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Everything posted by mike4444244

  1. replace the dumb irons, shouldnt be too big a job, whats the rest of your chassis like?
  2. clingfilm your rubber ones to protect them from the oil leak?
  3. there was a shuttle on the 109 that went straight in the bin as matt said adjust your rear drums, you could also try unle les's trick of clamping all the flexi hose to rule out wheel cylinders, i would still guess master cylinder though Mike
  4. Hi If it was servo/vacuum related then you should still have working brakes, but requiring a lot more effort, if you are experiencing no effort to move the pedal with no fluid loss then that would point towards master cylinder seals. If you pump the pedal do you get pressure? Mike
  5. whereabouts are you? I have some mini leisure batts for sale if your interested? Mike
  6. nope any second hand one is definate sva requirement Mike
  7. actually save you buying one have you asked if theres someone nearby you can borrow one off? they are the sort of thing people have hanging around in their garage, I have 2 in mine
  8. wot he said mines a sealy economy 1t one and it lifted my 200tdi+lt77+lt230 on full stretch, was 'slightly' unstable though they are extremely over engineered (no pun intended)
  9. treadplate is made specifically to be walked on, I do however think it looks completely gash when used for sill covers etc though! Mike
  10. rebel4x4 do them or get yourself down your local engineering place... Mike
  11. Thanks Les, I have a mixed trailer of treasures so I'll just drag the lot over to the scappy and have a haggle Mike
  12. Hi Anyone in the trade know what the current scrap value of steel/rusty car parts/engines/batteries etc is? I am in the process of emptying the unit of all the treasures and precious things I have hamstered away in there so have enough of the above to fill a medium sized trailer... Ta Mike
  13. has your land rover expert got a financial interest in the vehicle, by either making a low offer to buy it or a high price to repair it? just taking the cynical viewpoint Mike
  14. looks like I'll be riding into uni with both feet down too much to hope that they have cancelled my exam Mike
  15. The vin plate will be on the top of the brake pedal box next to the servo Mike
  16. I like them, he obviously has many advantages over the average builder, budget etc but his enthusiasm is quite infectious! Probably the most useful thing he has is the ability to use the leverage of the tv company to make sure parts turn up on time! If I added up the amount of time I'd spent waiting on suppliers or ####### couriers Mike
  17. Yup but i sprayed it, 2L did a 109 with 3 coats easily, was dead easy to get a good result in not-ideal conditions and its dried harder than a glaswegian skinhead! Mike
  18. you can put it through an sva test voluntarily and get the certificate from that, assuming it can go through as a commercial its about £65 and around an hour to do it Mike
  19. I used the bubble wrap foil stuff on the series, insulation Mike
  20. I care a lot when they drive into me with no insurance! Mike
  21. Hi Prob not much, best bet is to ring your local galv place, they weigh it before and after galving and charge you based on the weight change, Its only £100-200 for a whole 110 chassis so a bulkhead will be much less, these were pre credit crunch prices though, BTW if you can give it to an engineering/fab firm and piggy back it on one of their orders it will be much cheaper... Mike
  22. Sorry if i'm teaching granny etc but make sure you go over the docs and the vin number very carefully! Mike
  23. Hi Theres a guy on locostbuilders.co.uk who has done it with 2 small turbos off IIRC an audi or similar, quite a feat to squeeze it into a kit car engine bay! Mike
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