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Everything posted by Arjan

  1. LED's are, basically, a bit of a minefield when it comes to their quality I have found. More expensive does not always mean better. The flasher relay needs changing and be prepared for some bright lights. I have 3 "Branded" sets and all have some water problems but work. Headlamps are standard though.
  2. Hope you have many happy years together & happy travels !!
  3. LHD Series are less easy for full 200 / 300 Tdi conversions as steering components are sometimes in the way
  4. Also to consider is for the vehicle to be LHD or RHD. 2.5 N/A in a SWB Series is a very nice engine
  5. To do it properly it is a bit of work as the Series III is more "sided" than the earlier models. Yes, you'll need to reposition the pedal so the hydraulics need to be done. However that is not overly difficult. The "arms" (under the swivels) on which the track rod and the steering rod are bolted are sided for LHD and RHD. Also, the handbrake mechanism is sided. Bon Courage !
  6. Goedemorgen, You'll need to find actually quite a bit of parts that are " sided" - speedo panel (I can swop your LHD for a RHD I have here) - heater controls - front axle ( the "arms under the swivels are "sided" - wipers (need repositioning and a different motor) (I can swop your LHD for a RHD I have here) - doorlocks - heater inlet needs repositioning - Heatermatrix needs to be turned around - Dash undertray (the cut our is on the wrong side) - brake- & clutch hydraulics need to be re-made - loom will need work as it is "sided" Quite do-able. Have done a few the other way around. Please let us know if you need help and we love some pictures..
  7. What does this relay do ? There are looaadsss of 24 v relays...
  8. Ah, in a Series.. No - the standard RBRB's for a Defender are not working in a Series due to a different shape of that bulkhead. I talked to several suppliers in the past and they all said it would not fit. I have a PP one here and tried it and that def. did not fit. I would love to take out the RB but apart from metal, there is also the fuel-pipe on a SWB... Perhaps you find a solution ?!
  9. Not sure I quite understand the question as RBRB's have been around a long time..
  10. That is serious money.... Esp. for us Continentals. Not sure.
  11. I seem to remember that a company in Scotland also offered a bolt on conversion to achieve this.
  12. Very interesting and takes "DIY" to a new level. Impressive. Next step will be Bluetooth to the telephone......
  13. Whenever an engine is out, timing and rear crankshaft seal get done regardless. Clutch is completely replaced. In doubt, slave cylinder is done, too. Once back in. warm the engine up and do a full service
  14. Put the gauge up side down for a while and see what the indicator does.. Will give you an indication.. Or, alternatively, use one gauge for the 2 tanks with a switch...
  15. Welcome to the Madhouse ! We don't bite. Really. We do love pictures though. Pictures of Land Rovers.....
  16. Oh dear....... Time for some serious work !
  17. No worries. So, apply for an import licence in your county and see what happens. https://www.gov.ie/en/publication/b2adc-import-and-export-licensing/ But the seller may not want to apply for an export licence.. Bon Courage !
  18. Feed to gauges. Just take a coffee, have a search and enjoy
  19. Hmm..... Alternativly : https://www.leboncoin.fr/voitures/2057559334.htm On this side of the Channel....
  20. Let 's leave it at that comms are not the strongest point of Mr. G. White.... It's here and that is the most important... This forum was crucial in getting the roof here. Wonderful people you all are !
  21. Yes... it sure did take some time but the wait was well worth it.
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