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Everything posted by mike4444244

  1. Thats cooler but probably less effective than that South African flamethrower thing!
  2. Hi Sorry if I'm teaching granny etc but make sure you have the correct senders for your gauges Mike
  3. If you have a roofrack just stick the spare on there, a swingaway carrier is the way forward but as said before, they aren't particularly cheap for a bent tube and a bush Mike
  4. Hi Second the advice about the sponge, that was what was stopping mine, the plastic top hat bushes are cheaply available so you may as well replace them while you have the floor up, Incidentally, while you're out buying bushes get some of the spire clips and some plated/stainless screws for the floor, that way you'll only have to cut the screws off once Mike
  5. you might find making it yourself will be cheaper and faster than trying to find one... Mike
  6. Tape measure and scrapyard, IIRC i got one off a xantia or an XM? it was full width and cost £10... Mike
  7. Sure i'm going to open the can of worms but i'd check with vosa before you go changing engine mounts, it may well count as a chassis mod and land you over in sva territory... Mike
  8. Hi I used synthetic enamel, its easy to get a good finish, cheap, and most importantly it dries tougher than a tough thing! enamel Mike
  9. I used 175A on mine, theres a guy on ebay called 'get connected plugs' who is IIRC the cheapest supplier... Mike
  10. I got a lift the other day in a saab 95 turbo and its heated seats got almost uncomfortably hot within about 20 seconds of turning them on, added to this they were the most comfy car seats I have ever sat in, couldn't get out of them when we arrived Definately looking for some of them in the scrappy, and I have already got Rangey armchairs in mine! Mike
  11. Hi Unfortunately looks like I'm not going to be able to make it, Car isn't going to get an MOT in time and We can't really justify spending the money at the moment... Have fun though! Mike
  12. Hi Not very small I know but if you go into Costco they are selling the most ridiculous macho named torch ever, its the Cyclops Thor Collosus X 1000, its 18 million candlepower apparently and only comes in manly army colours, its a must have accessory if you drive one of those well built pick ups in Niges thread On a more serious note I have both a maglite and a petzl tikka for the car, I use a petzl duo for climbing but I'm not sure they still make them... Mike
  13. They refused to quote me as I dont have any qualifications for working on Land Rovers Mike
  14. In between bouts of horrible nausea and dizziness from the lack of ventilation its just about finished! Mike
  15. You can do it in the car park, just buy a disposable polythene dust sheet from somewhere like b&q, spread it on the floor and hold the corners down with something heavy and drive on to it, when you finish just wrap it up and bin it... Mike
  16. Hi AFAIK the station wagon ones are available but the HT ones aren't, I got mine 2nd hand, until I found them I was toying with the idea of making 109 ones fit if I could... Mike
  17. Hmmm thats a bit of a trek I'm in Northwich, closeish to Chester... maybe its worth posting in international to see if you could borrow one more locally, failing that I wouldn't bother hiring one, my crane was only £100 delivered to buy it, if you have space to store it (get a folding one) they are very useful things to have around, Mike
  18. Hi Whereabouts in N wales are you, might be easier if you borrow my hoist? Mike
  19. Yup, thats the handbrake bracket, or at least it looks the same as mine! Mike
  20. Excellent cheers Ralph I just happen to know where theres a 300tdi disco too
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