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You could always put 37's on it Ross :D

This machining has apparently stopped you for months , why not just pay someone to do it and get on ? Time is the most valuable thing we all have in life , standing on the wrong side of the half century gives me a much different perspective to what I had at the quarter C ...


Steve b

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1 minute ago, mickeyw said:

Plenty of room for expansion of your tool collection there. 

I'm struggling to shut the drawers on mine :D

Yeah! Certainly made me wonder how the hell I fitted it all in the bottom two sets of drawers. 

That said, That's still not everything in the boxes in the those pictures. I've got at least 3 hammers not in the draw, my step mic, breaker bar ( that doesn't fit), and a few other bits friends have borrowed or are just laid about the workshop.

Pretty much all I've done since finishing this is tidy stuff.... still doesn't look like the workshop has been touched other than the mostly clear workbench. 

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