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Everything posted by mike4444244

  1. on a slightly hijacking note (sorry) whats a good bolt on alternator (100A +) available from a scrappy? mondeo ones are the wrong side for a def 200tdi I think? ie looking at front of alternator the lugs need to be 7 and 11 o'clock, I'm going to the scrapyard at the weekend to get the edis bits for the 109 and it just so happens my alternator is knackered... Ta Mike
  2. If you dismantle the linkage you will see it contains some plastic 'top hat' shaped bushes, these wear out and can be cheaply replaced, its worth trying this first... Mike
  3. I'll be in a blue 110 hopefully not attached to a black discovery have we all got CB? also can I second the packed lunch vote? We can all meet in the pub in the evening for a proper meal Mike
  4. Hmmm The MOT looks promising however I'm sifting through 'Comedy' insurance quotes now I think its best I stay in convoy with pete one of us may need a tow home Looking forward to meeting up with you all! Mike
  5. Errr just from a quick scan down the list you can save £473.35 straight away by removing the following... DeCarbon Gas shocks - use OEM ones much cheaper Brake kit - buy the pipe and unions and a tool and DIY, then you have the tool for next time HD steering rods - sleeve yours with appropriate size tube or carry a spare, second hand ones are v cheap Series manual - nope, download it for free Deflex bushes - use OEM then you wont need to replace them every 2 weeks Steering damper - use OEM Props - dunno what the sliding joint is like but if its ok just put new OEM UJs in That should keep you busy for a while! And dont forget all those prices are + VAT!!!! Mike
  6. Hi If you can find somewhere to keep it, and its not costing you anything to keep hold of it then why not just keep it and rebuild it yourself long term? Financially thinking they aren't worth much even nice ones with long tax/test don't seem to be selling well at the moment so as said above yours is probably worth scrap value. I feel your pain though, I'm a student and have been rebuilding my 110 over the last 3 years on a shoestring budget, was only supposed to be off the road for a weekend! Mike
  7. Hi You should be able to replace the wading plug with a push fit elbow, its 1/4bsp thread Mike
  8. I use chain lube, ask a friend with a bike... it goes on very runny then dries into a sticky grease, can be a bit messy but ok if youre careful Mike
  9. Hi I'll bring my laptop/MM/eTrex combo! Mike (desperately hoping he gets an MOT in time!)
  10. Luke you moved over to Congleton? Did you sort a unit out? Mike
  11. Hi Pux If you look on lights and lighting accessories on ebay there are loads of sellers selling 4 or 6 packs of lights for truckers that are cheaply priced? Mike
  12. Hi I'm insured as a named driver on my dads insurance because despite having 8 years claim free motoring I live in inner city liverpool and am a student, this means to insure my 110 in my name would have been £4500 per year as a named driver its £350 comp! I just got my own insurance for my bike and I saved a fortune by ringing round and talking to a human rather than using the website. I also found that getting married saved about 15% but that may not appeal to him at the moment Mike
  13. If you send me the dimensions I can ask Nick if can get one from border pumps and bearings, they share the same site Mike
  14. They seem to be fine running on their own oil when the turbo seals go! Should be fine but there might be legal issues around paying duty etc? Mike
  15. Hi My 110 200 has plastic fuel lines, they are very cheap to buy (or at least they were 2 years ago), just remember to get new olives for them Mike
  16. If it turns out to be expensive to blast them then maybe theres someone on ebay with poor taste who might fancy some extra bling wheels? Mike
  17. I wonder if they sell cooking oil conversion kits?
  18. I have an optimate for my bike but it seems to work well on the landy batteries too, just takes a while, I usually leave it connected all week when I get back to the unit the next weekend its finished and is on maintenance mode Mike
  19. Nope they automatically cover bikes, Anything I'm driving or being a passenger in or on is covered but I dont think you'd get away with a anything bigger than a transit... Mike
  20. I think the benefit of the one I have is that its me thats covered not the car/bike i'm using, I checked and its solution 1, it doesn't cover home start though, you have to be at least 1/4 mile from home! I think its the best option if you do your own repairs as you can always get recovery home, as opposed to the nearest garage within 12 miles... Mike
  21. Hi Can't remember which option it is but its the RAC one that gives you roadside plus recovery to a destination of your choice anywhere in the UK, touch wood not had to use it but they attended quickly when my wife called them on her membership. Mike
  22. Are they the same as latest S3? If so rear is M10, front is next size up guess M12 Fine? It was the biggest my local factor had for 3/16 pipe and was brass colour so defo metric... Mike
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