Of course you could stop wasting your time on games and get some land rover related stuff done :P

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Have to agree with Ross, nothing but trouble if you ask me.

Every time we raised the issue with them it was blamed on something out of their control Networking speed/Try the master socket/Internal house wiring/device speed/router type, yet at ~2:30 in the morning when I get home from a late shift it used to fly with ~14-16mb/s download - clearly nothing wrong apart from them not paying for enough bandwidth from BT. The same speed we now get all the time with BT no matter what time of day. I don't know anyone with a good thing to say about TalkTalk.

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Hoss it sounds like you feel my pain....

Zardos I couldn't care less about the buffering Netflix. Maybe she will get some more studying done then ;)

May be just easier to unplug / disconnect her computer when you want to play then.

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Interestingly I get far more reliable and faster internet through my Huwaei 3G hotspot thingy than I ever did through BT's ADSL.

I'm on a rural exchange (approx. 50 properties on it - no cabinets, all lines connect directly) which was never going to be upgraded even to ADSL2, let along fibre. Maximum sync speed was 512kbps - and every time it was wet and windy (about 8 months of the year up here...) it used to drop out every 10-20 minutes. Beyond useless. To be fair to BT they spent a fair bit of time trying to find the fault but at the end of the day the nature of the infrastructure meant it was never going to be up to providing broadband reliably, old aluminium overhead lines apparently. And that's with me only being a mile and a half from the exchange itself.

Conversely through the 3G thing I get a reliable speed of at least 6-9mbps that works regardless of weather conditions etc. Okay there have been the odd bits of downtime when the mast has been down for whatever reason but compared to before it's night and day. Only downside is that I am limited on data to 15gb a month - that's more than enough for me but for a Netflix enthusiast it may be a problem.

I was just lucky that there happens to be a 3G mast in the vicinity (for the railway I presume). I think it's the future for rural broadband.

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<snip> I don't know anyone with a good thing to say about TalkTalk.

Agreed, an absolute shower.

BTW: World of Tanks and all other online games are banned here, my son had a real problem with gaming addiction and I absolutely refuse to permit the brain numbing things here again.

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