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Everything posted by mike4444244

  1. Ok cool thanks for that! looks like I'll have to get some uk spec ones... Mike
  2. Hi Bit OT sorry but I know there are a few radio wise people on here, I have a pair of motorola T5710 walkie talkies, they came from the US am I allowed to use them over here? My intended use is to talk to my pillion/other riders when on my bike, I'm not sure if its legal because the frequency range may be wrong? AFAIK the channels range from 462.56-462.72Mhz. Secondly, if I do use them am I likely to interfere with anyone/anything important? I think they are quite short range? Can you tell I have no idea what I'm on about Mike
  3. Nige, could you not make your own? you could always carry a standard one with TREs already attached as a get you home spare if you bend the HD one? Mike
  4. yup bell housing and timing cover are both 1/4 bsp, axles/gbox/tbox are 1/8 bsp Mike
  5. so when your clutch slave/rear crank seals fail it doesn't destroy the clutch, like mine did mike
  6. how about trying their complaint line? icouldntcareless@lalalaicanthearyou.co.uk
  7. I welded a gobby old 1/2 drive socket onto the end of mine for free Mike
  8. go and buy a puller, they aren't too expensive! Mike
  9. Hello, Why don't you try asking one of the MoD disposal places for an ex army ambulance? already converted and they might do you a deal if you ask nicely! Mike
  10. using a BRAND NEW chassis from a shop/retailer WITH PROOF OF PURCHASE = fine no probs with DVLA using ANY second hand chassis THAT ALREADY HAS A NUMBER = SVA no exceptions Mike
  11. Hi Nice car, but you might want to sell/swap your bonnet as the ones with the spare wheel mount on are sought after, as for footwell repair, do a search I'm sre theres a 'how to' somewhere Mike
  12. Thieving scum, thats why my jerry cans have 'petrol only' written on them, no interest to the diesel drivers and it'll serve the petrol thieves right! (mines a 200tdi) Mike
  13. Hi did you buy an oem drive member? certain ones from a company that should be called sh*tpart wear excessively quickly Mike
  14. Hi Dave I'd do ith the way you said and keep both tanks in use, otherwise you run the risk of having a rarely used tank getting loads of condensation and stale diesel in so when you do use it again it washes it all into your engine. For complete reliability you could run a separate feed from your rear tank with a valve in to bypass the front tank if necessary? Mike
  15. unfortunately yes i have seen it before, mine started cracking because the tub was trying to hold the rear half of my chassis to the front Pretty sure you would have noticed your chassis cracking! Mike
  16. wot ralph said... the body supports are also different, if you just want windows and seats these are quick and cheap to do yourself, windows are approx £140 a pair for sliding ones, seats are cheap off ebay, unless you are registered as a business user fitting seats and windows should not have any effect on your tax. My 110 is a van type and I pay the same tax as everyone else... Mike
  17. I assume you have a v8? the water pump off a P6 is shorter IIRC, I had to fit one for the kit car engine because it was v short on space, i think you either need to use a different groove or even a different pulley though... Mike
  18. I think theres only one, its a cheap box spanner available from almost any LR parts place for about £7 Mike
  19. that would be the hub seal and is the usual culprit, providing you have the hub nut spanner its a quick and easy one to replace, see les's guides above Mike
  20. failing that 'obtain' some ladies tights and stretch them over the jerry can nozzle for the ray mears version Mike
  21. just to clarify.... I wouldnt use one anywhere other than a race track, definately not on a 4x4 Mike
  22. We used them a lot at work... but that was on race cars that had the engine pulled after each weekend Mike
  23. sounds like its aftermarket which means, in answer to your question, it could go anywhere mike
  24. I'd go for internal, you might have trouble with your wiper clearing the grille, do you want it to stop people getting in, luggage getting out or trees getting in? Mike
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