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The H.O.F.S. Ladoga 2008 Blog

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I thought I'd kick this off so that at least one part of the plan is ready to go :o

Hopefully a few forumers will be keeping you all posted as they decipher texts from us, still not sorted out ways to get any sort of images back without costing the earth... I've e-mailed my temporary mobile number to those who may need it / want it but the phone only just makes phone calls, never mind taking photos :(

Anyway, the boat leaves 9am Saturday, and the car is:


Situation normal then :ph34r:

All being well (ha ha) sometime Saturday afternoon (and again on the way home, about the 11th I think) you'll be able to see us arrive in Leo's back garden via the magic of his webcam, as you will probably see Benny & Leo's car is already done, test-driven, polished and neatly parked to a 0.01mm accuracy. It's actually got a snorkel this year and is running Nige's old MegaJolt unit with EDIS-4 so hopefully the beach race will be easier going :P The Terrano is (I think) the support car carrying the female contingent of the Dutch operation.

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Pity you can't install a web cam on Mouse :rolleyes:

There was talk from Dave, he's the kind of chap who knows how to do that sort of thing. Suspect it would have to wait till next year though. I have a video camera this year, they don't survive in cars Jez drives but hoping to get some footage from stage & camp.

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All being well (ha ha) sometime Saturday afternoon (and again on the way home, about the 11th I think) you'll be able to see us arrive in Leo's back garden via the magic of his webcam, as you will probably see Benny & Leo's car is already done, test-driven, polished and neatly parked to a 0.01mm accuracy. It's actually got a snorkel this year and is running Nige's old MegaJolt unit with EDIS-4 so hopefully the beach race will be easier going :P The Terrano is (I think) the support car carrying the female contingent of the Dutch operation.

Nice to see the priorities are right - barbecue already set up :lol:

Edited to add: spooky - someone is hoovering the garden...

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Guest noggy

next year, im hopefully coming to watch ladoga, ive already started to make plans.

fridge you better take lots and lots of footage so we can almost feel asif we were there :D

a live webcam from mouse is very possible aswell, but im afraid it would cost quite a lot, like.. almost as much as mouse cost to build.

Edit, i just saw two people on webcam! they talked... and then walked off, it was amazing!!

oh my god theyre back with a lawnmower!!

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Instead of a web-cam, what about one of these:


It is an Oregon Scientific ATC2k. They are waterproof, shock proof, provide very good quality video on to an SD card (1 hour on a 2Gb card in 640x480, 30fps with audio) - and you can get one for about £70 inc.

2xAA Batteries last about 2 hours recording - but they are cheap enough, as are 2Gb cards. Sadly, it doesn't talk to anything bigger than 2Gb.

I have one which we are going to use at 7S to film Nick & James on the Howling Wolf via a nice Quick-fist cage-mount.

OK, you would have to wait until you get home to put a video together - but at least you would have it!


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Departure date has now been changed :) as ussuall .....

We are now leaving on Sunday morning at 09.00 instead of Saturday - this gives the boys bit more time to do stuff in the pleasant environment of the Lab

Welcome respite I am sure!

But did Fridge's truck pass the MOT.....?

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Departure date has now been changed :) as ussuall .....

We are now leaving on Sunday morning at 09.00 instead of Saturday - this gives the boys bit more time to do stuff in the pleasant environment of the Lab

Duely noted ;) , see you then



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Well it was a 4am finish last night, home for a few hours kip. I've now packed more stuff than I knew I had into the back of the 109 and am off to the lab.

Wiring is finished bar a few bits and bobs to be attached such as CB, laptop, HIDs etc. (big up thanks to TSD for all his help)

Hydrualics are in and working (the winch is B) B) B) ) complete with an additional little black button ;)

After much deliberation the centre silencer was very reluctantly removed :lol: to make way for the belly pan.

It runs, it drives, it starts, it stops, it steers but there's still about 30 jobs to do, a lot of which we have to get done today.

I'm off - next update from us will probably be from Leo's back garden, ferry leaves Harwich at 9am tomorrow and arrives in Holland, err, some time later :unsure:

Thanks to all who've helped, let's hope this all works! :o

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Hopefully you are on the ferry now and on your way with the list nearly complete.. (Or did it all get done with the extra hours in the lab?)

No feed from Leo's webcam for the last 24 hours.. (Is he changing something in secret ?)

Looking forward to the updates and sure do hope you return with a very large trophy !

All the very best to you all... Go for it...


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