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Steve King

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Everything posted by Steve King

  1. I laughed my head off at this, but I do sympathise - when I was 8 or so my elder brother speared my foot all the way through with a garden fork!!! (he said it was an accident) That was bad enough but about 3 weeks later a large black lump was picked out of my foot by Mum with the assistance of a needle - it turned out be a section of my wellington boot!!
  2. Well my suspicion is that it was invented by a certain Mr L O'Deolbolleaux!
  3. Escape Gear canvas covers are really well made and comfortable all year round. Not cheap though... http://www.expeditio...om-p260-inc-vat
  4. Interesting thread! I have been looking in to this because my 110 hardtop is a nightmare to reverse!! It seem that there are now wireless options available - has anyone tried these??
  5. Absolutely - Scotchlocks are the work of the Devil!!!
  6. Is the handbrake OK?? Just a thought - if it was sticking on at all it might cause vibration.
  7. I had a 300TDI for 7 years and switched to a TD5 around 18 months ago. The TD5 has bags more torque and is much quieter and smoother. The downsides are that the TD5 won't run on veggie oil, it's heavier on fuel than the 300TDI and it comes with a dual mass flywheel (lots of posts on here about DMFs). All in all though I prefer the TD5.
  8. There is a Turkish shop on Teville Road close to Worthing Station that was selling veg oil at 99p a litre fairly recently.
  9. Possibly a few hours on Sunday, but doubt if I will be in a LR though...
  10. Unfortunately you are being asked to add a "warranty" type clause to your cover - ignore it and you are not covered- simple as that I'm afraid!
  11. I got them to fit an X brake to my 110 as I am a bit tied up with DIY at the moment having just moved house. The X brake was incorrectly adjusted and now the vehicle makes a horrible rumbling rubbing hoise on acceleration. I have slackened the adjustment off but the noise remains. I rang MJA several times last week and they said that they were busy and would call back. I am still awaiting their call... I spoke with Simon at X Eng this morning who gave me some very helpful advice, and I will strip the X Brake down this weekend to see what is damaged.
  12. Has anyone any experience of this indy LR specialist?? Personally, severely unimpressed(and rather cheesed off), but would welcome any other feedback or even a call from MJA (they have my number).
  13. (Sigh) However if you are in the UK.... If you are travelling in far off places you would be far better off having a proper bumper mounted winch powered by electricity or hydraulic etc!!!!
  14. I guess we have to face up to the fact that Land Rover are in the luxury car market - a long way from their roots! It is all down to legislation and economics.....
  15. You also need two lengths of chain with hooks, plus tree strop, length of chain and recovery rope. Oh and a couple of shackles! Basically you remove the foot of the jack and attach the adapter. Attach recovery rope to stuck vehicle, attach chain via tree strop to to tree and then to bottom of jack. The top end of the jack then connects to the rope/strap attached to the vehicle. The two lengths of chain with hooks are used to take the strain alternately whilst you winch. It can get you out of trouble, but is a total PITA. The genuine Hi Lift is better quality and at least comes with the two lengths of chain with hooks, a quick release pin and instructions! An alternative is to wait for another 4x4 to arrive or even walk a few miles to a road to try and flag one down - a lot less effort than trying to winch on a jack!!
  16. It is worrying - I had some members of the travelling community come around recently after scrap - i has some, but I made sure the Defender was out of sight first!!!
  17. The noise is air getting past the seal. It will get probably get worse...
  18. Is there a "squoink" noise?? If so then it is almost certainly the master cylinder, if not then pivot pint. BTW if it is the master cylinder, then get a genuine one!
  19. Firstly apologies for a slightly O/T question, especially when there is another V5 type question on this forum. In the circumstances, though I trust that the moderators will understand. My Mum died a couple of months ago and I have decided to take on her Fiesta as a run-a-round (a bit cheaper on fuel than the TD5 110!) overall nice condition and it hasn't even clocked up 30K! Now, on the V5 there is a space for the new keeper and the registered keeper to sign. I have tried to ring DVLA but can't get though and I can't seem to find the answer online anywhere, but is it OK for me to sign both parts of the V5 - I am a joint executor of her estate (with my 2 brothers and they both consent to the transfer )??
  20. http://forums.lr4x4.com/index.php?showtopic=23350
  21. I know of a certain company in Somerset selling secondhand Land Rovers and when faced with corrosion of this sort, simply pop rivet a bit of chequer plate over it!!
  22. Well it has been just about done to death now, but I would urge anyone who who has experienced serious or potentially life threatening failures (e.g. brakes, steering etc) to contact their local trading Standards Offi
  23. When does the auction end? Alcester is about 14 miles from my home and I have to go to W Sussex soon to clear my later mother's house.
  24. I've driven a Puma off road, but not on road. Good points: quieter and the electrickery that stops the engine from stalling. Bad points that awful dash and an even worse seating position for the taller and (ahem) built like the brick proverbial!!
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