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Everything posted by Arjan

  1. You sound very much where we are with our Ninety. Tried to sell it 3 times. 3 times it was sold. 3 times it didn't get closed by the buyer. So, he stays. Galvanized chassis is to be bought (Brexit is not helping) but I have a spare bulkhead that will be prepared and galvanized. I suggest you consider to do the same as it is not a lot of money and the result is trouble free motoring corrosion wise. The Series Hybrid was done that way 30 years ago and still a perfect. Bon Courage !!!
  2. I have both "Pivlock" (not attached to the rear door) and the "Mantec" versions (attached to door) in use. Drilling in the capping is not too bad - zinqspray is your friend.
  3. ".. one of the trailer wheels isn't supposed to be at that angle... .." Oh yes...... Know that feeling only too well.
  4. IF there was for me a way to find time to learn to weld properly etc. I'd love to have a RRC again. Over the decades there were many - one V8 engine on LPG was moved 3 times into another shell and did over a 1.000.000 kms. on LPG and was sold eventually in a very, very late 2 door and still going strong (the new owner can weld..) However, the Softdash with the 3.5 Mazda engine was the best. I miss that car.... Pls. keep it coming !
  5. I tip my hat in awe for this man's skills. Life long lover / sufferer from RRC's I know what he 's done. Very, very well done Sir.
  6. Oil cooler pipes can be looped Fuel line from tank needs to go to the lift pump Return needs to be connected, too. Check solenoid - disconnect the fuel line from lift pump to injector pump and crank over / manually pump until fuel arrives. connect line to injector pump. Crank again. If all is set up correctly, it should start. Have done this many times. Bon Coarage !
  7. Thanks Steve - the wiring does seem to relate to that but the SIII manual I have showed 1 green...
  8. Hmm... - what tyres ? - What body type ? - What wheelbase ? - What tyre pressure do you have ? As you seem to have changed the tyres to start this problem, it makes sense to have a look at the tyres 1st.. ...and with a horses trailer you'd not want any problems.
  9. Good Evening All, Can't find the answer in the diagram I have - so please help me out... From the multiplug on the wipermotor I have 3 cables : 1 - Red 2 - Green & Red 3 - Green Please let me know what does what and, if possible, which cable goes on what terminal on the switch please ? May thanks !
  10. Sounds like a good thing to drop on Road Runner then...... Thank you. I'll look into it..
  11. Thanks for the reply.. Excuse my ignorance, but what is a " acme thread " please ?
  12. Goede Middag ! As the proud owner of a Series Hybrid, bushes play a role from time to time in the workshop. I had an original "Bushwaka" to press out & in the bushes and it worked fine. Made the mistake to lent it out and it vanished.... So... Are they still around ? Suggestions for an alternative ? I tried some SHD treadbar and they failed....
  13. I'd suggest standard bushes will do nicely for most. Hearing good things about these people : sandersonleafsprings.co.uk
  14. As we build the ABRI on a slope, we had to put the uprights (??) for the roof into the solid, original, soil and not the loose stuff we put on it to level the thing. They went down some 2 mtrs - or about 6 Ft. 5" in your money.. We did obviously do an overkill - but it makes for a very, very solid building. In your case, the digger going down should reach good solid soil and that should do. We're starting late this year on another ABRI (40x6,5x4 mtrs.) with some serious concrete floors and the uprights go into the ground about a metre. Have Fun Building !
  15. You're not an idiot. It happens. We learn. We move on. Think it is an awesome truck !
  16. Most def. a new underwear moment..... Have a good look at the other hoses perhaps ?
  17. Pistures...... This tread is worthless without pictures.... 😎
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