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Fog Light Drivers


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Why is it these people insist on having their fog lights on when it's not foggy or even when it is slightly misty, they think they cannot see or be seen without there amazing fog lights. Do they think it makes there car look like some impressive rally/sports car as soon as they turn on what they think are "there my driving lights", complete bo110cks if you need to drive around with fog lights on go and get you're eyes tested.

That’s it, rant over just got home after being annoyed by lots of blind fog light drivers.

LR4x4 top tip of the day: if a fog light driver is behind you and it is not foggy or even slightly misty turn on your rear fog light, remember to switch it off though once they have done the same as this is just a courteous reminder to them that it is not actually foggy.

PS: I am expecting a good rant from people on this one and I dont expect there to be any forum fog light drivers as we are all respectable Land Rover drivers on here

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That used to be one of my pet peeves when I wore a different hat and drove a car with a blue light on top. It still annoys the hell out of me.

When I used to stop people, there were two excuses:

1. They're driving lights, or;

2. It was foggy when I left such-and-such and forgot they were on.

I can't remember the number of times I pointed out that driving lights (should) only come on with high-beam, and that there was a nice bright warning light telling the driver that the lights were on :rolleyes:

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What really gets my goat is people who put their rear fog lights on when visibility is still reasonable. These misguided people believe that they need to be seen from the rear to avoid someone running into the back of them.

The thing is, with their rear fog lights on in anything less than really foggy conditions, the glare from their fog lights dazzles the chap following, he doesn't notice the brake lights, and is more likely to run in to the back of the car than if they hadn't turned their fog lights on in the first place! - Absolute muppets!


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In this country, they are illegal to use together with dipped beam. Do you think that matters? :angry: It seems to be accepted to be illegal as so many have them on when dark. Maybe considered being "cool"...

Even if they are illegal, on the latest eurobox I had, a Ford Mondeo, the only way to switch them on was to switch to dipped beam first. :huh: When trying to use them legally, together with the sidelights, they couldn't be lit. <_<

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Even if they are illegal, on the latest eurobox I had, a Ford Mondeo, the only way to switch them on was to switch to dipped beam first. :huh: When trying to use them legally, together with the sidelights, they couldn't be lit. <_<

I had a Punto where you couldn't switch the sidelights on without the ignition on - what do you do if you want to park in a 40 limit at night?

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LR4x4 top tip of the day: if a fog light driver is behind you and it is not foggy or even slightly misty turn on your rear fog light

..and if that doesn't work, a 100w rear work light usually does the trick.

Not that I would do that. :P

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What really gets my goat is people who put their rear fog lights on when visibility is still reasonable. These misguided people believe that they need to be seen from the rear to avoid someone running into the back of them.

The thing is, with their rear fog lights on in anything less than really foggy conditions, the glare from their fog lights dazzles the chap following, he doesn't notice the brake lights, and is more likely to run in to the back of the car than if they hadn't turned their fog lights on in the first place! - Absolute muppets!


Thing is they are not Fog lights , they are High Intensity Rear Lights. the give away is the name.

They are intended to work exactly the opposite of Front Fog lights. One is to NOT show the Fog the other is to turn it into a HUGE RED light. As people call them Fog lights they turn them on as soon as they get into any Mist.

IIRC the first UK car to get them was the Rover SD1, I came down the M1 in thick Fog and I knew there was and SD1 in front as the sky was totally RED the problem was that I did not know where the f&$&*&g road was! I've hated them ever since.

As an aside, when driving in Mist/Fog how many cars do you see with the wipers on? None most of the poor visibilty is on the windscreen not Fog but no one wipes it off!

Rant Over :rolleyes::D

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My new site is so close to my house I cycle to work its all on busy main roads so I ride on the pavements. The local bobbies drive past me most evenings and never say a word.

As a Land Rover driver I will be buggered if you'll see me riding on the roads near me.

The standards of driving has got worst over the last 12 years or is it me.

And WHY do head lights get brighter the newer the model of crappy car

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This is nothing new. The world is full of idiots so you are bound to encounter some of them when driving.

Or walking on the pavement.

I had to avoid one cyclist coming towards me on the pavement, he stopped and said "Cheers mate" - I thought he was the one polite cyclist in Sheffield when I realised he was talking to another cyclist coming in the other direction from behind me. This was at night and neither of them were displaying lights.

I don't see why cyclists should feel comfortable putting pedestrians in danger to save their own necks. If they want to use the pavement then walk, otherwise use the road or cycle paths/lanes provided.

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Another amusing sight is the numpties that drive around with their fog lights on and only their side lights on above.....

Apparently, it makes you 'hard' and more attractive to the opposite sex, especially when it's done in a stupidly modified 900cc Fiat Punto with an ironing board strapped across the back of the roof!!!!

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rear foglights? :huh:

OK ……………… to help out Erik in Alaska with our terminology………..

In the UK and I think maybe other EU countries the car must have a high intensity rear foglight …………. Where as normal rear lights only have 5 or 10 watt bulbs the rear fog light has a 21 watt bulb and often a magnifying red lense ………….if you only have one light then it must be on the ‘off side’, but most cars have two factory fitted lights.

You are only supposed to (by law) turn on these lights when the visibility is less than 100metres, however, some clowns seem to have forgotten how to switch them off, and following a pair of very bright red lights is very f‘kin annoying …………….

Also, on the motorway (freeway) is gets slightly more dangerous as the lights are the same intensity as brake lights and therefore tend to obscure the fact the somebody is actually braking.

I tend to drive up behind them and flash my lights once or twice, if that has not effect then they get high beam until I either pass them or they turn the lights off……….

The most dangerous use of these is in heavy rain ............................all you can see, is a red blurr in front !



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Good rants and I wholeheartedly agree!

There seems to be three problems:

1. VERY poor education of drivers in the use and discipline of using lights correctly.

2. VERY poor observation of drivers who obviously are unable to see their instrument lights telling them the damned fog lights are on. What else do they miss?

3. Car lights, both front and rear, appear much brighter these days. I was driving along the A329M (as I do most days) a few days ago in fog at night. I passed a Cortina or some such 70's machine and the difference in the size and intensity of the normal rear lights is staggering compared to today. A rear fog ight on that is as bright as a normal rear light on a modern car.

This habitiual disregard for what is a fundamental basic driving skill seems to be getting worse. My attempts at full-beam or rear-fog lights to alert the offending idiot rarely have any effect; the net result is that I feel more annoyed. Getting past them in the hope their front lights aren't as bothersome seems to be the better option.

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All f******g pillocks in my book, it rains on go the stupid red rear lights, a bit of mist when you can see 1/2 mile on go the stupid red lights, one day I shall drive right into the back of someone with them on and claim I was blinded by them and lost all spacial awareness !!!!!!

Middle lane hoggers that's another especially when towing, the prat in a black Citroen C4 with a Glasgow number plate still didn't understand why I let rip with headlights at him, nothing in the inside lane for miles but he is in the middle lane just managing about 60mph and I am doing 70 with Ifor and Rangie on the back, a quick trip into the outside lane and a quick return saw him scuttle in then proceed to try and box me behind the next truck with lots of gesticulation. A 110 is a bit bigger my friend and you can go into the outside lane legally !!!! Best I ever saw was a truck almost put a car under the trailer when he pulled back in !!!!

Years ago the Cumbrian Police used to stop them and remind them of the "rule of the road" travel on the left and overtake on the right, "there is no Fast Lane" it's overtaking lane 1 and overtaking lane 2 !!!!! Nowadays it's just get the safety camera's up onthe next bridge !!

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I had a Punto where you couldn't switch the sidelights on without the ignition on - what do you do if you want to park in a 40 limit at night?

Actually you can, on all Fiats the stalk to turn the sidelights on won't come on without the ignition on - you're right.

At the bottom of the ignition barrel there is a small button, depress this and turn the key backwards and it'll put your sidelights on only, no dash lights etc.

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Actually you can, on all Fiats the stalk to turn the sidelights on won't come on without the ignition on - you're right.

At the bottom of the ignition barrel there is a small button, depress this and turn the key backwards and it'll put your sidelights on only, no dash lights etc.

Ah Ah - If I ever get another I'll remember that! Presumably you can take the key out in this psotion!

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What used to wind the carp out of me was when it rained people used to think that they were better drivers if you put your fog lights on . And then when you were behind them you could not see for carp because of these fogs lights blinding you in the rain

Oh and BTW my brand new Toyota Camry here in Aus does not even have fog lights on the car (front or rear), Can't work out why :o

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If we're having a rant about lights......

How about the people that drive everywhere at 35 mph on dipped beam so you can't see to overtake (unless you know the road well enough) and never use main beam (probably why they're driving a 35!) so once you've found your nice long stretch to overtake, go around them, THEN THEY KNOW WHERE THE MAIN BEAM IS AND GIVE YOU PLENTY OF IT!!!!! :o GRRRR :angry:

arhhhh...that felt good :P

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